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Guest kidlugz

oh, and i had a good laugh today. i went into this small bike shop in china town for the first time. get this--the bastard running the shop was asking $650 for an old ass NORCO road bike with shimano 105 parts. i scoffed at the price and he abruptly yelled back as if i had slain his first born.

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Guest Anal Cunt

Dangling Testicles

Junior Member

Posts: 11

Registered: Jul 2001

posted 07-13-2001 09:55 PM



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damn hesh thats fu#%ed up.but as all of us are probally familiar there are alot of shops and theyre employee's that think they are the essence of bike cool.bike snobs suck in general,but bike snobs that own/work in shops is even worse.akaline,congrats on the new bike,always remember,there is NO coasting on a fixie.its easy to forget,coasting becomes second nature to most of us familar to ridding,and most likely learning to ride on a freewheele.the first day i rode my fixie i was riddin along,and came to a pothole,my first instict was to bunny hop as i would on my mtn bike,hell no,i got bucked off so hard,and in front of a crowd to boot.it was a embarrassing but valuable lesson,stay awake dibs and keep them pedals rotating.

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15 crosstown packages in my bag. full up to cambridge. argh. burnin down congress to southie to clear 5 and pick 3 tubes... mutha fuckin gunshot. i look down there are federal buildings all over tha place i started sweatin. then my bang jealousy is handling like a brick i look down i blew my fuckin tire to shreds hucked my rim out of true. godamn could these things happen at a worse time.


i know you all like me i just feel lefted out. think insane eight yr old who doesnt get enough hugs.



teeth and flowerpots. addiction to the soul.



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hesh that shit is fucked up. although, it does happen everywhere. the shops out here are usually tended towards the yuppies. and they have people following you asking if you need the help. but a bike messenger usually knows what the hell that they want and doesn't usually need any help. but it's an unfortunate truth. so we go to the biek shops ran by ex bike messengers. eventhough they don't really carry much. we'll only go to the big time ones for extreme situations.

*al, as for the new bike. it took me like a year to take off my breaks. and i'm with dibs, people do tend to coast. keep awake. but that track bike will open new senses.



Stonecutters #1

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Willy, you’re 8!?!?!? Hehehe


I’ve blown out a couple of tires too. It always seems to happen when I don’t have a spare and in the middle of the night. Walking your bike for ten miles to get home sucks.


On a side note … I think I’m starting to get used to my new bike a little more. I worked up the courage to ride fast last night (before it started raining again). It was fun, but I really need to find my helmet just in case.





Stonecutters #1

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Must have been something in the air. I blew out yesterday on a decent. Not fun. Got all squirlly and shit. Love my Mavic Cosmos!!! I put those babies through hell yesterday and not a nick or bump in 'em. Two cheers for Mavic!

Worked on hills yesterday. At the base of the second hill I had two guys behind me... the same two guys whom I saw pulling their bikes off the car rack at the top of the previous hill. We started up the hill with me pulling. About a mile into it I slowed to let them ride up so I could do a little drafting... let them put in some work. When I slowed, they slowed. I kindly said out loud that they need to put in some work too. They said nothing back... just a smile. So I got back to the front for about a 1/4 of a mile, shifted up two gears and took off. When I looked back they were trying to match the effort... but nah. My legs were feeling good yesterday. Non-working bitches...




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right on joker. yea...this guy that my boyfriend works with (i won't say a name becasue he's an l.a. writer). he blew his tire. he ended up going to our place cuz he didn't have any spare tubes. tomorrow is the ride to mission rock, we're throwing his bike off into the ocean. http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb//frown.gif'>



Stonecutters #1

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jeez joker the trainer that sounds like all the stories from my high school tt days. now i cant even think of training, yeah i sprint my runs and my exact miles i pull off spinning. but when i get off work i am slammed my whole body hurts especially if i pull runs for one of the busy crosstown complanies.


i may pull out the cannondale and go for a ten mile spin. gears. oww...

just seems that my dad has it set up real granny. like the big ring is nothing when i get crankin. i dunno.





teeth and flowerpots. addiction to the soul.



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Guest unknown

it was sweet in Quicksilver when they start doing flatland tricks on their road/track bikes. haha. i still want a bike, but got a skateboard instead. maybe if i find the right bike at the right price i'll get it. i also saw that in this guy's back yard there's a really shitty messed up schwinn 10 speed. maybe i'll try to acquire it...

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Got a free bike offa my cousin today, it's a pretty dope bmx, blah se blah. Anyways, can anyone reccomend a good seat for a bmx, something cushy, perhaps with a little gel injected. the seat on mine has got my underside straight aching...sorry. But in all honesty

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first timer eh dibs? keep it simple and strong. i can't take credit for my hot spoke job either. i want my next set twist laced also, should be intersting to see how i fare.

willy, you ride a khs right? is it the one with the seat post bend? aero maybe? anyways if it is, hows it ride? do you notice the shorter wheelbase? how tight does it keep you tucked and how much does it hurt your back to be tucked for 9 hours? im asking cause thats what i think i want to get for my new shit....




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stonecutters bounce this. thanks for the zine dlush. it's hype.

oh a question? i hate glasses but i get bugs in my eyes everyday. are there any non-nasty looking eye protection things out there? i hate them all.... help me...

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