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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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Dear WatcherSB,


1. i don't think that cracksmoka is gay, and even if he was, us KnightBats don't discriminate.


2. you can only hope and dream to be a part of our uber cool e-gang.


3. the little kid you speak of, holding our symbol up on our myspace page is Pfffffft's son or little brother or something of the sort.


4. we actually had WatcherSB's mother for lunch today. wasn't that good.


5. cracksmoka is a quality knightbat, he'll fuck you up son.


and NO, NightOwls are not better!







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yeah one time i got bagged at school and they had this monitor watching me where i like walk and shit like a body guard hah...and he used to write duel in nyc, and he was telling me he got bagged once and had to buff trains his whole entire summer...from morning to night, pretty crazy, and he was telling me all these stories and what not....hes a alright guy....heres a few sketches





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white, black, tan bats dont front!! IM SAVIOR tge from P-H-I-EL-EL-EEE nigga!! who the fuck is you? hide behind that screen name bitch or come see me!! and you dissed for no good reason other than your fuckin jealous of our smash power! we left badder niggaz c-walkin down the yellow brick road pussy!!! so fuckin step!!! owls are an endangered species.. they call us bats cause you mothers fuckers dont see shit!!!!!!

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Gooch, will you come work at my school?


I live in a wealthy town that people with disabled kids move to, so to me "teacher's aid" means "special education student handler" or if you want to be politically incorrect, "tardmaster."


I have all these memories of down syndrome kids flipping out and smacking around their teachers' aids. There's one especially for phys ed at my high school, she stands outside the locker room and shrieks at the special ed students to change quicker. It's pretty intense.

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thanks gliko, i rarely get good responses on my work...makes me feel like im getting better when i do hear them....anyway so i was supposed to go to "hail-ville" last weekend and this weekend and last weekend didn't work out and now this weekend doesnt seem like its going to work out either...fuck. lifes a fucking bitch

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hahah that shits funny, i remember in 4th grade some kid had problems...he was like yelling at the teacher and swinging his coat at her and she called the principle in and he threw the desk at him and started crying and flipping out on the principle and the principle was trying to carry him out and the 4th grader was like beating the shit out of him haha...damn ill never forget that kid, he was wierd....he'd cry for no reason at all and i remember he always had a lot of boogers hanging out of his nose.

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1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9.........breathe... ok im calm now... whywrite i like those too... keep it up!! post more!! i got a tounge ring... it hurts/is incredibly uncomfortable for about 3 weeks... then it takes probably about 3-5 months for you to get used to it so that you dont even kknow its there... my wifey loves it (no explination needed) she has one, I love it (again, no ex needed) was it worth it? now i can say yes. would i do it again? no... that first week is fucking hell...... you cant eat ANYTHING solid... and you have to rinse with listerine like every 5 minutes(literally)

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i can kinda speak on this whole subject too, my little brother is ashburger autistic (its just a different form of autism) the little bus comes and gets him and all.. its kinda fucked up when you have to see it first hand every day.. and it puts my mom through hell... shes in her late forties and kevy is only 8... (she remarried after my old man died) but her husband is a grade A piece of shit and barely helps her with the kids at all(shes got a 4 yr old too) but anyway, kids like that are real they really do need that kinda special attention,and i aint preachin i make a retard joke as quick as anybody, but but i feel some kinda way about some shit and people just being "aware" and all... fun and games is fun and games, but theres a real world too........ peace -cracks^o^kb's secretary of defense^o^

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that also reminds me..back in 4th grade i hated going to school more then ever.....so my parents had to like literally like push me to go hah, so one day my father drove me to school like 5 minutes before the clases started....so i waited for him to leave and i was like fuck this shit im not staying here, so i jetted out of the building running as fast as i can and some teacher started chasing me, i almost got hit by a car and i only got halfway off the property and i was the 'kid who tried to escape from school' from then on haha....that school was shitty though, it gave me the creeps and still does....

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i just downloaded some good hip hop.


-lots of MF doom.


-cormega - verbal graffiti (holy fuck yes this is what gangster shit SHOULD sound like. this track makes me want to punch someone in the head)


-sabac, necro, ill bill stuff- (some corny, some cool)


-old kool g rapp, big L, marley marl etc.


-some new beatnuts shit! i love these guys.


-edan. hehehehe this kids a funny motherfucker and he's got crazy skills.


some other goodies. i <3 limewire.




yo bats, easy on the non-bats. we welcome all with open arms (wings). every person you dis and turn away could've been someone who would've posted naked pics of their sister.

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need some help.


can anyone recommend some good mellow breakbeats? i don't really know how to classify these beats, but i've heard them before and i love it and i can't fuckin remember what it is exactly. i guess they are breakbeats, but kind of ambient and hip hop ish....


did that make ANY sense?

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i'm so fuckin upset.... i just had a literature test...hard as shit, no bullshit...i'm so fuckin furious i can't even get my groove on tonight...damn my stupid professor.......made the test so hard...we had short answer questions...plus we had to write a 300 word eassy how "the swimmer" utlized post-modernism...and we had to choose two other stories and write about the same shit........the test was fuckin LUDICROUS. i answered all but one of the short answers...and i said fuck the 300 word eassy...i wrote only about 25 words...on each one.....as i turned it in...my professor looked at me, and called my name out...and i replyed " i couldn't do the last part"

and walked out of class...i had to re-read 12 stories...damn her fuckin test was so preposterous......................... ^:hatred:^




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Originally posted by fatalist@Nov 12 2004, 08:45 PM

i'm so fuckin upset.... i just had a literature test...hard as shit, no bullshit...i'm so fuckin furious i can't even get my groove on tonight...damn my stupid professor.......made the test so hard...we had short answer questions...plus we had to write a 300 word eassy how "the swimmer" utlized post-modernism...and we had to choose two other stories and write about the same shit........the test was fuckin LUDICROUS. i answered all but one of the short answers...and i said fuck the 300 word eassy...i wrote only about 25 words...on each one.....as i turned it in...my professor looked at me, and called my name out...and i replyed " i couldn't do the last part"

and walked out of class...i had to re-read 12 stories...damn her fuckin test was so preposterous......................... ^:hatred:^






You need to bone up on your BS skills.

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