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So, I bought a sketchpad; nothing special, just a cheap sketchpad from the Dollar Tree. I get it home, and I start filling it with simples; I had about 20 simples in it, and I was working on another. Guess what happens next. My Mom, spills her drink on it when checking out some of my work. Welch's Grape Juice all over my sketchpad; 20 simples down the drain; ruined.


I was compiling a bunch of good ones for a post to show that I've been working at them, and now I have nothing. Shit, son; back to square one.



How's everybody been?


sucks man,

but at least it was simples. simples are more for your own improvement and basically getting used to drawing clean letters... so your simples weren't for nothing...and just go over the grape soda...

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Your letter structure isn't weird, it's just a little off.

The leg of the R shouldn't connect to the backbone. It should connect to the loop.

And the middle bar of the H should actually be connected somehow to both sides.

And then just some shitty extensions. The cutback extensions (like on the top of the T) usually don't work. S try to stay away from them, or at least use them sparingly.


Also, the flow of the piece is weird. The W is one way, and then the RAT is the opposite way, and the H is just straighter. Try to keep it consistent. Like, have all the letters like \\\\\ or||||| or ///// or even mix it up /\/\/\

Just keep the flow consistent. One or two letters going the opposite way can kill the piece, like how it is in the second piece you posted. The S is all on it's lonesome.


And watch your spacing. The A is really hidden on the wrath piece,

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In Response to BumpinSlappers. I kno My Shoes is fucked Up. Dey went Through Some Hard Times this year. We Had This Big 7th Grade Vs. 8th Grade War This Year. I Got Caught By Myself a lot. I was Haulin Ass All Year. Lolzx 8th Graders Stayed On My Ass. Dats why I Had to Cop The Retro 7evens, I only wear the other sneakers wen I'm playin or paintin. Oh and Freak are you the same freak who be up a lot on the upper west Side. I Kno I Seen a Freak Throwie on 152nd St nd Broadway. Just wonderin if you the same person. Oh here iMa post a simple.



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