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Everything posted by Sec_ebk

  1. my occasional posts. and the more to come.
  2. ruck you are the perfect example of how simples can take someone and turn them into a progression machine. keep pumping out that work buddy peaceee
  3. Sec_ebk


    i actually really love the letters. i was considering changing my name. in all seriousness
  4. Sec_ebk


    Everyone is gonna yell at me !!!!!!! forgot shadow in the R forgot shadow on the R and A
  5. yo you up for an exchange? even though i hate C's i love simples and you're good at them, and hey, we can all use a change in letters to help us with are steezy, ya diggg and so im not flickless of myself.
  6. Ruck you're gonna go far, you're progressing quite fast with those simples, keep it up. rough sketches for bs battle
  7. i really like that, like alot. i just think you should ditch the spaces in your letters and make them whole.
  8. i have a blackbook i just don't like to do throwies in it bc. its a huge one and id rather only piece in it, and iv'e slowed my piecing down for awhile. and no i didn't used to write oucher. CNUE- all that shit is mad dope, if your ever down for an exchange, get at me
  9. i love you all. and btw, Pardon my mouth and ugly face.
  10. je ne deteste pas le francais.(just so people know before someone says anything[cause of a sketch, just incase, i wouldn't know if some "funny id" would try an start shit, idk]) je ne sais pas, j'ai fait beaucoup de papiers today pour le "reetbag :0)" je desole que le dernier "sketch is hard to read."
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