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duse, people do all sorts of crazy collage shit in their black books. people put flicks in there, porn, old pieces of chewing gum that have sentimental value. it's not just for drawing, it's a keep sake of everything you want to remember --not just graff. well, it's not like that for everyone, but i've seen it done quite often. just some advice. if you're poor, i recommend find a value store. in rhode island, they have "ocean state job lot." you can get black books cheap as fuck --but the quality is cheap as fuck as well. either way, get some white paper, and do some cutting and pasting. your shit is looking good. i like that duser piece.

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duse, people do all sorts of crazy collage shit in their black books. people put flicks in there, porn, old pieces of chewing gum that have sentimental value. it's not just for drawing, it's a keep sake of everything you want to remember --not just graff. well, it's not like that for everyone, but i've seen it done quite often. just some advice. if you're poor, i recommend find a value store. in rhode island, they have "ocean state job lot." you can get black books cheap as fuck --but the quality is cheap as fuck as well. either way, get some white paper, and do some cutting and pasting. your shit is looking good. i like that duser piece.


i seen some pasted shit before, just never crossed my mind to try it

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I have tons of shit pasted into my blackbooks... I like taking security envelopes, paycheck stubs, etc. or anything I can find with patterns and colors printed on them, drawing on top of that and pasting it in...


here's some examples:



http://www.shapelessmass.com/visuals/blackbook/side_bend_collage.jpg (you can't see it but everything on this page is drawn on something with a pattern background)


Here's an ooooooooolllllllllllllllllllld example, where I took a subscription card from Peel Magazine, drew my piece on the card itself, added some other things (mainly business cards and a piece of art I cut out of a Grey's Anatomy book)

The background was cut from a magazine:



This one includes a piece of yellow stock I picked up from a rest stop with the character in the upper left, the orange piece on the right is on the back of a postcard bill with some odd bar code shit printed on it (hard to see in the picture), the AT-1 is on the back of my bank statement from Wachovia, the black throw is on a blank CDR liner, the bottom right piece is my brother-in-law's paycheck stub (the back of it) which has this crazy blue squiggly pattern and the big, plain letters in the bottom left are those cheap 85 cent reflective letters people put on their mailboxes. The photo is a photo I took and printed on sticker paper (you can buy whole-uncut 8.5X11 sheets of sticker paper which is great for putting on the other side of pages of your blackbook where the markers bled through.



This is real rose petals, dried and pasted in with rubber cement:



This is spraypaint, paint marker, onion paper and regular markers:



I use tons of shit and I rarely have to buy anything. Hit up dollar stores for cheap wierd ass stickers, look at coloring books (especially ones with trucks, trains and other spaces to draw on), children's books, photo collections, your own photos, business cards, bills, stubs, assembly instructions... if it's intersting, look at it and see how you could freak it in your book.


For me, defacing other people's stuff makes your blackbook that much more like getting up.

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you mean like on the swilry part like the rest of the letters with the hole?

yea i know i dont like it either but it flows better than anything else ive tried if you could sketch it thatd be awesome but you dont have too

freak ill try it no garentees though and dont be disappointed if it sucks(itll be hella basic i cant do much with other letters besides my name)

like itll looks like this sorta style most likely


but proportioned and a lil better

ill get on it though

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