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why would you say bump when it is right there. just say something like "that's sweet man".

yeah, you can use it to say you like that shit, but it's SUPPOSED to be used to bring up an old post... like if i pulled a pic from a few pages ago or something.

i know i'm almost a hypocrite in one case cuz of that post of mine with about ten quotes in which i used that word about 5 times... but still. i WAS bumping that shit cuz it was old.


yeah dude get your fuckin internet slang right:D

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gimp --i really like that bubble style.


joewinmor --your bubble N, looks like an H. drop the connector in the N down a little further. also, if you're going to scan stuff into photoshop and play with it, at least finish filling in the parts that the marker dried up on. if you look at that stuff above, you can see speckles of red and white in the lines. that's because when you changed the color, or filtered it, or whatever, the shit was converted as a negative or something. just go in and sample the color around it, and go over it to clean it up.


war --don't shy away from bubbles. also, drop that T down. it looks like it's floating or something, and that's kind of corny looking. try working on your letter structure, and the balance in the letters as well.


eurf --when you turn your E around, it looks like a B. so it kind of looks like it says BURF. also, why didn't you just do another drawing on another piece of paper? that BURF piece looks like shit. you should have just redone one on a clean sheet, and posted that.


craz E --that wease peice isn't bad, considering the shit you were posting. keep going with simples, and listen to the above post. balance your letters, don't worry about 3D. just do simple block or bubble letters, and if you want to play with color fill, try it out.

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thanks best news i've heard all day, shattered my foot gonna be not walking for next 3 months so sketching sketching sketching is all i got to look forward to, i'll start doin some fills and work on my hands have somethin up later tonight

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