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@sil...dude keep busting em out til, theyr clean as fuck and the lines are fucking straight as fuck..nad then move onto non graff paper...and fuck around with small shit like changing the dimensions...like making all the letters longer/smallwer wider/skinnier..and add 3ds to add depth..

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The phonies and their cacophony will continue to play to the people. The cabinet would be fine, only if the gov't'al Cabinet didn't get in the way. But the music is on C note, so bare w/me. Carbon is C to, but not noted. C squared is what you would deem as the symbol for lights speed in a vacuum, but that isn't your issue. We go hard to the bones like Ca, but yeah you sleeping on your calcium. This is for CA, and I ain't even been to Cali yet. Copy a dictionary and become ambidextrous, don't sleep, even though you are. Life ain't no cabin cruiser, unless you building it or buying it. Stop being the cabin boy/girl, your the captain of this ship of shit, for christ sake. You cabbies, are all the same, she said to the cabdriver. I know the answer now. Kill me like you did Osama. All of life is a cabaret, but all I see is a bunch of cabbage patch kids. Kids, these lexicons don't lie, men do constantly though. I told her to meet me at the cabana, she brought her friend and we menage e trois. Awesome, and so much cacophonous noises. The cackles she and her friend made, ass up cackling like horny friends. The cachet to their degree of whoreness was certified Ho. And no, she wasn't digging. The cache of condoms was under heavy attack. Test yourselves before you send organs into confusion. You boys sure do catch a lot of cachalot these days, yelled the drunk. I could do this all day, yet I don't. Still stuck on stupid. So sad. Like a cacao about to be beaten to use, you are not bearing another tree. And off the king went, cabriolet pulled by some of the finest horses ever seen. Good by my king. Big ups to John Cabot for doing it in 1497 and searching North America for England. But yeah, on to the Cabinetmaker of the past. Little did he leave in cabinetwork, but a lot he/she did to the context of a thing we call a spirit these days. I bring confusion over the wire, be it called a cable these days. Life isn't a cable car though, so tend to the issue at hand before you get on and ride aimlessly. Techno is tossing my brain into the caboose. How many fathoms is the submarine, asked the captain. No one knew what a fathom was. He was last heard of on a cablegram saying, I'm sending them to their maker. No threats, just treats like a cable television show. All would be aboard, if they cut the fucking cord on grading. And is E is egotistical, but they never listen, so you give them an F, and voila.

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