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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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Ima motherefuckin drunk as fuck bwoooooooooy.I got kciked out the moviez a bar , chillis and the bus ..None wanted to come back witf me to my crib in worry that i am liable to do something stupid.so heres i am jus me and my efriends..what a hurt statement.and spitting on a bus driver shouldnt be grounds to be kicked off the bus.hes lucky its a felony to hitem .And dropping your haf drank 40 while you try your hardest to win in cruising usa shouldnt gets me kicked out of thge moviesd either.Anyway fuck you all.i love you all

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Yo where the hell is everyone? Im depressed due to going to a Long Island bar tonight. Damn, when was it popular and hot to have a pancake ass? I guess fat asses are out of style. I shall go to my "ass-lifts" now to get rid of my booty. Okay, thats a lie. I know most of you boys, especially my boy, love them big rumps.


Thank you to all you fellas who show loves to the big booty girls. Fuck LI.

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"i like big butts and i cannot lie".....big bootys will never go out of style....


2blazzed,welcome to my world,it happens on the regular


yo deto,i ate the same thing for dinner,well almost...honey garlic chicken,shrimp fried rice,2 egg rolls,and some hot pepper steak

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i copped "the life of david gale" for 5 bucks in a discount dvd bin yesterday... one of the best movies ive seen in a LONG time.... if youve never, i suggest you do... also got "point break" and "way of the gun" fer 5 bucks as well, ill be loungin all weekend, i need to take one off... i gotta go out and flick and re-install my digital camera software, ive been putting in some work lately... and had to rebuild my computer from the ground up... (wack)

also i FINALLY found "dark days" on dvd... if anyone knows if its possible to upload it without a dvd-rom drive let me know and i will... thats a definite necessity for any collection, although rather slept on.... holla.

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Originally posted by MEROJUANA+Mar 4 2005, 07:40 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (MEROJUANA - Mar 4 2005, 07:40 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-why write?@Mar 4 2005, 11:59 AM

damn, so now i got a minimum wage job...6/hour...fucking shit is wack....but i guess money=money....i need some quick fast way to make money, and this job aint gonna cut it....











word i think im gonna have to start hustlin up....


on a side tip: CREAM!


on another side tip: i wanna fucking paint.

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I guess i must of came upon a marker/mop or something last night..because when i woke up (sitting at my kitchen counter with a cold hot pocket in the microwave) i had heavy black ink on my hands. I aslo had no memory of writing those messages last night. Even though it now makes sense why i found a packed bowl on my table when i woke up

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we require fr8 flix..... or tittays....im up, its 3;15a.m., AND im sober.... just finished rocking something in my young homeys book... ill post a bunch of new stuff if i ever fully get my computer resituated....

stone cold is coming back to wrestle at wrestlemania, and yea i miss ecw, being a young buck and coming home early all blitzed on a saturday night just to watch ecw... those were the days...

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I got a milkshake at Carvel tonight with a good friend of mine, and it mus suck to work at Carvel because it's just a lame job, but if you're the guy/girl behind the counter, when people order shit, like when I ordered the chocolate shake, which was off the hook by the way, the person who ordered it is watching you the whole time, so you can't fuck up at all....and this cat looked shook like he had just started and this was the first chocoalte shake he was making on his own, without the supervisors' aide or anything, but the feller did a fine job..man i love the burbs though, especially for shit like that, and after you live in the city for a while and go back to the burbs, you're like, what the fuck is wrong with everyone. especially drivers, holy shit to burbs drivers suck enormous donkey balls 10 times in a row..they got so much space but have no clue what to do with it, gah..fuckin shit.

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