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you are making some of the common mistakes that everyone does when they start out

take a look back through this thread and the toy paint thread

a lot of people have given great advice over the years to people just like you

please read through it.....

other than your pieces needing major improvement, your throw and tag are a good start

you have a good eye for color so stick with it man

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Ruck, rather than trying extensions, try getting the letters to merge into themselves a bit more, at the moment you have nice letters but they are 4 individual letters, just try to get the letters to connect with each other and flow into each other. Or break the letters down a bit more, there is nothing to say the R has to be a solid R it could be made up of 2 parts like the upright and the curve, just break the letters down a bit

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Sech, if thats an S its a pretty dope S but the loop extension makes it look like an O


The Ruck is real nice, the extensions I don't like are top left on the R and top left of the K

I feel like if you made them the same thickness and length as the other extensions it would look alot better... the placement of them seems pretty decent though

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