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This is what I meant. So I tried to copy your letters. Not much effort into trying haha. Lazyness no diss. Anywho the first sketch on the top left is yours basically and I crossed out the point. Then drew it without the point. Then with but see how ir touches? And the filled pink one I was just fuckin around, and then some handy boys. So did I clear it up?

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^ nice... i think the top A bar shouldnt overlap like that cuz the S doesnt do it... and im sure u were going for the symetrical look :)


couple random shits...






this sketch was easily from 5 months ago but is one of my favorite little things... the JU in my opinion looks sick but i doubt i could finish it without fucking it up...



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Shorten the top bar of the s. That's the major problem imo. Something to think about would be how the top bars of your letters go up, down, up, down from right to left whereas the bottom bars all go up if ya catch my drift, id say either make the top ant bottom bars parrallel on eith individual letter or alternate em. Or just one letter like DOS all go up but E goes down. A couple more things that bother me is where the vertical bar of the E touches the D, and with the bottom bar of the E extending under the D it looks like a mistake so I recomend adding a little angled line to the vertical bar of the E like you did to the D just to show they're two different bars. With the top bar of the d and o, how they both extend past the left verticle bars, but the bottom line of where they extend and basically the top line of the wholes don't line up. I think they should just to keep the flow of the bars. And the serifs or whatever you want to call them on the de and s should either be longer up the bar or shorter. And your shadow is off. Its not easy to get it just right but it ain't hard to make it nice. Because basically your shadow will have the same length of every line as the original letters and usuallythe same distance. Now I'm not saying that's it period because you can fuck with a shadow in any way it just needs to be consistent. If you have paint go play on it real talk. Make one text thing in a color and another in black. Select the blue one only and drag it over and around the black. There's your basic shadow technique right there. Sorry for the book, just my thoughts. Happy to post pics to further explain or just explain more if needed. Hope it helps ya

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Thx for the advice JR. I totally get you on the A. It was a case of finishing the piece and instantly not being happy with it. I spray painted the page first and for some reason its impossible to rub out pencil lines if you fuck up so i kinda had to roll with something i wasnt 100% with.

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Lovin your 3d and idea's Miah


thanks dude! :)


miah the 3d idea looks good, but your letters are lacking especially that S at the end.


noone....you def. need moar arrowz.


yeah, I need to work on my letters and start pushing em, I always play it way to safe :(

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