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Yeah that's what I heard... and isn't the main difference when you step up from 105 to Ultegra to Dura Ace mainly just weight as well, and they perform all relatively close to eachother?


Fuck, not like I can fund any of that shit anyway :( Not with the track bike addiction at least...


I ended up testing both 105 and ultegra on a few bikes...........they were pretty much the same performance wise. only a 200g or so decrease in weight.

but i didn't think the $400-500 price difference was worth it for my first road bike.


in comparison with campag veloce and the next one up (name?)............campag were smoother in shifting. but even more expensive.

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that giant i rode in SF had ultegra and i was so/so w/ its performance. when i got home and rode my campy equipped shit i wa son some FUCK shimano. it was funny i kept involuntarily flicking my thumb to shift w/ no lever there on the ultegra. also its annoying how easy it is to tap the brakes when shifting. prob not too bad once you get used to it after a while

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My first road bike had Campy Veloce with the thumb shifters. Every bike I've had since has come with Dura Ace. I have to say that Campy just felt a lot better. The thumb shifting is awesome when you're just cruising with hands on the bars. The shifting was a lot smoother and there was room to adjust, using the lever of the shifter, to keep from getting drag on your front derailleur when crossing the chain. Yeah, I know, don't cross the chain... but sometimes you just gotta.


I've read about the 2008 DA and it sounds like they're going to a very Campy style set up. Thumb shifters, a more low profile hood and lots of carbon. It's about time they stepped up they game...

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That's funny. My whole drivetrain is Campy except for the shifters.


Ergopower does feel a lot better than STI. When you shift it goes Ka-CHUNK like it means business.


The only Shimano stuff I like is old XT and XTR.

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Wilfred Peeters working hard for the Domo boys!! I think that was the year that Domo swiped the entire podium too. Damn Belgium boys were rollin'...


I have high hopes for Mike Friedman on Slipstream. Not for the win of course but for a good ride and top twenty finish.


I'd really like to see an unexpected winner this year too. I know George has been killing to win the Hell of the North but I'm routing for the under dogs this year. C'mon domestiques!!!

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  • 1 year later...

Yeah where did the last year of stuff go...


I did that competitive cat 1/2/3 ride again last night. This time it was more cohesive, one break group and one main group. I stayed on for 90 percent of the ride this time until a climb where the 8 or 9 other guys left all sprinted hard up it and left me in the dust. Still, so much damn fun... we did 26 miles in a little less than an hour on rolling terrain with one good climb.

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got handed a late-80s cannondale this afternoon that's been sitting in a garage pretty much since then. i've been looking for a bike to convert to ss/fixed, so this was convenient.


those of you who've done one:


any cure for those downtube shifters? can they be "patched" in any way so as to be a little less ugly once they're gone?

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My indoor trainer arrived last week. Good timing considering the shit weather we've been having.

I've ridden it 3 times so far, and I'm very happy with it, its very comparable to riding on the road. Great for training, especially intervals.

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dick, i wish you would get back into sewing.

i have a chrome bag that i got long ago...its been going strong and is comfy when i bike.

i just wish that chrome would let you customize bags (ie..more pockets, pen and secret stach pockets, cell holders, stuff like that) instead of selling a one size fits most bag.

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Did you talk to PAC? I think they have what you're looking for, but it's not going to be cheap...after all, that bag up there is a prototype that I planned to sell for $250-300. Whenever people get into the heavy duty features and various bells and whistles it jacks the price up considerably.

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