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ALERT how the fuck are your outlines so clean and your hand is so whack????


Just so you know ALERT is a pretty famous name.


Not that you care, just giving you a heads up.


Seriously if I didn't see your hand next to your work I would have told you to stop showing off in the toy thread.


I'm cursed the other way where my hand is fresh and my outlines leave something to be desired.


it is NZ steez they are algd

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I only check back here every once in a while, and everytime I realize why that is.


Most of y'all need to go back to the first few pages. GO SIMPLE!


Some of y'all are focusin' too much on throws. Believe it or not, throws do have structure.


AEGIS-That throw, honestly, is awful. I'm not on here to be a douchebag. Also, check out what EBA did to your flick on the last page. What he did over your sketch is simpler, and honestly better.


DEFINE-Get simpler. Back to sketchin' the letters on your keyboard. It sucks, and it takes time, but you'll be thankful once you got it down. Also, don't worry about writing a six letter word, homie. I write a six letter word, and it's all good man. Just make sure you can bust out that hand quick and smooth despite the six letters. It's only one more than most people write. And at least you have the opportunity to write a real word. Not to say that people that don't write a real word are inferior or stupid, but people that don't write are going to more tolerant if it's a real word. If y'all don't care about whether or not people tolerate you, you need to get yourself in check. Those of us that HAVE been roped understand that there's a time and a place for this shit, and you HAVE to care to some extent what people think.


ZEUS-Back to basics, bud.


SPEC-The throw and the hand are on track. Good work, man. For real.


SANK-The second one. And that hand needs some work, boss. A little style never killed anyone. But you've come a long way from those flicks you sent me in PM's. For real, those first few were God awful.


AMKAH/SERB?-Everytime someone starts writing they think their hand needs to be a one liner. You'll find that sometimes it takes less time to not connect it, and honestly the hand is no good. When I started I did my S's like that in my hands when I wrote SISTINE [sEVEN LETTERS AND I PULLED IT OFF. Toy as shit, but I did it.] and it just doesn't look good. Try something a bit simpler.


ABATE-You look like you have a grasp on structure and you've made up your mind on style. Work on flow, and go back to basics for a while.




ALERT-...wtf are you still doing here man? Seriously, I'm pretty sure you and I both know you don't need to be here. Although that hand could use some work, but if you can paint like you sketch ain't no one gonna question that hand.


In conclusion, GO BACK TO THE BASICS!!

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I don't know why people dislike doing simples, if you are a beginner or a bad artist in general like me simples are the only thing you can do and not fuck up real bad. If you want to make simples more fun get some stickers and practice your simples on there, that way you can get them up, its pretty hard to fuck simples up real bad unless your me.


Donald - those are some of the worst I seen you do bro, just go simpler.


Abate - the first one looks good, but the painted one isn't so good. Thats understandable if you don't paint much.



To make you guys feel better here is some of my stuff.




Ignore the writing above on the right sticker, not that I'm good, but usually its not that sloppy.



And this atrocity is what happened when I got drunk and decided to paint this in the middle of the day. (I'm hella not used to cans, I never paint usually cause I'm toy, don't want to disgrace myself)



I'm trying to work on my shaky lines but I haven't made much improvement, I think my hands are just naturally too shaky.


I've been told that graff isn't for me because of how bad I suck, but fuck that. I know this is lame but as long as YOU'RE having fun thats all that really matters. Just stick with it.

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Abate: dont connect your letters. they arent band, i like the E alot actually, but connecting them kind of ruins the peice and takes away from the letters. definately like the letters though. thats good.


Near: try something new for the N and E in ur throwie. It could be good.


some shit from school today:





older tag i really like:



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Nvm, E_B_A i wasnt get mad or anytin, its all good. I checked ur stuff out, ur pretty skilled man.


back to teh forumness:


Mickey the character is sick, although the legs get weird at the bottom- too skinny.


The piece is ok. I mean the letters arent all the same size. I reccomend outlineing in a super fine marker or whatever instead of somthing really thick. Overall Good job.

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