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Guest Jan Ulrich

running sucks. i don't understand how people could actually enjoy jogging......you go nowhere fast and use a shitload of energy in the process. boo running!!


feeling really fat and lazy these days. i did alot of mushrooms last week which really fucked with my riding schedule(for some reason mushrooms give me horrific gas).....didn't ride for 7 days. ouch. got on the beast today and did a 30 mile ride, spent half the time fighting a real bitch of a headwind.


how many miles do you guys average every week? right now i'm feeling kinda dry because i'm barely breaking 110. then again, i work a landscaping job and spend 8 hours a day outside, so i guess it could be worse.



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running is the absolute worst. I don't understand why all these people insist on fucking up all their joints by running. one of my friends wives stress fractured her foot. after a few months of sitting on her ass, she exclaims "yea, I can run again!". I'm like wtf? why would you want to run again after you broke you foot doing it?


race yesterday was a bitch. this had to be the rockiest course I have ever seen. it had some blazing fast downhills. my hand went numb on the first lap and just got worse as the race went on. I totally lost it on the last lap and shelved myself on a bed of rock. fucked up my wrist and ended up with a shitload of bruises. this was one of the weirdest races i have ever done. once the starting group broke up I pretty much rode by myself. I would pass people here and there, but never really was in a group. it felt like a sunday trail ride.


average miles: 210 - 300 roughly, sometimes more...sometimes less.

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i think riding alone sucks. and guess what, i'm forced to ride alone! im still at my parents in ct, and i got a nice 4 mile loop that i do 5 times every evening after i bust my ass all day.so thats about 100 or so a week right now (depending on weather or not i can muster up the stregth for a loong weekend ride). and honestly, thats the most i've been doing in a while. but im on a roll and am trying to get back into the training "mode". hopefully a race or two by the end of the season. cat5/6 here i come :D ! i leave for maine to work on an island for a few weeks tomorrow, so no riding at all, im kinda worried about that.

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you know why i dont run? because you never see anyone smiling when they run. i ride my bike and smile.

miles per week? not many rite now, i get real down about it. but its not like i am not on my bike, i am ridding about 5 days aweek, just more urban asault stuff at the moment, freeride bike = low miles per week. gotta get that cyclocoss bike.

tearz,the tchnu works best right after exposure but has been known to help some after you start to really itch, good luck my freind.

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bike problems:


-can't clip out of the right pedal all of a sudden...not like anything was adjusted differently, all of a sudden it's just really difficult to clip out.


-chain skips a tooth/shudders when starting from 0 now. like the back wheel or chainline isn't right, but everything looks ok?


-new dispatcher makes THE LAW twice as tired for the same amount of $$.



what gives bike nerds?

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Law... maybe the tension on your clip somehow tightened. Honestly... I don't really know how that could be though. Is there something stuck in the clip? Like a pebble or something? The chain thing could be a loose freewheel. Any shop can fix that in a heartbeat and probably charge you nothing for it.


I haven't been riding at all... hardly. Last week I got about 60 miles in and this week I have about 30. And I doubt I'll get the time to ride any more before I head out on vacation. But usually when this time of year rolls around I average about 200 - 300 a week. Which is pretty normal for a competitive rider. The days are longer so the rides can be longer. The weather is better so the rides are a little nicer too. When I get back from vacation I'll be in full swing again. And hopefully I'll be able to race a little before the season is over. Steve, that race sounds like it was brutal on you. Taking a digger in a race sucks. Really slows your whole motivation. At least you're out there!


I'll chin-wag with you guys when I get back...

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law, listen to joker, he knows.... the only other thing i can think of is the cleat on your shoe.... check it out, has it moved? is there shit in it?


this poison ivy has hemmed my riding desire significantly, but i managed to do 40 miles yesterday, and i rode about 20 miles today in to town and back to get my hair cut. i'm getting better; i'm no longer swollen, itchy and pusy (law is that a word?haha)- now i'm just dry and scabby. even with the ivy i probably did 150 or so miles last week. hopefully i can swing 200-250 this week if everything works out.

and speaking of pedals, anyone ever use those speedplay zeros? i'm not really loving my record pedals lately. they've developed a lot of slop, and they're not the easiest to get into on the fly. they might end up being ebay bargains shortly.

oh, anyone have any 80s campy stuff in real nice condition they want to get rid of? it's just about time to build up that de rosa. that's my summer project. hopefully by the fall that thing will be rolling thunder.

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LAW...Joker and Tearz have it down....I'd check the cleat and the pedal for debris. If there's nothing there, you might try some lube. That always seems to help my mountain pedals...I have yet to buy road pedals, so I'm not quite sure how they work.


the chain skip could be due to a little cable stretch as well.


Tearz...I'm not carless, but I started commuting to work on the bike. I'm getting an extra 16 - 20 miles in daily now. Big bump for going carless. One of the guys I race with didn't even license his car this year. He raced singlespeed at the last race and ended up doing one extra lap just to see what his single time would be compared to the experts. He was two minutes off the third place rider. He's pretty much talked me into moving up to expert next year. I started checking the times of the podium finishers in my class...they're all posting the same times as the expert podium guys. I figure I might as well move up, if I get lucky and podium...I get cash. Sure as hell beats a medal and another pump.

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Anyone heard of this?

Apparently it is the Registered Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa. Some guys I ride with are talking about crashing it and riding the whole deal without support. I think it starts the third week of July (21st).

Curious as to whether anyone had heard of it, done it or planning on doing it.


I hear it is one huge drunk fest. Ride like 60-70 miles a day and then go eat, drink and party.

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i have heard of this ride, the manager at my shop grew up in iowa and has talked about it in its earlier days, always says it was fun etc. shoot if i had the time and som freinds to go with i would do it, load the camel back with gin and juice:D i would be off for a good time.get down!

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today i bought an old ten speed in hopes of converting it into a fixed gear bike. i've read about conversions, but i'm not sure of what parts i need/should get. can someone tell me what parts i need in order to convert this bike? also, what's a cog? i know these are stupid questions, but any help is greatly appreciated.

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Guest Jan Ulrich

i just bought an old fuji delray frame for $80 that i'm going to convert to a fixed gear. all i've gotta do is save up some coin so i can spring for new wheels, handle bar and stem. probably won't have the whole thing set up until the beginning of august but there's not much else i can do seeing as i'm poor as fuck.


if you're looking for tips on building up a fixie you should ask hesh or dibs. they seem to be the resident fixed gear fanatics.


and in the spirit of fixie love, i present you with these fine machines.....



the owner of this bad boy lives in philly. look familiar hesh?





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both of those bikes are extremely hot...

BUT... does that colnago have FUCKING RECORD LEVERS on it?! jeezus, that thing is a bling machine, up there ith the pope's gold colnago... :)

i wouldn't messenger with that thing, some scuzz would try and boost it after 5 minutes of use....

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Guest Jan Ulrich

yup, those are campy record levers. the owner described the bike as an early 90's frame outfitted with "mostly junkpile" parts. uh huh. this bike also comes equipped with other crap such as a phil wood fixed/freewheel hub and speedplay pedals. if those are what this guy considers junk pile parts i'd like to see what he'd refer to my set-up as.


here's more sugar.....








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man, devilush keeps telling me i'm missing out on the post. too bad we don't have a digital camera. i want to post my new cannondale track bike, and my boy sold me his bianchi road with campy for $150. by the way hesh i got the HOOK- UP for a crammerotti track frame below cost. devilush is going to kill me with all the bikes i keep buying.:D

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what the?!?! who the hell are the owners of these bikes... i mean a few are within normal range, but really i'm sorry, it's just sick to have a fixed gear with fucking carbon record brakes and speedplay zeroes... not hating at all, that just seems crazy to me. but i guess if you're gonna do it, do it up... i thought i was over zealous with the dura ace cranks and phil woods, but come on man. these are true hollywood bikes. definitely cool shit to see anyway man. got any more?

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damn jan. them bikes is killer!! i wish my fixie was even 1/10% as pretty as one of those bikes!

so anyways, not that i am the authority on em or anything iiii, but here is what i can offer in regards to you project. first,the bike must have what is called "horizontal drop outs" meaning that the slots the axle of your rear wheee slide into must be parralel to the ground or as close to it as possible, this is so you can pull the wheele back and get the proper chain tension, these drop outs are similar to those found on bmx bikes, if this is confusing go to your l.b.s. and look at the track bikes you will see what i mean. now the drop outs can drop out forward or to the rear, as long as there is room to pull the chain.

you will also need a rear wheele with a track hub. this is a hub that is threaded to accomidate only one "cog" and a "lock ring".a cog being the ring with teethe. some rack hubs are threaded on both sides of the hub so you can put a fixed gear on one side and a freewheele on the other. this wheele must be a bolt on wheele as the forces that a fixed wheele create are generally too strong for a quick release to support. wheeles are best found at a shop or on ebay etc. just ask for a rear track wheele and the shop dork should know exactly what your tallkng about(hopefully). also at the shop get your cog( i recomend a 14 or a 16 toothe, larger making it easier to pedal) and a lock ring, maybe have them install these items as the cog and lockring shouldbe installed with locktight(blue) or some sort of threadlock or cold weld. then a bmx style chain for sturdyness is nice, also found at shop. then assuming the bike you bought has cranks you will remove all the chain rings except one. generally the largest or middle ring. i run a 42 chain ring and a 14 toothe cog, live in a very hilly area and seem to do fine(knock on wood) the big ring or chain ring, should be put on the cranks in a fasion as to give you the straightest chainline. i put my front ring on the inside of the cranks wear the ring would normally go.this gives me a clean chainline but may not work for all bikes, this process may be best done at your local shop or bysomeone you know who is experienced in bike mechanics. you may find that just buying a set of trackcranks is the best way to go, sugino makes a fairly inexpensive set. its not a very complicated switch over if you are experieced with bikes and working on them, but if you are not, this will become an overwhelming project that may be best left to someone you know or a local shop that can help you, hopefully you have a good, open minded shop near you that you can ask for help. good luck.

maybe mr heshiandet can break it down in a more simple way or can add something of help.

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what's everyone's feelings regarding bike repair/maintenance? tell you what, THE LAW fucking hates it. sweat, smashed fingers, $$ and anger are all it's good for.

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well mr law. i am a bike mechanic at a shop, 40 to 50 hours a week every week. i have seen it all with a bike(well theres always more, you would not believe what people bring in for reapairs or ride). i personally love it, to get a beat up bike running nicely is a good feeling, especially if the person who owns the bike will get alot out of it. but the best is working on my own bikes, that i truley love as much as ridding it or art/grafitti. i always know when something on my bike is not quite right, i feel prety in tune with it, as most people who spend alot of time on their bikes do, but i really enjoy seeking out the little quirks in it and getting it all perfet again. i am a real freak about bike matainance. a clean well oiled machine:p

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thanks for the knowledge everyone. i'm pretty sure my l.b.s won't have a clue to what a fixed gear bike is considering they're all of the oakley wearing, bleached hair, shitty tattoo having, resident hardcore mountain biker variety... but i'll check. about how much should a nice rear wheel with a track hub, cog, and lockring cost?

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woah homie, oakley wearing, bleached hair, shitty tattoo having, resident hardcore mountain biker variety.granted i do not bleach my hair or wear oakleys, i am the tatooed montanbike sort you are describing, and you may be surprised that these people you have already written off based soley on theyre appearance, may know more about bikes than you may realize, it is after all theyre job. just because someone rides a 26" wheele and has a little ink does not make them a neanderthol. i actually ride a fixie as a commuter bike and for endurance and cadence training, the rest of my time is aboard a mountain bike. be careful before you start make generaliazations, one of these tattooed mountainbikers at you l.b.s. may be able to turn your jankey road bike into the fixed gear you so desire. after all you dont pocess the knowledge to do so on your own. give them a chance, i know theyre are alot of bikesnobs working in shops, who can be a real pain to deal with, sooo find a good shop, with imformed employees and as i said earlier , an open mind, and maybe one of these tattooed freaks might just help you get your bike on the road.

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i wrote a long intelligent post in response to you dibs, but my computer screwed up and it got deleted... so here we go again. i admit my comment stereotyped a whole group of people that i know little about, but it was meant as a joke. however, i have talked to some local mountain bikers, and many of them have had the attitude that 'road bikes are for pussies and old people'. even so, my comment was pretty dumb, and i'm sorry it pissed you off. p.s. - i have nothing against people with piercings, tattoos, or other body modifications. many of my friends are modded in some way, and i hope to get a tattoo or two in the future.

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Originally posted by THE LAW

smashed fingers


let me guess on this one.... you were taking off your old pedals to put on your new "hollywood" pedals... them shits was torqued up tight and then BAM, the wrench gives and your kuckles go right into the chain/chain ring... am i right? am i the only one that has done this several times??

i love doing my own repairs, but only for certain things. i must admit that i really don't fuck with derailers outside of simple adjustments. well i do, but 1/2 the time i end up taking into the shop anyway because i worsened the problem. but it feels good to do your own stuff... it also helps to have a good relationship with one bike shop. i have never paid for a repair i've had done at my spot because i buy all of my shit from them and i've showed my loyalty. but at least knowing the basics is key.

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Guest Jan Ulrich

i'm hating life right now. it so freaking humid here, my allergies are acting up,and i went to buy a new seat post to replace my old one and the broad at the shop gives me the wrong size. now it's all scuffed up and i'll bet they're going to hassle me about returning it and god i just want to punch myself in the junk and die. oh, and on top of all that my training schedule has gone to shit.


i suck at life.

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