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I'm new here, but I've been on bombing science lurking, and active on PG for a while. PG is a shithole now, and i love what's going on on this site. Always good flicks, always good crits.

Stot- first one on the second post is not too bad. If you cleaned up the letters, and took the extension off the the s and t, and the bit off of the O, it would look a lot better. The Robot doesn't really fit, but whatever works.

Ergot- first one is good shit. clean, and no pointless shit. The last piece, the symmetrical one, would be good finished. Just clean up the O, and take that pointless bend out of it. Just work on that, cause it isn't bad.

Eido- you know what i think.



what do you all think of that? freestyle on receipt paper at work.

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I'm not good at handstyles but I'll critique it a bit, hopefully some others will agree...


Change the s completely, especially that extension, the p is overlapping the s too much I think, and lose that extension on the p or make it look better, the e is ok, but notice how you have some letters tilted in one direction and other letters tilted in another direction. This isn't necessarily a bad thing it can make handstyles look good but generally if you want good flow the letters should all tilt in one direction. Lose the quotation marks, lose the squiggly line at the bottom also, or make it better.. also take away that FAK thing or make it look better because the letters are disproportionate and dont really look good...


I guess what I'm trying to say is hit the books more... look at other handstyles and look at how the letters fall in place with eachother, they usually fit quite nicely.


Until you have handstyles down proper, don't even fuck with squiggles. You have to master a straight line first; try just underlining it.

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thanks alts, I appreciate it! And yeah, the A did end up being smaller, noticed i drew the E to the top of the arm, instead of the top of the A.



gotta sit down and colour some, get it right.


Infra, work on straightening the bars on the second and last letters. Not sure if it's a Z and another Z, or a Z and an M. Try distinguishing them a little better. Try drawing bigger too, or get a thinner marker!

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Stot- first one on the second post is not too bad. If you cleaned up the letters, and took the extension off the the s and t, and the bit off of the O, it would look a lot better. The Robot doesn't really fit, but whatever works.

I remember you from BS.


Thanks for the crits. I tried to base it off of the second one in that post. Pretty much the same except I just added some shit here and there.



Ergot- Ease up on the drips in the first one.

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if you're not already into art, or even a little bit good at it, why would you pick graffiti as a new hobby? i'm not into cars, so i wouldn't try being a mechanic



If that's directed at me (or even if it isn't I guess), I'm definitely into art, I love it. Sculptures, paintings, drawings, pastels, anything, I love it all. It amazes me how some people are so good at it. Its something I've always loved, I just suck at it. Now, for me it isn't about getting up or anything, but I can draw letters better than anything else so that's what I do. Graffiti is definitely something I love the most as far as any type of art is concerned, it has that raw appeal. Nobody bombs a train or does a wildstyle to anybody elses standards for the most part, but other art sometimes feels like it was done so it could be admired or sold or whatever bullshit. It sounds wack, but its straight in my head, I just can't explain it right. As far as not getting up or anything, at this point in my life its blackbooking only, I have too much to lose to be bombing and keep putting up tags and shit. So basically I just do it for myself, cause I can't draw anything else for shit. I'm trying to draw roses for my girl for Valentines day (trust, she'd rather have some drawn ones than regular ones), and I'm failing so hard, I've been trying for like two days straight and I'm even copying shit I find on google images.


TL;DR, I'm better at letters/graffiti than anything else, and I'm not even half way decent at graffiti. Its really appealing to me, I love just looking at wildstyles and even just throws, I could and have just sat and looked at mad flicks for hours.


Sorry if that little rant makes no sense and is out of place, I'm tired as fuck.

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thanks alts, I appreciate it! And yeah, the A did end up being smaller, noticed i drew the E to the top of the arm, instead of the top of the A.



gotta sit down and colour some, get it right.


Infra, work on straightening the bars on the second and last letters. Not sure if it's a Z and another Z, or a Z and an M. Try distinguishing them a little better. Try drawing bigger too, or get a thinner marker!


yo the sketch is fresh but honestly you need to start fuking with colors,if you do that on a wall its going to look like shit.trust me i know i use draw peices that style all day...

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