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jeez, overanalyze much? i posted a picture and suddenly i'm "talking shit". why yes, i did post the kirin ichiban beer because it's similar to keirin, why no, i didn't know keirin is pronounced "KAY-rin" because absolutely everyone i've ever heard say the word, from bike mechanics to messengers to announcers talking about the event on reruns of track races on youtube, says KIR-IN.


here's a pic of my "conversion" by the way:




it's built up, i promise, and there's no deep V's, but you would be right to think that the rims match the grips because the rims are silver, the bars are silver and the grips are clear.


but honestly, who the hell cares? ride your fucking bike!

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Outlawed in portland... i thought that townships past time was doing stupid shit like riots, seems weird to be outlawed from that.


This is my spring break this week. Im holding off on my flight up to Oregon until I turn 21 in a couple months. Tomorrow im headin off on a little tour of Marin County and then down to Coe park and Monterey Bay. Should be under 500 miles and all im bringing is a large tarp, a pretty heavy sleeping bag, topeak repair kit, crank bros ppp pump, a few conti spares and my camera so ill catch some pit stop flicks. I could imagine spending thirty minutes trying to use this pump tho.

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i decided today that fixed gear kids are bar none, the biggest faggots in the universe.

they make your standard hipster kid look like a million bucks in comparison.


jokers bike looks like a nascar robocop and his floors look like glass. much nicer than all my stuff.

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just point to your legs next time they say something.


Unfortunately, cops and lawmakers aren't buying that. It's a huge issue in PDX that has a lot of folks kinda upset. And I can understand why, on both sides (how's that for showing my age?). My take on the issue is when the girl riding fixed without a hand brake was asked by the cop to stop, she did. So in my honest opinion there should be no arguement. Chances are, some politician almost got run over by either a working courier or a counterfeit and has made it their mission to put this whole genre to an end. A subculture that, in PDX at least, has gotton way out of control. I see so many folks riding fixed in this town... from hipster to courier to John Doe on his converted Schwinn. It's cool to see so many folks on bikes but at the same time it's kind of odd to see so many of them riding fixed.

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jokers bike looks like a nascar robocop and his floors look like glass. much nicer than all my stuff.


and jesus fuck' date=' your floors are clean and polished like whoa![/quote']




The bike runs like a rocket and the floors... well, what can I say... I keep our home clean. Okay, okay... Rachel keeps our home clean

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i dont understand how they are worse than hipsters.


i would ride fixed if i was able to coast or back pedal. well, i would have to get 2 bikes, because i couldn't really ride fixed up north without some amazing legs.


its not the riding of a fixed gear bike (mine is) its the notion of a 'fixed gear culture' and 'fixed gear communities' and 'fixed gear message boards'.


imagine if there were a bunch of people who put up stickers, and they felt that anything that wasnt a sticker wasnt 'pure', and they complained constantly about the co-opting of sticker culture by the outside world, and they talked about nothing but stickers all day, everyday, and how they could change the world with stickers. they'd try talking their girlfriends into doing stickers, they'd drool over foreign stickers and remind you that all stickers at one time, used to be stickers, thus stickers are the original sticker. they claimed a particular style of dress as 'sticker clothes', and you could pick out a 'sticker' person in any crowded bar, just with a single look... basically, imagine someone intolerably annoying and self rightesous.


i know a comparison can be made to graff in general, but its faulty. graff would be 'bikes', not a particular style of bike that felt it was so seperate and exclusive from the rest of bike-dom.

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i dont understand how they are worse than hipsters.


i would ride fixed if i was able to coast or back pedal. well, i would have to get 2 bikes, because i couldn't really ride fixed up north without some amazing legs.


eh. there's a good amount of uptight, pretentious trendy bullshitty can't-throw-a-skid-stop-but-have-a-$3000 dollar-brakeless-track-setup running around. they're a nuisance. there's some down to earth people who ride fixed too, so it balances it out. and there's a shitload of roadies that you never see in the notable areas of town riding full brakes fixed gears to improve their cadence and spin too. i could do without category A but they'll go back to skateboarding when it's the trend again, and hang out in skate shops all day with the full skate clothing outfit and an unscratched board that's never seen cement, talking shit and being gay.


point is, keep off the sweeping generalizations. the people that ride fixed, or bikes in general, for more substantial reasons than those who want to look cool walking their NJS machine around town, are a lot like the vegans who do it for the animals vs. those who do it because it's "cool" or "trendy" in some circles, they'll be around a lot longer than the sheep. (hate to use vegans as an example but you see the point).


riding track bikes is fun.

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Unfortunately, cops and lawmakers aren't buying that. It's a huge issue in PDX that has a lot of folks kinda upset. And I can understand why, on both sides (how's that for showing my age?). My take on the issue is when the girl riding fixed without a hand brake was asked by the cop to stop, she did. So in my honest opinion there should be no arguement. Chances are, some politician almost got run over by either a working courier or a counterfeit and has made it their mission to put this whole genre to an end. A subculture that, in PDX at least, has gotton way out of control. I see so many folks riding fixed in this town... from hipster to courier to John Doe on his converted Schwinn. It's cool to see so many folks on bikes but at the same time it's kind of odd to see so many of them riding fixed.


senator atkinson is making some progress at legalizing track bikes on the street. his bill passed in the senate and awaits a house vote or something like that. it says if you can stop in 15 feet going 10mph, you may ride a track bike on the street.


PDX doesn't even sound like a scene at all compared to the bay or seattle, though, joker. atleast from what i hear from the bay people that make their way up here, it's a lot more low key here as far as a "community" or "scene".

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ok, so while out getting new rims for the bike i opted to get some new tires as well. holy fucking hell, the ride is ridiculous now. i read a couple pages back a discussion about changing tires and it feeling a lot nicer and i figured you guys could tell the difference just because you've been riding for a long time, but no, it is substantially better.


i also got alum rims to replace the original steel rims and how much lighter the bike got makes me very pleased. i am definitely looking at different parts on the bike to replace now.

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PDX doesn't even sound like a scene at all compared to the bay or seattle, though, joker. atleast from what i hear from the bay people that make their way up here, it's a lot more low key here as far as a "community" or "scene".


I think the reason I mentioned the enormous amount of people I see riding fixed was because most of these people look as far removed from "fixed gear culture" as could be. I'm not even referring to the ones who are on the Pro-Tec helmet craze (which, by the way, makes them look like a mentally challeneged person riding a bike... literally). I'm talking about your everyday folk. So I'm curious about their reasons for riding fixed. They're obviously beyond a fashion statement or hooking up with a trend. The only thing I can think of is ease of use and care.


Maybe I just underestimate people sometimes...


And Seeking's rant is pretty much on point, but you could replace the sticker with just about anything. The latest music genre, street art, fashion... I think what it boils down to is people suck.

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senator atkinson is making some progress at legalizing track bikes on the street. his bill passed in the senate and awaits a house vote or something like that. it says if you can stop in 15 feet going 10mph, you may ride a track bike on the street.


PDX doesn't even sound like a scene at all compared to the bay or seattle, though, joker. atleast from what i hear from the bay people that make their way up here, it's a lot more low key here as far as a "community" or "scene".


I guess the good thing about this, is that it forces you to learn how to ride your fucking bike. I mean, I hated it when I was a working messenger and new kids would come barreling into town on thir brand new mom bought bikes and try to be a badass going a million miles an hour and NOT know how to stop. They would sit on the top tube, and put their feet down flintstone style. GAY.

This may force all the "hey look at me" kids to actually learn how to stop BEFORE they try to learn fancy tricks to show off at intersections.

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I think the reason I mentioned the enormous amount of people I see riding fixed was because most of these people look as far removed from "fixed gear culture" as could be. I'm not even referring to the ones who are on the Pro-Tec helmet craze (which, by the way, makes them look like a mentally challeneged person riding a bike... literally). I'm talking about your everyday folk. So I'm curious about their reasons for riding fixed. They're obviously beyond a fashion statement or hooking up with a trend. The only thing I can think of is ease of use and care.


Maybe I just underestimate people sometimes...


And Seeking's rant is pretty much on point, but you could replace the sticker with just about anything. The latest music genre, street art, fashion... I think what it boils down to is people suck.


Shouldn't you be at work old man? Haha, I miss seeing floors like glass. Tell Rachel I said hello. The ride looks slick!


I know Hesh hates track bikes and all, but I'm going to buy a new one, and I'm going to set it up nice. Classy. Not in the "all fashin no passion" style.

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