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dr. frink one

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Whatever brother, I rock New Balance..that's not my point. Corporate criminals are getting props from people that deserved respect.. you have these kids goin 'oh yeah, but he kinged it, this plot was retarded.. blah blah blah, he's got alife now, making money, why not..etc' Either quit real graff or make your money. The two are not mutually compatible..esp. with fuckin' adidas slave labour filth..and if it's Rime up there i mean WTF? That kids on it why pull that corporate gig offf. Fuck can2 and atom anyway-toys through and through..cocksucking German jocks..GRAF IS NOT FOR SALE!

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Snitches get stitches and sellouts get sucked out..Yeah it's sold-fuck it. It's a fucking dilution of one of the few pure things in the world left..It's a disgrace..Not just this, I'd expect this type of shit from can2 etc, but RIME?? These kids have brains..how much money does it take to buy reality? I doubt it's even very much. Everthing's for sale..who cares ..buy it if you want. 'Roll up Roll up- Reality for sale!' 'oh ..how much sir?'..fuck it all

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Snitches get stitches and sellouts get sucked out..Yeah it's sold-fuck it. It's a fucking dilution of one of the few pure things in the world left..It's a disgrace..Not just this, I'd expect this type of shit from can2 etc, but RIME?? These kids have brains..how much money does it take to buy reality? I doubt it's even very much. Everthing's for sale..who cares ..buy it if you want. 'Roll up Roll up- Reality for sale!' 'oh ..how much sir?'..fuck it all


What's so pure about graff? Seriously? People act like it's some kind of noble act. It's writing your name on a lot of things that don't belong to you. At least they are the real deal, and not some cornball graphic designer who has a subscription to 'Graphotism'.


.... props to them for getting payed to paint & doing it in style.

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It's the only act in the world, excluding revolutionary warfare, in which you DON'T get paid to risk death, beatings, and kidnapping by people with guns. Because YOU choose that path. For me that equates purity. Either keep it extreme or don't bother. Graff is the antithesis of all that is wrong with our sick, twisted, capitalist society. As Raoul Vaneigem said "Who wants a world in which the guarantee that we shall not die of starvation entails the risk of dying of boredom?" and that was 40 years ago. If only he could see us now. Fuck your bourgeouis sensibilities, and your 'are you 7'..profound comeback huh? Fight Fight Fight for everything which is being slowly. yet surely eroded through that type of attitude and bullshit apathy..Fight back kids!

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