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John Kerry's DNC speech.

Poop Man Bob

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Guest imported_El Mamerro

The speech was excellent (at least in written form, I only caught the last few sentences after I got RealPlayer to work right).


He does, however, really need to start cutting back on mentioning the Vietnam thing. It's too easily mockable.

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good job there johnny! a couple of nice faces towards bush in there.


haha.. now they are commenting on the damn radio about the balloons..."this is the slowest balloon drop ever"



oh and the "we were literally in the same boat" was kind of cheesy.

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Apparently someone on CNN dropped the f-bomb on air. Drudge is asking anyone who has the audio to send it to him at mdrudge@aol.com. I added his name to my AIM list, but he's not responding to my IMs.


Even though I'm telling him I have the captured audio feed.


And I'm going to send him Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"

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I caught it about a quarter of the way in.


It was a great speech, period. This was probably the first time I've seen him actually get excited and not talk like he's on xanax.


I liked how he played the religion card, then spun to the science card and for the end of his speech got all intense and crescendoed. That shit was nice, and the crowd kept him amped.


But seriously, homeboy needs to lay off the botox.

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I thought that overall it was a damn good speech. He did get a bit shiny towards the end, but I'd sweat if I had to give an hour-long speech on national television too.


I think he hit all the bases he needed to hit, and smacked down his critics on the flip-flopper charge. I'm glad he came out againt the Federal Marriage Amendment ("playing politics with the constitution") and laid down some plans for his administration.

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A couple more, just for the fun of it:


"The war on terror involves Saddam Hussein because of the nature of Saddam Hussein, the history of Saddam Hussein, and his willingness to terrorize himself."

George W. Bush

[Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1/20/2003, Washington Post]



"I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future."

Governor George W Bush


"When I was coming up, it was a dangerous world, and we knew exactly who the "they" were. 'It was us versus them. And it was clear who "them" was.... Today, we're not so sure who the "they" are,' [he continued, pausing as giggles began emanating from the crowd.] 'But we know they're there.'"

George W. Bush

[boston Globe, 1/23/00]





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I thought it was a pretty good speech. Campaign speeches are not usually full of surprises and we all know politicians promise way more than they can deliver, but I was impressed at how powerful a speaker he is and how he came down pretty tough on the administration and called them out on their constitutional indecency and how the current administration is geared towards the wealthy.


I also was surprised he came out so strongly for stem cell research, which I am a big supporter of. I thought it was a shame and definitly a signal of how badly in shape we are that Kerry had to specifically say things like (paraphrasing) "I will appoint an attorney general that will tell the truth/obey the constitution" and a will not go to war because we want to, but because we have to.


Kerry definitly showed some balls during the speech, and did it with flair. Of course, I am completely partisan in favor of the democratic party. And I loathe Bush.

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^^^^^hahaha...I noticed that quote....Bush sure has got some fantastic word usage...I'm voting for Kerry. I made up my mind a few months ago...

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Disenfranchising former felons is a serious threat to our liberty. It's wrong and it needs to stop. Unfortunately, y'all can't excactly proffer up a candidate and vote for him/her, but nonetheless we should stop this denial of rights.

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clue, i'm not sure which state your in, but you might want to look into that. everyone just blindly assumes you lose your right to vote, but most states only bar felons right to vote while they're incarcerated or on probation, not after they've served their sentence.



i didn't see the speech and i'm sure as shit not going to read an hours worth of political rhetoric. i really don't give a shit what he said, as long as he came off well.

i would like to check the parts on the claims of 'flip flopping', i'd like to see how he handled it.

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Incredible speach, i watched it from start ot finish, whoever said he doesnt have a presidential presense must surely take that statement back after that speech.


I forgot how he began his sp. but i think it was a shot at bush's military past, or maybe that's because i was thinking about that subject. But yes, his best points that will win him this election was when he said he knew what thos pfc's were going through because he went through it in vietnam.

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great speach but I'm not sure If I can totally trust him to back all those things he said.


Certainly.... I believe that he truly cares about the World's opinion of the USA.



and that Saudi family crack had me saying 'oh no he diddnt!'

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it was a good speech,

'cept the thing is most people have a team of speech writers...

kerry's was written by him and maybe 3 others?

i bet Bush got a team of like 50 people and he's probably not allowed to do anything but read it off...

except when he adds all his dumb shit to it.

or maybe not.

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