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Originally posted by MEROJUANA@Dec 18 2004, 07:50 PM





M E R O E S .




your coming too?? awesome!


so far i know a bunch of the kb crew is rolling....nice nice!!


bring cameras!!!

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Before it closed, I remember driving down to Skater Island in Middletown RI and passing a church with a light up sign that sometimes displayed uplifting messages about god and Jesus along the lines of "God answers all his knee-mails." Apparently these are fairly widespread. Earlier this month someone passed along the message displayed on one. The sign read "Christmas isn't about the children, it's about a child."


That's horse shit. Christmas never has been about Jesus.


It's no accident that December 25th falls a few days after the winter Solstice, the biggest holiday in the Pagan calendar. Christmas is held in December because the christians wanted to convert pagan Europeans to Christianity. Christmas lights? Those are simply imitations of the ancient Solstice bonfires. Christmas dinner? What the fuck do you think pagans did on their holidays, fast? Fuck no, those Viking motherfuckers knew how to throw a party (why the fuck do you think they didn't get credit for discovering America?). They sacrificed some animals and ate some other ones. Bang, instant funk. Would you like to go to a Viking party? I know I would, if just to observe their fierce moustaches. Of course the christians had to come out with some vanilla ice ass version to convert those badass vikings. This explains Christmas dinner.


The gift giving thing is 2 fold. First, people in Britain started giving each other gifts for the new year a few hundred years ago. The church flipped out and decided that those crackers would have to give gifts on christmas, 'cause everything has to be about Jesus. Then a few hundred years later American industry got in on it and Coca Cola defined Santa as we know him (shit, that sounds like I'm talking about god or that mediocre swedish goth band. I'm not.) Eventually Christmas gifts became an expected part of a child's life, not to mention a major boost for our retail economy (providing sullen teenagers with shitty minimum wage jobs since 1972!).


Moreover, do you even think Jesus would be down with us celebrating his motherfucking birthday? That jew didn't have a party until he knew he was going to die, and even then it was all washing feet and wierd speeches about bread and wine. I've looked, and I can't find anything about 50% off at Filenes in the bible, just shit about how we should give to charity and help our fellow man.


Fuck that, all I want is some Burberry Brit and my bitch stepmom won't let me have it. (stupid spoiled girl who lives in my town, check her LiveTeenAngstJournal: http://www.livejournal.com/users/reesie58/47608.html).


Nekro//whatchoo know about some Xmas?

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I didnt wake up til like noon today.


MERO NIGGA! you musta rolled through last night after I left at like 1.


I had a good time gooch.




PS: Bleeker from Bowery to W 10th is now sponsored by OneSeriousThreat and gold marker tags HAHAH.

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Originally posted by gatita@Dec 19 2004, 03:17 PM

Dude, Im not surprised no one (cough gooch) is awake. Im surprised IM awake. Well, I did get a lot of sleep @ cbgbs... hahah.. Sorry guys, I think I let vodka and jager get a hold of me :(



Yo, let's put it like this, I blacked out at about 1am then woke up on the floor of my boy’s living room in long island (which I realized after about 20 minutes where I actually was). I had no top on, and I stunk like god knows what. I have no memory of the events of the evening beyond a certain point, which was trying to squash some graffiti beef with some friends. I decided to leave my friends house but had no idea of the name of the town that he lives in so I couldn't even call a cab. So the town turns out to be in this isolated north shore LI area where nothing was open and was right on the beach. So here I am at 9:30 AM my clothes are wet, I don’t know why or with what, but I smelled like alcohol, vomit, and piss. Awesome, right? So people are like jogging and walking their dogs staring at me like I am so junkie who is going to mug them, and I mean I really did look like a mess. It was freezing cold out which made it all that much more fun! I did however get some luck, I saw a cab drive by me who didn’t stop when I waived but I managed to get the number on the side. I called them and the guy came back and drove my ass home.


I am getting all sorts of stories from my friends. Apparently I had a bucket given to me while I was at CB’s. My good friend Joe from back in the day said that i sat on the couch holding it and at one point I was biting it then hurled in it. I was stripped of my shirts and had a new shirt put on me because I was covered in my own filth.


Seriously, to whoever came I am sorry for getting that sloppy! I hope you all had a good time and thanks for coming!


Gliks, you are mad chill we have got to cool out again, but this time I won’t drink!

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Originally posted by Glik0@Dec 19 2004, 06:28 PM

I didnt wake up til like noon today.


MERO NIGGA! you musta rolled through last night after I left at like 1.


I had a good time gooch.




PS: Bleeker from Bowery to W 10th is now sponsored by OneSeriousThreat and gold marker tags HAHAH.



hahah awesome! thanks for coming bro it was good meeting you. i'm glad you had a good time.

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Originally posted by cracksmoka@Dec 19 2004, 07:52 PM

sounds like a good time was had by most... maybe i'll have to make an appereance at the next bat endorsed function, let me get somethin str8 though, gooch do you own this compant, design for them, push for them??? and ill support, but id rather send YOU my loot, what gear you got off hand?



yeah i own it. ell me what size, color, and designs you like and we can work something out.

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Originally posted by Glik0@Dec 19 2004, 07:59 PM

gooch was that beef with RoboC and the other C i heard about briefly?


I left right around 1am.



yeah, but it's all squashed now, i think. it was funny too cause the other c's boy who i fought was there. so me being the happy drunk was all hugs and pounds with him. i was like "good fight man, let me get you a drink"

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