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Levi is doing so well. I was worried about Heras a few stages back, but he's finding his groove it seems. And Jiminez... holy cow! Freakin' machine. This years Vuelta is shaping up to be a great race. I love how the gold jersey keeps changing hands...




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Levi is doing so well. I was worried about Heras a few stages back, but he's finding his groove it seems. And Jiminez... holy cow! Freakin' machine. This years Vuelta is shaping up to be a great race. I love how the gold jersey keeps changing hands...




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aw man tearz,i wish i was.but i dont have cable,i miss out on all the televised races,tour de'france,gyro de italia,the norba circuit races etc.im in the dark,i gotta do it the old fasion way and read velo news.it really is time to subscribe to cable.but i do get to go out for a group nite ride today after work,charge them lites and hit the dirt.cant wait.

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aw man tearz,i wish i was.but i dont have cable,i miss out on all the televised races,tour de'france,gyro de italia,the norba circuit races etc.im in the dark,i gotta do it the old fasion way and read velo news.it really is time to subscribe to cable.but i do get to go out for a group nite ride today after work,charge them lites and hit the dirt.cant wait.

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  • 2 weeks later...

whoooooooooooaaaaaaaaa shit. i dunno if i can get used to this board. yay for hesh!!!! :king: he is a moderator! yay for me toooo! i am moderator at hifiart.com. so check me out putting people in their plces there too! okay i am too excited. oh yea! we are getting quicksilver soon and we're having a showing at our house for it. that shall be good.

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my peoples like woah. thanks dlush, you know how bad i wanna be in s.f., don't tease me w/ that quicksilver talk. aiight nizles, check in: -me, im now single and am loving every moment of it. weeeeeeeee

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The other day I wrecked on my bike. I was on my way home from work (I’ve been riding to work a lot lately cause the weather has been real nice), and I misjudged a turn (I actually judged it fine, but I couldn’t slow down in time) and slammed into a curb. I flipped over the bike and landed on the pavement with my right arm under my chest. When I hit the ground, the outside part of my elbow was smashed under me. For about 2 seconds, I couldn’t move my fingers, and I was afraid I had broken my arm. As it turns out I just bruised and cut it real good. I’m sure I looked a bit crazy riding the rest of the way home with blood dripping off my arm and leg.


Moral of the story: I love riding my bike. It’s always an adventure.

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checkin in.....


okay i forgot to check in i guess :confused: .... but i haven't been doing much really. just talking to hesh like everyday now. he knows he loves us :P . was almost single. 5ALARM and i were having some problems big time :(, but now we're all good. sucks how relationships go sometimes. but i'm glad that we cleared the water. a kitten that followed me to work everyday, died :(. and i was gonna bring him home the day that i discovered his body. will make the single speed a pimping ride soon enough :king:. put the track bike up for early retirement. and i'm waiting for you guys to come here. whhhhhoooopppiiieeeeeeeee doooooooooo! :crazy: i love you all though!

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for as much as we chit chat you never mentioned hanging up the trackie. what gives sissy? why why whyh wyhwy whywhwy whwywuhhkethkth slagjkledbnvl aiyg...................ohh the humanity

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hello my peoples! it's back on..... man, the main reason i missed the board was this thread. shit. congrats hesh on moderator. big ups to all the main members, dibs, dlush, jobe, joker, al, and everybody else i'm too excited to remember. i raced yesterday and did pretty crappy, but i had a lot of fun.

check in: i put money down on my new bike. awwww shit boy. i'm so gassed it's ridiculous. i've also been fucking with this old schwinn to convert to a fixie, which will be real nice when it's done. work is aight, but i can't ride anymore. too dark on the way home. levi third in la vuelta holy shit.

so anyways. what's goin on. i missed you all.


ps-hesh what's poppin with the project?

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now which project are you talking about? i assume you mean the mission to s.f.. if thats the case im fuckin goin. hahahahah email me if youlike aim-heshrock

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I haven't been doing shit! I've been riding to work a little bit but I haven't been doing any serious training rides. I think the last long ride I went on was over two weeks ago. Only did 45 miles. I've been slackin'!! Actually, I've considered taking October off and then slowly easing my way back in to training hard by December. That way I don't over ride myself by race season next year. I'm also considering joining Team Oregon. It's not like I have to try out or anything. You just pay the fee and you get the gear. The nice thing about it is having riders in the races to work with and during training rides having a coach to work with you. Set your goals with you and help you achieve them. We'll see though.


Looking to buy a bike for the foul weather real soon! Shit is exspensive though! $1300... $1595... what's a brother to do? Those are high prices for a bike whose sole purpose is to get wet...

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yeah tears,i wanna know too,how was this race,what as it all about?details details!!seeing as were all catching up,ever since we were interupted in this ongoing discussion,ive been ridding to work everyday,thats not unusual as i dont own a 4 wheeled vehicle.been doing alot of mtn bikking, a couple morning rides a week and a night ride every sunday.im getting a road bike to borrow for a while from my employer,its a lemond zurich,01 model.so that will be alot of fun.etc etc,basicly i have been doing the same things lately.joker,just a word of encouragement,i think you should go for team oregon.it could be a great oppurtunity to break throught to the next level by race time next season.it sounds good to me.a coach and other ridders to help/motivate/challenge sounds like a good way to build upon your strengths and strengthin your weaker spots.devilush,whats up with hanging up the fixie????i bet its just a short time before you come out of retirement like jordan.

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it really wasn't that serious.


it was a mountain bike race, so automatically not my forte.

my first mountain race. i'm not sure how the norba classification works, but i would have been a cat 4/5 equivalent.

so i'm not that dope. haha. it was for fun.

field was maybe 90 something riders. technical single track, two nine mile laps on a very muddy slow course.

finished near the top in my category and in the top half overall time wise. but that's not saying much because while there were pros and dudes that knew what they were doing, there were lots of old dudes too.

it was ok. i certainly didn't try and kill myself. only one flat.

but it was fun.

i'm gonna start road racing hopefully this year. loose goal is to try to get up to a category 4 by the end of next season. got any science on this joker?

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Originally posted by Joker

Looking to buy a bike for the foul weather real soon! Shit is exspensive though! $1300... $1595... what's a brother to do? Those are high prices for a bike whose sole purpose is to get wet...


just curious seeing as I know next to nothing about these things, but about how long would a bike like that be usable?

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Originally posted by DIBS

joker,just a word of encouragement,i think you should go for team oregon.it could be a great oppurtunity to break throught to the next level by race time next season.it sounds good to me.a coach and other ridders to help/motivate/challenge sounds like a good way to build upon your strengths and strengthin your weaker spots.


I used to ski competitively, and a coach/team environment is the best thing for improvement. No matter how good you think you can get on your own, a coach will always point out flaws in your technique which can improve your time (or whatever you're going for). and as dibs pointed out above teammates are helpful as well. It's kind of sad now, but I don't know what to do with myself without a coach.

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All good advice. Thanks guys!


Tearz... going from a 5 to a 4 isn't really all that hard. It's all a matter of technique, truthfully. Knowing where to be in the bunch, when to attack, counter attack. If you can keep up with the 5's or even keep them at bay chances are you can do the same with the 4's. Even the 3's. The higher catagory you go you realize that they pretty much keep to one speed (if the course is flat) for the whole race... except the few who are trying to win. Whereas, and this has been my experience, the 4's and 5's "yo-yo" throughout the race. Fast to slow... fast to slow. And that can wear you out quicker. My advice is to stay within the first seven guys of a the leading bunch. Pick your draft spots according to wind and work at the front only if neccessary. When it comes time for point sprints... watch for gear clicks and attack with whoever moves. Same with the finish line. And just to note... I'm a cat 3/4. So I don't know all that much myself. I too, am not that dope. Though I hope the advice helps.


Lush... I've never had a bike specifically for the rainy season so I'm not sure on the life expectancy.


Dibs... A Zurich? Wowzers! That's nice bike to let someone borrow. That's cool that you're doing all those morning rides. Any goals or just for the love of it? I still owe you a package... don't think I've forgotten you.

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joker,haha,im not sweatin the package.the deal with the zurich is...a large chain of bike shops in the my area went under recently,my employer bought out alot of there product,including some"bump and scratch"bikes.thats what the zurich is.its new,but it has a ding in the top tube,so we cant really sell it as new and we cant warranty it with lemond.so he keeps it with the intention of loaning it to customers who need a bike while theres are being serviced.but this has not happened yet,so hes loaning it to me,and i think eventually ill be able to buy it for very little,at least thats what i hope.as far as ridding,i just love to ride,so i do it alot.also i try to put in as much work as possible to get ready for raccing next season,mtn bikes,with a focus on the 24 hour types of races.ive never raced before,so it will be a new experience all together,got my eye set on march,24 hours of adrenalin in monterey.lush,do you still ski?a guy i work with is a ski nut!!he cant wait for snow to start falling in tahoe.i might even give it a try this year,never been skiing.

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io have a standard sta frame w profile 3 pce volume regal begal bars snafu tires odi rogue grips a tektro brake lever redneck stem primo super tenderisor pedals alex triple wall rims with primo sob hubs w 12 gauge spokes chrome primo hemmoroid seat standard seat post and primo viking clamp. a fsa pig a headset and i love to slide nis 15 stair rails. howa bouth them apples:king: :king: :king: :king: :king: :king:

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