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Get the arione. Its crunk as fuucccck.


Raced at the track tonight. Being that i don't own a track bike, i had to borrow one of the velodromes. One of the downsides of this is that those bikes are running 48x16.WAY TOO SMALL. In the scratch race, i wasn't really able to sprint effectively but managed 2nd. I won the miss and out and Point-a-lap race.

After tonight, i'm in the market for a track bike. I hate to ask this question, because i know its been asked a billion times. But what should i be looking at bike wise? I'm not looking to spend a fortune, and I'm not going to race a pista, so dont even suggest it. And this is strictly for racing.

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went on my first 4+ hour ride today. everyone i rode with had these brand new 2000 dollar bikes. first time i went up hill for an extended period of time too. and that shit is rough. coming down is so fucking worth it though. i seriously need to stop smoking. at the end of the ride i was right behind the guy in front we were going alittle over 40 according to his computer thing and these people didnt hear him yell "coming on your left" so he starts to break and i start to break but i didnt have enough time in between him and me so i turn left hard and keep going, the people have turned around by now and scramble out of my way but i shoulder one girl who was a little slow on moving, knocked her into the creek. i felt bad but she wasnt worried about it. shouldered a dude too. im amazed i didnt fall with all that speed and that sudden slam on both sides of me a split second apart.



they were cool about it though, the dude in front of me fell down laughing.. couldnt even get out of his clips before he hit from laughing. excellent ride. cant wait to go out and do it again.


im not going to fix it. but i actually spelled "brake" "break" a number of times in this post. maybe the ride weathered me.

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I have the Arione saddle and love it. I've gone through many saddles and found the Arione to be the most comfortable... for me. The Selle San Marcos Rolls saddle is a hot favorite in the pro ranks for the "bigger" boys and I assume so because of it's wider and more cushioned surface. I've never actually ridden one before so I can't make judgement on them. However... saddles are a very personal thing and probably the most important piece of equipment you put on your bike. So choose wisely. I like the Fizik Arione because I can get more positions on the long shape of the saddle and when adjusting the saddle fore and aft I have more room than most saddles allow due to the longer rails. But I'm racing so my needs are different from what you'll need.


Either one is gonna cost you unless you go the eBay / Craigslist route...


I actually just saw a Rolls on another bike today for the first time, it pretty much looked like a carbon copy of my Turbo except slightly more classy, and slightly less padding. Could have been less broken in though... either way, in the interest of not buying the same saddle again (I like the Turbo fine though it gets uncomfortable on 15+ mile rides, but hey, I'm riding track geometry), I think I'm gonna go for the Fizik when the money becomes available and my saddle is trashed enough. There's just some weird part of me that think they look a little funny on lugged steel frames, because I guess my brain associates Turbos / Rolls / Brooks / 80's or earlier saddles with lugged steel, and aero saddles like the Fizik and Selle Italia SLR's with aluminum / techy carbon frames.


Either way I'm HEATED... http://s130.photobucket.com/albums/p254/keirinculture/makinowhitemay1/ the exact frame I want, in the exact tubing / exact measurements.... $875. If it was just $200 less I'd be on that so quick, just sell my other bike on CL first. Makino-san makes a hell of a track frame, and Kaisei makes some niiiiiiiice tubing.

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Swedish... I hear good things about the Bianchi Pista Concept and the Felt TK2 for racing. I even see plenty of folks on the velodrome using Fuji Track Pro bikes as well... though I haven't heard enough about 'em to say look into 'em. I'm considering the TK2 for racing for myself... plus it's all black. Like death itself.


Good ride on a borrowed bike!


iloveboxcars... smoking? Seriously?

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So Im currently in london right now and have been watching cyclists the whole trip, met up with a few messengers to bum a loaner for the week and tag along to see what the london groups like. All ive got to say is the west coast is making a mint off the UK. Its all Langsters, Marin bikes, Chrome bags, Phil wood hubs... youd think italian or french since they're right there but nope. Surly and deep vs.

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n00b question: I recently came up on an older Miyata, it's a decent ride, uber comfortable..

So here's the question; The seat post is frozen into the frame, and I'm not sure how to go

about getting it out without damaging the bike..I'm pretty sure it's not rusted in there, but

in all honesty, I don't know for certain, as I only recently came into possession of it..Any tips?

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theres a spillway where i did this exact thing.iv never busted my ass so bad...on the way up twice my back wheel came out from under me cuz of the slime on the ground.and i finnally made it.then on the way bak down did the same thing and busted my ass so fukin nasty.got a scar on my elbow n shit....good tymes......

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Am I crazy or is it the middle of June? Summer time, right? Whiskey tango foxtrot! Rode for 5.5 hours today and waas freezing the whole time. Got rained on several times and never once saw the sun. If the summer weather doesn't show itself soon I may be looking for a bridge to jump off of...

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Am I crazy or is it the middle of June? Summer time, right? Whiskey tango foxtrot! Rode for 5.5 hours today and waas freezing the whole time. Got rained on several times and never once saw the sun. If the summer weather doesn't show itself soon I may be looking for a bridge to jump off of...


I rode a good 7 or 8 miles around 11am, wasn't too bad... but yeah, the rain showers today were weird.

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Am I crazy or is it the middle of June? Summer time, right? Whiskey tango foxtrot! Rode for 5.5 hours today and waas freezing the whole time. Got rained on several times and never once saw the sun. If the summer weather doesn't show itself soon I may be looking for a bridge to jump off of...


5.5 hours in june? You crazzzzzzzy.

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you know. i can work on a car like a motherfucker. but give me something on a bike. as simple as putting on bar tape, and my ass fucks it up. i've tried to wrap this shit three times now. it seriously makes me wonder about myself.



and these 4 inch strips that are apparently supposed to go over the brake hood. what the fuck is that even for. god damn these god damn its.




just needed to vent about being a moron. thanks.

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often when wrapping bars the tape does not cover the lever clamp completely.

the two four inch pieces are to cover those clamps and finish the look of the tape.


borrowed a tarmac elite ultegra group from the shop this evening.

it accelerates like a dream and had me chasing meat heads on mountain bikes

going mach ten down the bike path without much effort.


with gears and brakes even.

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5.5 hours in june? You crazzzzzzzy.


I know. I've been so unmotivated lately that my form has gone down the drain. I thought a nice long ride would do me some good but I don't think it did anything other than tire me out for the whole weekend. Crit season is creepin' up on me here and I need to get some explosiveness back into my riding.

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Circuit race this evening... so freakin' fast. Two and a half hours of suffering. I was only in "zone" for fifteen minutes... the rest of the time I was in the 170's. Tried to take a flyer on the last lap and they let me hang out till about half a mile to go and then sweeped past me like I was going backwards. All I could do was sit up and giggle.

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my tri is saturday morning. haha. rode 20 yesterday, blew off swimming to eat chinese w/ my girl today. maybe tomorrow i'll run or something. i just feel like im not going to make any difference in fitness level this late in the game, so i might as well just try to stay loose and ready. solid plan?

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a seized seat post aint no joke.


your probably fucked.


Heh..I tried a few avenues, then finally resorted to WD-40 and a pipe wrench.Turns out there was a

bit of corrosion, after all. CLR , works wonders on rust that isn't too far gone.


Problem solved.


Boxcars, just so you feel better about being dumb, my retarded ass had issues

figuring the bar tape thing out for my other bike, too.

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Boxcars, just so you feel better about being dumb, my retarded ass had issues

figuring the bar tape thing out for my other bike, too.



yeah. thank god i didnt get the tape that had an adhesive side. took me 3 or 4 tries to get me to where i was ok with how it looked.







anyone know a place in the bay area that's good for buying just frames? theres a place in san jose called fabers but they dont have what im looking for.

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i hate putting bar tape on. i always end up just wrapping the ends with some electrical tape so it looks a little cleaned up...


i'm looking at the gary fisher rig. though i'm throwing around building up a kona a frame. (full suspension s/s) money money money. probably better spent on tattoos.


yeah. june weather, this is my first june in the northwest and i like it. its not blistering hot, we get a good refreshing drizzle almost daily. can't wait to check out the trails here.

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