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Everything posted by stuff"n"puff

  1. maybe if we talking about you and leedro
  2. always starting with someone^ faggot1 esp US, fagot [ˈfægət] n 1. a bundle of sticks or twigs, esp when bound together and used as fuel 2. (Engineering / Metallurgy) a bundle of iron bars, esp a box formed by four pieces of wrought iron and filled with scrap to be forged into wrought iron 3. (Cookery) a ball of chopped meat, usually pork liver, bound with herbs and bread and eaten fried 4. a bundle of anything vb (tr) 1. to collect into a bundle or bundles 2. (Clothing, Personal Arts & Crafts / Knitting & Sewing) Needlework to do faggoting on (a garment, piece of cloth, etc.) [from Old French, perhaps from Greek phakelos bundle]
  3. who gives a flying fuck about your property and those little rich kids
  4. losing to the only niggas wita losing steak into playoffs
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