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not really concerned with width and perfect structure on these and normally i wouldnt post shit but these are some doodles ive been down in the hospital for ideas so like no supplies and mad bored haha this first one ive been gettin structure down forever just changed 3D... then those bubblies gotta fix the n and e and straighten all the letters up to flow and shouldnt a done that with the R! any crits? and tips on highlghts with those weird 3ds?





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i pretty much like all of em but you did little things to take away from them as a whole. tha e doesn't need tha extension on top just make it tha same height as tha l. and on tha last round one tha r but you already saw that. another thing i gotta say is don't overlap tha r and tha n. im really likin those round one's tho.

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I been writing "GHOST" part time for a few years but never took it seriously or made much attempt to get up, but I want to take it more seriously and start developing some style. I've been working on my design for a bit and I'd like some input/criticisms/opinions. I'm sure it isnt very good, but I dont have any friends that write, so their opinions arent that useful.







old spray i did probably a year or two ago





nice flow to that piece

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still not likin the last E, gonna make it lower case next time. Last page of my 6th book still in my possession.


every one of your sketches still is lookin the same, KELE. try some new stuff man. not dissin ya, cause it isn't bad or anything. it's just your sketches don't seem to be moving in any direction (progress wise)

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every one of your sketches still is lookin the same, KELE. try some new stuff man. not dissin ya, cause it isn't bad or anything. it's just your sketches don't seem to be moving in any direction (progress wise)


I agree, your don't get better using the same letters, never use the same outline twice. No disrespect, just want to see you get better homie.

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