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Wizard I think you've got a bit to go before you begin to paint.


- Try to keep all of your letters uniform and on the same baseline. A graph paper might help with this, using the grid to keep your letters uniform.


- I find it helpful to sketch out my word in pencil before I ink it in marker, this allows for easy fixing of mistakes.


- Make sure you keep all of your letters in the same "style". your W Z R look similar, while your I A D look completely different. This throws off your piece big time.

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Lol faint I don't think you should be giving advice' date=' I'm sorry man, I'm just being honest.[/quote']

Well then how about some advice for me?


I know my work isn't perfect (and that's why I'm here), but I hope the points I made are at least a little bit on track.

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IF u wanna get tech charcter L's is bitting lions espelly with the hat but the specials in the back are sick


all that time on the backround and u do a 2 letter through :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead:

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what kind of stickers do you use?


new handstyle i just came up with.....sucks just wonderin if it has any potential




this is a little throw kinda thing i mad ein 2 minutes ive really just been practicin tags this is one of my first throws




the angle of the camera makes the letters look like there getting smaller there basically even though....


thanks for the feedback ^_^

dont write chronic it is such a toy ass name and plus its 2 long my stick to somthing with

simple letters and make the name like 4 letters long

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just keep goin man, when i first started out i killed sooooo many notebooks, and when you finish one S that you dont like, highlite the points where you think its fucked up and work on that section, you get that one right and got another area thats off, do it again, and again, and again, just keep it goin and youll get there.

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6 years? Jesus christ dude..




wahahhah... I fukin love this thread....



wizard, your Z looks like an E.


Ps. NO ONe is allowed to think that they're pretty ok, only other people can judge how good you are, I mean, Liking your work is cool but keep it inside your head, dont give yourself props....

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thanks for the critz ya i dont really do drips that much i was just experimenting...

ps.. regs nice handstyle and the throwie is aight too...but red and black color schemes don't work at all with spraypaint...heres another flic for yall..


that tags under or fucked up put i have aflic of my ussual tags...


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Sargon, spote, and datito are all just experimental. I write zoop. Give me hardcore criticisms. specially on the final three.








this name was influenced by Dato. One of my favorite writers. (or artist...)




I only wish i had sketched this bigger and straight :shakehead:


My first time trying out straight lines... I think...

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Sargon, spote, and datito are all just experimental. I write zoop. Give me hardcore criticisms. specially on the final three.








this name was influenced by Dato. One of my favorite writers. (or artist...)




I only wish i had sketched this bigger and straight :shakehead:


My first time trying out straight lines... I think...


very very nice shit, u got mad potential i give you a year and ull be pumpin out some good peices

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