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I use an awesome backpack for riding, and it was AU$90. It has waist and sternum straps, and it's heaps comfortable. And you can put a lot of stuff into it.


Backpacks > messenger bags. Unless you're a messenger and have to take your bag off every 5 minutes, then a messenger bag might make more sense. IMO.

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Went out early yesterday, 20min into it I got caught in a storm, lots of lightning and rain. My route somehow ended up going through 3-4 road construction areas, riding through mud and gravel. Came back home cold, wet, and dirty /nh. Fun and painful 2 hours.

Took it easy today on the group ride because I was so hungover.


And I hate that tingly feeling you get in your toes when you step into a hot shower after a cold ride. Thawing your feet is not cool.

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this questions mainly for shai- if i were to get a ReLoad bag, which size would i need, civilian of courier? it would be mainly for normal commuting, gym clothes, books for uni, maybe an extra layer, and some random shit, maybe groceries every once in awhile.


I always recommend going with the larger size, the Courier is a good all-around bag. I used to work for Reload, they're good bags but IMO a little on the expensive side. Bailey is a good balance between quality, price and features.


RH- I still haven't gotten a chance to go to Freight's shop yet, did they ever get back to you? You should send him another email saying I referred you and see if that helps (it might, no telling though.)

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For thismachinekills:



REload bag review



reload bags


Flickr is a GREAT place to look for pictures of bags, thats how I decided on mine.




thanks man



and shai- reload seemed on the less expensive side of things, the courier is only $117 base price.

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Got a chance to check out my fixed gear project yesterday... just shy of pedals and a saddle and she's done. I had brakes put on it but I'm thinking about removing them for aesthetic reasons, but put them up for sale with the bike. It looks pretty wicked. Enough white on there to make David Duke proud.


KMRT... got caught out in a thunderstorm on Thursday so I feel your pain. Was in the middle of the one of the more grueling climbs here (Rubbish - newberry) when the wind started going sideways. By the time I got to the top it was black skies and big rain drops. No rain gear, no arm warmers, no booties... nothing. It wasn't for nothing though, a car full of women headed into downtown slow-rolled by with some whistling and one shouted "nice ass!"... so the ride was a total loss.

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Crap i havent been in this thread in a while.


I've had a large blue bailyworks bag for a while. The problem with this bag (and every other giant messenger bag i've owned) is when it's fully loaded my shoulders arent broad enough and it slides off, so there's a trade with any style of bag. The only reason I use it is because I have to carry a lot of giant papers like blueprints and portfoliowork around. If you want a bag that carries a ton I'd just use a regular backpack. I want to buy my dude's backpack the marines gave him. When that thing's loaded up it's fucking gnarly.

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It's not a special technique, it's a pulley. You just pull it and the strap loosens itself. Then there's another pulley you pull to tighten. Problem is when the bag is fully loaded down the strap has a tendency to loosen itself.

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So the pulleys on my rear derailleur have gotten pretty worn, and i can't find new ones in the right size. Its a shimano sante, with 9 and 10 tooth pulleys.


Anyone know if i can find these anywhere? I've gone to several shops, looked on ebay, qbp, can't find 9t pulley


If not, I'm looking at a new derailleur. Anything specific i need to know about this? I'm assuming 600 or older dura ace should swap in just fine.





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