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it's all cds, dhabz. all of them. only plays dvds.


even my new mohaa discs won't play.


fuck! i just took back a new dvd rom b/c of this...it worked before i took the new one back.


fucked thing is this dvd writer works on windows drivers. so, no firmware updates, no driver updates...ugh. checked jumper settings, pulled ide cables....i've done almost everything except cleaning the lense...but that can't be it b/c it reads dvds.

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Originally posted by casekonly@Oct 11 2005, 11:14 PM

it's all cds, dhabz. all of them. only plays dvds.


even my new mohaa discs won't play.


fuck! i just took back a new dvd rom b/c of this...it worked before i took the new one back.


fucked thing is this dvd writer works on windows drivers. so, no firmware updates, no driver updates...ugh. checked jumper settings, pulled ide cables....i've done almost everything except cleaning the lense...but that can't be it b/c it reads dvds.



good chance it has to do with a dirty lens alot of the dvd drives have 2 lasers in them one for the dvd and one for cdroms so use some caned air or whatever you perfer to clean it and that should work also if you dont have 2 lenses the dvd and the cdroms read different they read the data off the disc at different angles and the cd angle might be dirty

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also i might add but prolly isnt yer issue i did this when i just got into computers and learned about the magic of the registry lol well i had a dvd/cd combo drive and i went into the registry and somehow deleted a registry key for the cd reader i could not even reinstall windows cause it couldnt read the cd and had to get it replaced


good lesson in all this kids dont mess with the registy unless you know how to back it up

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yeah, this is a fresh install. check it: i had to go to another computer and burn a dvd with fucking windows 2k pro on it

so i could install on this (cd reading prob).


so, yeah...i just got done installing updates, etc on thsi computer a little more than an hour and a half ago.


my registry is straight.



gonna try and figure out how to get this dust an shit out of the disk drive (let's hope it's only dust)

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ok need some help ok i had madden 2006 installed and running fine on my computer it was running 512mb of memory so here comes the problem i upgraded my memory to 1gig and reformatted my harddrive ok so i installed madden 2006 back on my computer im running it on a onboard intel 82865G graphics controller all the drivers were up to date before and after all this crap anyway the game does not load only thing that happenes is that the madden splash screen comes up and it just lags and just quits anybody got any ideas what the problem could be also i swapped the memory back to the 512 didnt help

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i like how they are now getting better about getting along with microsoft (if you cant beat em join em) i like the phone because its kool that you can have your itunes account go straight to the phone i do wonder how well the quality of the music is prolly 96 kb at best maybe 128kb but doubt it and if its APPLE why the hell would they use USB and not firewire for file transfer lol over all it was a halfass attempt to sell more itunes accounts........




just a quick question what is your option on free file sharing?

do you think


it is bad:


dont care:

or shut the hell up that was a stupid question and you should already know the answer:

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Originally posted by casekonly@Oct 21 2005, 06:12 AM

i talked to them, getting a new one when i send in the receipt...which is a bunch of shit b/c i have to go to compusa and ahve a copy printed up...


anyhow, bump.


new browser called flock






dude this thing is crap its the same thing as firefox they used the same kernal whats different about it?



p.s i didt really check it out much just a quick glance but it looked and acted just like firefox

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that and slsk doesn't notify you with a blinking icon in the taskbar if people are talking in chat, alot of times if you send me a pm I'll respond because it makes a noise on my computer and blinks the icon in the tray. I saw that you were in there last night, but you were gone when I checked. It also helps to add the room to your autojoin list.

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