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Adderall, anyone?


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Do any of you take Adderall, or have you in the past? If so, what is (was) your dosage, and what did you think of it? How did it make you feel? Did it help you? Any side effects? How about interactions with alcohol or other drugs? Warnings?


I just started taking 15mg as needed, and I love it... but it makes me shakey at times.







*Im going to let this one go for now. Keep it off the illegal drug use tip, this isn't an MTV special.

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from 5th through 12th grade i took dexadrine 15 mg capsules,to keep me focus,i dont think i really needed it but i would act a donkey if i aint take em,well that's been a few years,i dont see the difference,other than ive gained weight since i quit taking them,but thats over like 5 years.....

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Originally posted by Glik0@Oct 18 2004, 02:01 AM

*Im going to let this one go for now. Keep it off the illegal drug use tip, this isn't an MTV special.



This was meant as a serious medical question. It's a prescribed medicine for me, and I don't know anyone else around me who takes it, so I thought this would be a good place to discuss it. I wasn't trying to endorse illicit drug use.

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Originally posted by Fugazi+Oct 18 2004, 02:26 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Fugazi - Oct 18 2004, 02:26 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-T=E=A=S=E@Oct 18 2004, 02:22 AM

:haha: @ arcel.


and i dont take any kinda depression meds or whatever the fuck that shits for...



Sometimes your intelligence astounds me, sometimes it just makes me very, very sad.



well whatever, whats it for a.d.d?


i thought it was one of the two, either way, those doctors will try to get you on anything they can, it all seems bad to me.


just do what you gotta do to fix whatever problem you might have without the shit.

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Originally posted by Fugazi+Oct 17 2004, 10:22 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Fugazi - Oct 17 2004, 10:22 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-Glik0@Oct 18 2004, 02:01 AM

*Im going to let this one go for now. Keep it off the illegal drug use tip, this isn't an MTV special.



This was meant as a serious medical question. It's a prescribed medicine for me, and I don't know anyone else around me who takes it, so I thought this would be a good place to discuss it. I wasn't trying to endorse illicit drug use.




I understood that, this was for the responses that were to possibly follow, ya dig?

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Originally posted by Glik0+Oct 18 2004, 02:47 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Glik0 - Oct 18 2004, 02:47 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'>
Originally posted by Fugazi@Oct 17 2004, 10:22 PM

<!--QuoteBegin-Glik0@Oct 18 2004, 02:01 AM

*Im going to let this one go for now. Keep it off the illegal drug use tip, this isn't an MTV special.



This was meant as a serious medical question. It's a prescribed medicine for me, and I don't know anyone else around me who takes it, so I thought this would be a good place to discuss it. I wasn't trying to endorse illicit drug use.



I understood that, this was for the responses that were to possibly follow, ya dig?



I dig. Just needed clarification. Thanks

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Im prescribed adderall and honestly have never been this focused in my life.


I grew up going to various therapists, was on prozac before [didnt work for me] and was constantly told I was depressed. Last year I would [this is illegal.. so edit if you must] take adderall to stay up late with my friends to do work [and only work, I am, unlike most kids, not a drug fiending moron], and slowly realized that the same amnt i took made my friends nuts, whereas I actually acted normal and level-headed. I went to a new doc and said "Listen, this has happened that has happened [in my life] but lets not focus on that, lets focus on this" and talked about my problems with attention. She said, "by george youre not depressed, you have a learning disability".


Uhm, I dont know why I jsut told that story, but I guess it was to let it be known that ADD and learning disabilities can cause: depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, eating disorders, and other illnesses.


Adderall has seriously helped my life out a lot. Im getting a lot more art produced, Im working on things that would have taken me forever to complete [or things I wouldnt even have started before.] Keep in mind it is NOT a wonder drug, no drug is. You do not want to be on this drug for the rest of your life, so learning organization skills and scheduling are key. Luckily I have a great boyfriend who helps me reorganize my room, and who attempts to snap me out of "off moments." And speaking of off moments, you will have off days were you cant concentrate and you feel like the meds arent working [that day.] It happens.


I have an amazing book that you must read if you do have ADD, its not on me, but when I find out the author I'll let you know about it. It definitely will open your eyes to a lot of things youve done/do.

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gat... that was interesting reading that but i just want to know how ADD and messy rooms/disorganization coincide? how did having ADD cause you to have an un-neat place? and are learning disabilities and ADD related?


i'm naive on this whole ADD subject, and inquiring minds want to know :)

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guess what all that bullshit about ADD and learning disablities are fake (engineered) disorders. the real problem is that the system is so fucked up you can't learn and then they blame the problem on the children and people.


how can masses and millions of children have ADD and learning disabilities? come on...

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ADD is a learning disability. Learning disabilties can range from dyslexia to poor concentration [horrible, not just slightly bad], to ADD/ADHD.


As far as organization.. my room is still messy... not AS messy, but I will probably always be a reasonably messy person [i learn towards chaos, what can I say]. Organization skills vary from person to person when it comes to ADD. My brother on one hand has always kept a neat room, but his life schedule is shit, whereas my room has always been a pigsty, yet Ive always kept a good schedule and am very prompt [and early] to things I have to do.


Did I answer the question? Indirectly.. I know.



And metallix, I cant say youre not right, but I can say that many people not JUST children are misdiagnosed. Its getting MUCh better though, about 15 years ago they were giving ritalin out like candy. I had to pull teeth to prove to my health plan that I have ADD in order for them to cover my adderall.

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Originally posted by Casual T.@Oct 17 2004, 10:55 PM

Damn you really do listen to a lot of heavy metal. All of your posts, no matter what the thread, you manage to connect the topic with a politically-motivated conspiracy theory and "the system."


Don't get me wrong the stuff you say is interesting.



well im sure there are people who have legitimate versions of some sort of learning disorders. but in my psychology class we learned that the west ascribes psychological disorders to cultural aspects of people. like take for example the SAT if someone scores low on it they are assumed to have low intelligence. but what's not factored in is that the SAT is geared towards western (white) culture. so if someone doesnt have a clear understanding of that culture they will score low.


on top of that there is a massive debate about what intelligence really means. it is very subjective what one may consider intelligence/intelligent.


on top of that , attendion deficit disorder may be a real disorder. i found this link on the internet. http://www.mentalhealth.com/dis1/p21-ch01.html

i do believe some people can have it. but from what i've seen so far and the discussions around the topic.it seems that a lot of people are wrongly diagnosed with disorders they don't really have.


the question is. does our society and or educational system create these disorders by the very nature of the systems themselves. or do these people actually have these disorders? some statistics would probably help here..


is it normal to medicate children so they conform better to the system or is it better to medicate the system so that it conforms better to the children? or is neither the fault and merely an individual health issue?

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Uhm, i used to take anti-depressants but that shit made me feel like a zombie (ativan, prozac).


Instead, i started lifting weights, eating rights, not drinking as much and being more active socially and physically. Works wonders better than any pill....ever

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Originally posted by metallix@Oct 17 2004, 11:21 PM

well im sure there are people who have legitimate versions of some sort of learning disorders. but in my psychology class we learned that the west ascribes psychological disorders to cultural aspects of people. like take for example the SAT if someone scores low on it they are assumed to have low intelligence. but what's not factored in is that the SAT is geared towards western (white) culture. so if someone doesnt have a clear understanding of that culture they will score low.


on top of that there is a massive debate about what intelligence really means. it is very subjective what one may consider intelligence/intelligent.


on top of that , attendion deficit disorder may be a real disorder. i found this link on the internet. http://www.mentalhealth.com/dis1/p21-ch01.html

i do believe some people can have it. but from what i've seen so far and the discussions around the topic.it seems that a lot of people are wrongly diagnosed with disorders they don't really have.


the question is. does our society and or educational system create these disorders by the very nature of the systems themselves. or do these people actually have these disorders? some statistics would probably help here..


is it normal to medicate children so they conform better to the system or is it better to medicate the system so that it conforms better to the children? or is neither the fault and merely an individual health issue?


Youre a smart kid, and Im saying that in all honesty.

Im reading a book right now on t he topic of Emotional Intelligence. I was always dubbed as "not smart" growing up, and was placed in, what I'd like to call, the class for "minorities, troublemakers, kids who arent going anywhere" classes [my school was an upper class snobby p.o.s. one]. I notice though that kids who were in honor classes were fucking dense. Yes you are able to read a book and remember what you read and score well on exams but, in the real world, are you really going to be that 'smart'?

Anyway yes, emotional intelligence is said to be more impt than actual "IQ" and I definitely do believe in that concept.


Anyywhooo.. back to ADD. Does our system create these disorders? Maybe, but they still exist, even if its the structure of our system that causes it. It is not right, morally, that children be put on ADD meds solely because everyone else is doing it [and Ive heard ths before, my fathers best friends wife was a boursegeois bitch that placed her kids on ritalin a couple of years ago simply because others were on it]. It is not right if a child or adult is misdiagnosed and placed on meds. It is not right to be on meds and become a zombie or not yourself.


Youre comments are definitely correct, but you have to see both sides of the story. Yes the 'system' etc is fucked up, but dont pop in initial comments that are solely one sided.


Anyway Im stalling really bad... I gota do work. Ill pop in though, this convo is very interesting.

:yuck: ;)

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Originally posted by metallix+Oct 18 2004, 04:21 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (metallix - Oct 18 2004, 04:21 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-Casual T.@Oct 17 2004, 10:55 PM

Damn you really do listen to a lot of heavy metal. All of your posts, no matter what the thread, you manage to connect the topic with a politically-motivated conspiracy theory and "the system."


Don't get me wrong the stuff you say is interesting.



well im sure there are people who have legitimate versions of some sort of learning disorders. but in my psychology class we learned that the west ascribes psychological disorders to cultural aspects of people. like take for example the SAT if someone scores low on it they are assumed to have low intelligence. but what's not factored in is that the SAT is geared towards western (white) culture. so if someone doesnt have a clear understanding of that culture they will score low.


on top of that there is a massive debate about what intelligence really means. it is very subjective what one may consider intelligence/intelligent.


on top of that , attendion deficit disorder may be a real disorder. i found this link on the internet. http://www.mentalhealth.com/dis1/p21-ch01.html

i do believe some people can have it. but from what i've seen so far and the discussions around the topic.it seems that a lot of people are wrongly diagnosed with disorders they don't really have.


the question is. does our society and or educational system create these disorders by the very nature of the systems themselves. or do these people actually have these disorders? some statistics would probably help here..


is it normal to medicate children so they conform better to the system or is it better to medicate the system so that it conforms better to the children? or is neither the fault and merely an individual health issue?




I'm going to pick on you for a little bit. First, take what you learned in your "psychology class" as a grain of salt. My guess is that you haven't looked at the breadth of the research available. I admittedly aren't as up to date as I should, but it's something I have put a considerable amount of time into to.


You're right on regarding cultural differences attributing to misdiagnosis, but be aware that any educated professional should be aware of this very simple fact. One of the doctors I study under was actually hired to create a norming group for an native american reservation. You must have an appropriate norm, or else a test is invalid. It's the reason it is ILLEGAL to administer an intelligence test to an African American student in California.


This, however, is not necessarily a large problem in regards to ADD/ADHD. ADD and ADHD result primarily due to a lack of stimulation in the midbrain- something that can be showed in comparative CAT scans, and in certain attentional tests. There is one caveat; no test is perfect. ALWAYS evaluate reliability, validity, and the norming group of any test. This is a BIOLOGICAL disorder, not something simply fabricated on a whim by a group of pseudo-professionals.


Yes, there is a large debate regarding intelligence, and there always will be. End of story. There are about eight WIDELY accepted theories regarding it. Consensus is impossible.


Don't base your beliefs on a few things you've heard from your highschool psychology teacher, and don't blame this one entirely on the system.

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