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You understand 3d very well, try playing with the vanishing point just for the fun of it...ie: make it to the top right of the page instead of right in the middle of the piece


your letters have zero flow or style

personally I would say screw colors for awhile and do a shit ton of sketches of just letters first


it looks like you understand letter structure really well, so use the blocks for the letters and extend them a bit, bend them, or play with them however you want

I did a sketch to show phony what I mean, hopefully it helps



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Ruck, rather than trying extensions, try getting the letters to merge into themselves a bit more, at the moment you have nice letters but they are 4 individual letters, just try to get the letters to connect with each other and flow into each other. Or break the letters down a bit more, there is nothing to say the R has to be a solid R it could be made up of 2 parts like the upright and the curve, just break the letters down a bit


Okie doke, i'll keep tweaking my letters, this is the style of letters i'm running with at the moment, most potential for using extensions I think, Well so far that I have found in my designs.

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Ruckus: not bad, man. It's definitely got an even flow to it.


Saph: I think what you got going on would make a good throwie. You should do another in just black & white.


Zen: You're getting it. Sometimes the simpler the letter structure is, the harder it is to make it look good.

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