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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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Originally posted by »§ÜGÅR«@Oct 23 2004, 05:17 AM

hi bats.

i cant seem to find the edit button for some reason. I wanna edit out my aim name in the aim name thread cuz some dirtbag ass motherfucker imed me getting all crazy trying to direct connect and started tryin to open up all this gay wanabee hacker type shit on aim... NOT COOL.


yes, he tried to talk to me as well, and to rental too. good thing she warned me before he tried to do his fancy computer stuff on me.

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Went to 5pts today, saw a random kid Ive seen off of Myspace that I think many of you kids are friends with/he might be on this board too.

Anyway, I was mistaken into thinkin the whole building was just graf, but as I entered and bumped into yuppie trust fund hipster galore world I was wrong. But, anyway, the roof was beautiful, and the sunset tonite was amazing. It was definitely a tearful event.

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i had a dopetastic weekend.


forgot to bring my digi to work, i got some funny flicks. tomorrow.


friday night, painted a scooby doo happy halloween wall with pen1. didn't finish.


saturday, work. (played on 12oz for 4 hours)


saturday night, went to see my boy, paulie tubas rock out on his tuba in the hong kong symphony orchestra. brought the dumpling. romance was felt. then proceeded to a very trendy bar with a sick view of the bay in HK. fuck payin $10 US for a jack and coke, but seriously, the view was pretty sick. we only had one drink. then we continued to our more usual bar and got plastered. i went home wrecked and watched the ben stiller movie with jennifer anniston. i can't remember it at all but i remember it was funnier than i thought it would be. maybe i was just wrecked.


sunday, woke up with a nice hangover and went out on a junk boat all day with the crew. got wasted on the boat and ate junk food and played poker. awesomeness.


back at work.



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Originally posted by gatita@Oct 25 2004, 01:44 AM

Went to 5pts today, saw a random kid Ive seen off of Myspace that I think many of you kids are friends with/he might be on this board too.

Anyway, I was mistaken into thinkin the whole building was just graf, but as I entered and bumped into yuppie trust fund hipster galore world I was wrong. But, anyway, the roof was beautiful, and the sunset tonite was amazing. It was definitely a tearful event.


who did you bump in to? lots of my friends are locals there.

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Just got back from seeing The Grudge. I saw the jap version last year and I can say that the american version is actually better. The acting could have been better, but other than that, it was good.


seldooner/babyillfuckaghostupoveryougimmeheadoner <---first time I have ever done that and said oner.

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Originally posted by Pfffffffffft@Oct 25 2004, 05:06 AM

glik0..now that you are a mod...


do me a favor...


when you close threads for what ever reason...humor me...


make the closing remark with a bang!

i really look forward to reading the mods closing remarks



I'll see what I can do.

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