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so my uncle gave me this frame years ago in hopes that i would put some use to it. After a long time of riding other bikes and being happy with them, i decided id try and sell this frame to make some cash (im pretty strapped right now). Only problem is, he didnt tell me the model type or any other specifications so im left with little knowledge of what it could be.


So this is where the 12oz bike community comes in to the rescue. (i hope) I know this is a Sampson frame, probably made around the late 1990's. Its a titanium frame with a carbon fiber fork. With that being said, could anybody help me with an estimate of what it should go for or anything else? Thanks alot. Heres a picture of the frame.


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nice frame. sarcasm is lost for me on teh internets so I'm going to assume you in fact DO like record components dr. hesh...


other ideas:

sugino grand mighty (seems nice? haven't heard a lot about it)

d-ace (probably not)

miche - I know nothing more about these components other than that they exist;

FSA? I have an FSA crankset on my roadie that seems to run fairly nicely. who the fuck knows.


BB will definitely be record. crankski is up in the air.

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dont sell.





walk my bike? go fuck yourself. west coast fashion riders can suck me. how about that?


^^i mean, i understand where you're coming from, but i do really need the cash and i already have 3 rides in my garage. Do you know anything about it (the frame/company/anything else)?

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I'm not finding anything more than you probably have. Google search turned up a little bit but nothing matching your frame up there. Titanium is always a soft spot with the Masters crowd. Just look at how many 50+ year old guys out there ride Litspeed bikes. I would say the frame and fork are from the mid to late nineties... and if it's in good condition and you found someone relly interested in a purchase, you could maybe get $500 for it.


And that's a huge guess...

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Anyone ever run record pista crankset + record bottom bracket? thinking of it for the new build up. street+track. not worth the dollars? something better for the dollars?


I used that set up on my old bike and loved it. Then again, I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm a gruppo snob.

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What do you call a dude with a campy record setup and colnago frame that uses it for exercising? Hesh would you stop with that.



talking about me?


id say it belongs to someone w/ paper stacks and good taste. colnago is arguably some of the best production bikes in the world

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I'm not finding anything more than you probably have. Google search turned up a little bit but nothing matching your frame up there. Titanium is always a soft spot with the Masters crowd. Just look at how many 50+ year old guys out there ride Litspeed bikes. I would say the frame and fork are from the mid to late nineties... and if it's in good condition and you found someone relly interested in a purchase, you could maybe get $500 for it.


And that's a huge guess...


thanks alot, this is more then what i knew previously, and thank you for not being the typical dickhead 12ozer. I finally know there are some decent people on here.

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thanks alot, this is more then what i knew previously, and thank you for not being the typical dickhead 12ozer. I finally know there are some decent people on here.


I was an asshole in my teens and twenties... I'm done with that.


I actually did find this link : http://www.sidetrak.com/Catalog/bikes.html and though the bike at the bottom is hard to see up close... I'm thinking it looks an awful lot like your bike. You can assume the Sampson decal is white because it's washed out. The cable routings all look the same and material is definitely Titanium. I think the bike in that link is a 1998 Sampson Kalispell.


If worse come sto worse you could always contact the company with a photo and ask for some information on it.

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Ballan won the Ronde Van Vlaanderen today... left Boonen behind and gave Hoste yet another second place finish in Belgium's crown jewel. Epic racing. If you were able to watch it you saw some great racing.




Did anyone watch the coverage of the USA Championships on NBC? They showed cycling on NBC for 2.5 hours... that's unheard of! Anyway... good racing there as well. The last couple of laps on that downtown Richmond, VA course was awesome. And it looked like a lot of folks turned out to cheer the riders on as well. Good for the sport and the sponsors.

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