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Your "Y" looks a little awkward because of how far it comes towards the N. Other than that, just keep sketching over and over again.


Yeah I made the Y too wide, I think I need to thicken up the letters a bit more. Especially the right leg on the N.



how about some crits on this one



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dripuk, its lookin good, just clean it up a bit and leave the drippings, and put the handie higher so everyone can see it :p


yeah im working on making it cleaner, ignor the drips. nobody wants to see the the shocking handie lol


DRIPUK you really got a lot better since like, earlier this week dude, good atitude about everything too


thanks, practice makes perfect.... looks like ive got a lot more practicing to do then:lol:


yo junk i think that piece would pop off more if you used a brighter color like a red for your gell


yeah but i had a lack of colours at the time:(

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Yo, you too bouncing soul, anyone who writes a piece/bomb that looks the same over and over...STOP NOW AND WRITE SUMTIN DIFFERENT...I can see why you consider yourself a toy, because you can only do one type of style......I did pieces with style like cope2, per1, some friends I know that write well, and so-on. Make simple letters for a roll-up bomb...I made like 50 of those......When ever I am gunna start hardcore bombing, I got it down packed...... If you guys go out there and bomb the same shit, artists are gunna beat you down cuz you aint rockin everything..... People also gotta start postin handstyles..... Post sumtin different for a change.....

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like other people have said it is important for a writer to keep plugging away at the same style. unless you stay consistant your style isnt really gonna progress. if you keep tryna reinvent your shit every piece you not gonna get far real quick.


and phun1 no disrespect but who the fuck would hate on you for keeping your shit consistant when you bomb. dont you reckon its a good idea to put up shit thats relatively similar to your other stuff so when people see it they know its you? i would laugh if some writer bombed really different looking shit everywhere, it would sort of would look like your tryna be someone else i dunno. thats my two cents not really worth shit but umm yeh.. BOMBINGS FUN!

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Look... even the kings use the same styles over and over. They change up position, extensions, connections and color schemes.


Ever seen two different COPE bombs? I haven't. Neither have you.


I'm not saying it hurts to have different letters styles. Hell... I have two different handstyles.


But toys need to master one set of letters before branching out. And you keep doing your simples after you start getting wild and then contrast the two as seperate styles even if the letters are the exact same direction.


Sorry, but you're way off on that one, phun. No offense intended.


That's a big mistake toys make. They think they need to come different each time.


Toys need to master their letters. Then they can start making new styles.


Just my two cents. Take it for what it's worth (which would be two cents).

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hey to all of you who are in this battle of toys remember its due tommorrow friday thats it if i dont get them by friday you aint in and you dont have the chance for braggn rights...so get them to me i only got maybe 3 or 4 of the 8 of yall who said your were down so stop faking....remember pm them to me...

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