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okay i have a couple of things to say today in our secret society...


first and foremost, i would like to say that it's too bad that me and soto (i think), are the only girls in this post that keep posting. i wish there were more.


second, i love motorcycles. fuck. after we settle into this new place (in which if you guys are ever in the bay area, you are welcome to stay at), we're saving up for a sports bike. i dunno what he wants. it's been a YZF for a while now.


third, fury it's about damn time. now call me up and we'll go for a cruise http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb//wink.gif'>


fourth, the movie fucking rocks the shit!


fifth, i enjoy our little secret society


sixth, kryptonite is in my back pocket.


seventh, i hated that post with a passion. they don't have any kinda say until they get into our seats and take it from our perspeactive. fuck that. and for those who ride on the damn sidewalk, i hate you guys too. i'm a pedestrian other than a rider. you can seriously hurt someone on the sidewalk. getoff of it luke sidewalker. tyhe post was lame and him knowing that most of us are riders, he had a lot of balls.


okay. that's it.




[This message has been edited by Devilush (edited 08-28-2001).]

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word to your werrrddddd.....


My new bike has not arrived yet. I’m kinda bummed. Last night I had a dream that it came, and I was putting it together. I was so excited when I woke up this morning. Then the UPS truck showed up at my office, and there was no bike. Maybe tomorrow.



Stonecutters #3



[This message has been edited by alkaline (edited 08-28-2001).]

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Guest kidlugz

ohhhh. sidewalk riding boils my blood i tell ya! although occasionaly i'll venture onto the sidewalk to avoid certain obstacles(construction, traffic congestion, etc) i make a point to only use it as a detour around shit on the road.


you know what else bugs me? driving on the wrong side of the road!! fuck that. especially when you're in heavy traffic and some toolbar is cruising towards you in what is rightfully YOUR path of travel. and to add insult to injury the dumbass has the nerve to give the "your in my way asshole" look. ahhhh. fuck. die morons.



stonecutter #4

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yo yo guys are all stonecutter#1's. theres no heirarchy here. we're the shit and everyone else sucks. hahahaha. devilush, tell your man to keep saving and get a monster (i know that its a redicules amount of money). flat black paint, oooooohhhhhh nellly.

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you guys are all stonecutter#1's. theres no heirarchy here. we're the shit and everyone else sucks. hahahaha. devilush, tell your man to keep saving and get a monster (i know that its a redicules amount of money). flat black paint, oooooohhhhhh nellly.




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Well, as it turns out, I psyched myself out by thinking my bike would come via UPS. About 20 minutes ago the FedEx guy showed up with my new bike. I can’t believe how excited I am right now. I feel like I’m 10 years old and it’s Christmas morning. New bikes are the best thing in the entire world. It’s just sitting there calling my name. “Come ride me,” it says. “I’ve been in a box for days, and I need to feel the wind between my spokes.”


If it rains tonight I’m gonna be pissed.





Stonecutters #1

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yo dude make sure you don't put it together in too much of a hurry. new bikes deserve to be broken in from a state of absolute perfection.

annnd bump for the bike shop actually letting me use tools. Thank you frankenstein bikes for the crank tool!! Working like woah.

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Guest kidlugz

i need to get an idea of what kind of fitness level some of you guys are at. if you were to do a 50 mile ride with little/no headwind, mainly flat with a few short climbs, what would your average speed be? since i'm a newbie and ride alone almost exclusively, i have no real concept of what kind of power/speed most other guys can produce.



stonecutters #1

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Guest kidlugz

yeah, i just want to make sure that once i start riding with others or competing, that i won't get dropped like a sack of potatoes after the first 10 miles.




[This message has been edited by kidlugz (edited 08-28-2001).]

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Average speeds can vary depending upon a lot of things. For example... on Saturday I went for a 50 mile ride and the terrain was a liitle bit of everything. My average speed was 19 mph. But I was in a group of about thirty guys. So keeping a high speed of about 25-28 mph for the flat parts and slowing for the hills and rollers... my average wasn't too bad. If I was on my own though, my average would have been much lower. Being able to draft behind others for most of your ride works to your advantage. Especially in a race. You save something like 30% of your energy drafting.

Today I concentrated on false-flats... my weakness. They fucking suck and kill me early on. My average speed going up the false-flat was 17mph. Coming down was obviously much higher. But I didn't keep hydrated and I didn't eat properly to keep fueled while exerting so much energy in a short amount of time. Which will also factor in to your average speed. You can do it naturally... bannanas, Clif bars and such or you can do it other ways... Enervit liquid packs, Accelerade and such. Which in my opinion work waqy better than a Clif bar.


When you start to race you'll probably run with the cat 4's and 5's. The shitty thing about that is the yo-yo effect these guys have when they race. 25mph to 20mph to 29mph to 32 mph to 18mph. It's never an even pace. And if you're not use to it... it'll burn you out quick. Not to mention that 80% of them are scared shitless. Which makes for a few interesting crashes. Not good if you're involved... trust me.


If you want my advice, don't sweat your average speed. Spend as much time on the bike as possible. The more the better. Get used to shifting on hills to keep your cadence smooth. Get used to your bike. And if you want to work on endurance... find those nasty hills in your area and ride them as much as you can. Stay seated. Keep hydrated. Eat properly. Eat on the road if you're out for more than an hour. And try to find a riding partner. Call your local shop to see about weekend rides. Most have them and welcome new riders. You'll learn a lot.


Just a few tips from yer Uncle Joker...





[This message has been edited by Joker (edited 08-28-2001).]

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Guest kidlugz

thanks joker. i know what you mean about average speeds not being an accurate reflection of a riders ability. today i rode 45 miles over relatively flat terrain, but into a horrible headwind for half the ride. at times my speed dropped down to 14-15mph when facing the worst of it, but with the wind behind me i could cruise comfortably around 25mph. i still have alot of work to do before i'll feel comfortable enough to ride with others.

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i think i see my new obsession forming now that school is in. hmmmm not working full time = ridsing full time on the weekends. looks as though its time for a sweet road ride, w/ gears even. wooooweeeee.

ill keep you guys posted on my progress




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Guest rotten

i'm making a extremely rare comeback appearance to show my support of the biking thread and to hate on the anti-bike thread. that shit makes me mad.


Joker, fucking shit. i had no idea you broke your collarbone. i hope everythings healed ok by now. since i visited, i've been bitten by the bike bug as well. not to the extent that you are by any stretch of the imagination, but i manage to go for mine.







[This message has been edited by rotten (edited 08-28-2001).]

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8 PAGES!!!! damn we rule.just aquired a new old road bike,horizontal drop outs.gonna be a fixed gear conversion some time soon!average speeds?i ride 10 miles to work everyday,and 10 back home on a mountain bike,average speed is questionable,but i can meke it to work in about 25/30 minutes,a few hills and whatnot.bump for us,bikes taking over the world.devilush,you goin to the grand prix on the 9th?road raccing craziness.

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you guys forget about me no mention of me in ike a page. i feel left out.


av spped, boston to cambridge wind behind me 23mph. my ratio gets me a rockin cadence so i can spin, that is key learn how to spin i am serious its easy to learn on a fixie but the translate it to your road riding.


ulock justicejobe

stonecutters #0

*i got left out.

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came across this, the fight for a cool bike shop is a never ending battle it seems. (in philly at least)


"Dear Fellow Messengers,


This email is in response to a situation that occured at a Performance Bike Store in Denver which involved 4 local couriers.


The couriers went to the store one evening 2 hours prior to closing. Each one bought somewhere in the range of $30-$40 of merchandise. While in the store employees were told to follow them around and watch to make sure that they were not stealing, as couriers tend to do. Afterall, we are nothing more than thugs on bikes.


The following day, one of the supervisors named Jim, made a sign and posted it in the window of the store for the better part of the day. Simply put it said:




I myself have been a messenger for quite sometime now, and have seen all the regular forms of civil unrest towards the courier world. This defies any other incident. Not only did the gentleman who wrote the sign clame to be against urban growth and the automobile, but the other employees of the store laughed in conjunction with the displaying of the sign.


An institution that is claims to support the bike world, as well as makes its' living from it, allowing something like this to happen astounds me.


The reason I am writing this email is to state that I myself will no longer support this company. If you find reason to join me, then I ask for your support in this boycott in your respective cities. I feel it is difficult enough for the Messenger in today's world to get along with big business, but then to have a company which enjoys a symbiotic relationship with it to turn against it, is unthinkable. Perhaps if their pockets are hit enough, they will rethink the attitude that the women, and men, who come in to simply buy a tire here and there will get them by. Please show that the Courier has a voice, and that we are not going stay silent.


If you do not choose to support this, then it is understandable. Hopefully this was an isolated incident, and a copy of this email is being sent to the Customer Service Representative who contacted me by email."



Chandler Snyder

Denver, CO




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Damn! That’s harsh. If there were a Performance Bike Store here, I would certainly boycott it. I’ve been boycotting Wal-Mart (and their subsidiaries) for the past five years because of their business practices.


I rode my new bike for a little while last night. I gotta tell you, riding a track bike is really weird. The whole pedaling backwards to stop thing is a bizarre sensation. I think it’s going to take some time to get used to. New bikes are so fun!


Kidlugz, I have to same problem as you. When I ride, I just cruise around until I get tired. Then I grunt my way home. I usually ride by myself, but sometimes my twin brother rides with me. Someday I might race, but right now I have more fun riding by myself.


Bump for new bikes.





Stonecutters #1

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