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gimme something constructive.....u can say my shit sucks monkey dick in jungle top canapies for all i care....but gimmie something i can work off.......although i was stubburn as fuck about it, i cept getting bitched at for extensions....do u see extensions?

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You really jsut have to work on simples. That's all that there really is to it. Yes, you have to find your own style, but no offense Phet...you're style isn't good! I'm not saying that to be a dick, I'm saying it to help you.


You have to work on keyboard letters, letters off of labels that you see, or billboards that you see and shit that have your letters in them. Get that type of shit down first, THEN develop your style.


Also, when they say your 3D is off, they mean it. Yours goes all over the place, when it should go to the vanishing point. Fix it, or it'll look terrible. Plain and simple.


The bottom line is that when you ask for crits, you're going to get them. Not accepting the crits, knowing that they are said to HELP YOU, not insult you and then getting angry and insulting people is unacceptable behavior, man.

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Well I haven't been on here..Befor but since I know Im toy. Ill post in here.



Kest- Nice flow, but the lil exstra stuff on the K I think you could do with out.

Sim- Your O is whack...Im not feeling it. It dosent fit the style you are working toward.


Try working on simples, man. Your style is...weird. Try to keep the widths and heights of all of your letters the same, and you could do without the weird little fmale looking stuff.

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Try working on simples, man. Your style is...weird. Try to keep the widths and heights of all of your letters the same, and you could do without the weird little fmale looking stuff.


just don't see nothing weird here, it could be better but everything can, question on widths and heigths don't have to be same - I see enough balance in this, and it's above the - do the simples - level, my opinion!

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he meant keep workin on your lettering and keep it simple

the flames dont look too well

keep it simple and get the lettering down.no need for the flame shit

it looks wack


and yeah i havent been writting but i just starting doodling and sheit

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i get it....FUCK.....its the reason y i listed everything i did wrong, i didn't do that cuz i was mad.....i got tight cuz hommie ragged on my letters NOT my 3d....and when i saw his letters i was not immpressed.....i tell himm to give me crits ON MY LETTERS that actually prove wat he's sayin along with the fact that i told him to eat a dick and yah start trippen.....yah motha fuckas r sensative as fuck....

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instead of tellin solid to drop back to simples y don't some of u tell himm some of his bars were off on width and they should be more consistant or tell himm to develope that flame shit on his letters more...if that shit was done right it would look fresh....don't get me wrong some people did give some usefule crits, but honestly...hommie doesn't need to drop back to simples he just needs to develope his shit

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he meant keep workin on your lettering and keep it simple

the flames dont look too well

keep it simple and get the lettering down.no need for the flame shit

it looks wack


and yeah i havent been writting but i just starting doodling and sheit


it's not my post but flames are ok, first for a reason they are diferent from all other same flames, I didn't said its a masterpiece but why everyone must do 2or3 same styles to be good?

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