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thats fresh man i like it overall just a bit of wobble and inconsistency in the width and straightness of the letters. I dunno about the 3 random realy thin lines though.. cos they're so thin u notice the wobble much much more and they dont blend into the style at all. make em thicker and straighter if u really wanna keep em but i suggest just cuttin em out. otherwise sick style.


p.s maybe if squeezed it a bit more to get rid of too much negative space it wud be tighter???


thanx for the comments....yeah..i got rid of the lines and made it tighter..im working on painting it right now but the guy that lived at the place we were painting told us to come back some other time....i think he was gonna fuck this other lady that walk by..lol..it was under a bridge somewhere..

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2 more. Not really feeling the first, i was tired and just felt like practicing.


And the extensions on the second were a bit forced, the 3d is also off slightly.

Think it's cause i tried to switch up the style a little and found myself adding bits in when i was going over it in pen.


Crits!!! Ta

P.s. Check out that there pimp hand! :0

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lune the u looks weird because its so long on the right side and the e is big

are all these good enough to paint?

and if not tell me whats wrong so i can fix them quickly cause i might be going out tonight...







haha ignore the ? on that one^

and these are slightly old so i have most of the proportions right



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2 more. Not really feeling the first, i was tired and just felt like practicing.


And the extensions on the second were a bit forced, the 3d is also off slightly.

Think it's cause i tried to switch up the style a little and found myself adding bits in when i was going over it in pen.


Crits!!! Ta

P.s. Check out that there pimp hand! :0



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2 more. Not really feeling the first, i was tired and just felt like practicing.


And the extensions on the second were a bit forced, the 3d is also off slightly.

Think it's cause i tried to switch up the style a little and found myself adding bits in when i was going over it in pen.


Crits!!! Ta

P.s. Check out that there pimp hand! :0


i'm feelin' this.


I'll have everyones exchanges done hella soon.

i've just been caught up in my graduation project.

i know i have to d a "victor" i think? who else was i exchanging with?

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