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a friend of a friend of mine was looking to buy a bike,

so i told my friend i would keep my eyes open for one.

later an early 90s trek 1000 crossed my path and though

it was ugly oversized aluminum with a blaze group i thought

hey maybe this is a bike that i could sell without regret.

so today at work i did a full drivetrain clean and bike polish

and by the time i had it put back together i had started

to doubt my ability to actually sell it and part with it.

i just found out that the friend of my friend is looking for

either an old schwinn or peugeot, a real classicist i guess,

so i guess that makes that earth shaking decision easier.

i suppose i will keep her.

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man fuck hipsters on bikes. one tried to fight me tonight. i fucking hate this new town i'm in. theres a whole bunch of kids who still think the whole ironically black/riding a fixed gear is the shit. seriously, someone needs to come help me out with a chainsaw and just straight destroy every mother fucking shitty ass track bike we see. then we can race cross. i'm a little worked up.

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Oh dude you need tell that story in more detail!


A month left until this 150 mile ride. Ive been riding at least three days a week, 75-100 miles (5 hour ride) of every kind of terrain imaginable, then two or three 28-45 mile rides a week. The shorter rides really just show me that riding a century destroys and rebuilds your legs like nothing else and keep me loose for next weeks century. I ran out of that endurox shit and ill definitely say im not seeing the kind of recovery i used to. And im back from using the accel gel to now the cheaper Gu which doesnt seem to give me the energy accel did. I was havin a problem with accel and always needing to spit because I couldnt breathe but i was pushing up the fattest hills and down the longest roads without ever thinking i might bonk. Gu just doesnt do anything or if it does it doesnt come as a burst of speed for the next ten minutes.


Im thinking i might try crit racing next season. Cyclocross looks fucking insane but i havent got the rig for it and probably wont for 08 either.


Heres some crazy shit in the area thats got me excited for next year:

http://www.infineonracewaycycling.com/ <-- This would be sick on track bikes


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excuse my rant fellows. i usually dont come on here drunk.


got in a serious car accident monday night. i got really lucky, and saw 2 of my friends ejected from the vehicle. Probably wont be riding much until next week. tried riding the swobo today to class....realllly hurt pushing the 48x16 up steep hills, my back is pretty thrashed.


i'm racing mountain bikes this fall though!

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bianchi pista as an investment?

it is a decent deal, not much of an investment.

everyone and their mom has one

so by the laws of supply and demand

its price is not going to appreciate or anyting.

and it rides as well as any bike does in the rain.

no bosses/eyes for fenders though.

that said i have one and i like it.

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phew, glad i've got a langster.........



haha. you don't need eyelets for fenders, i've got sws ones that have rubber straps that wrap around your fork/frame for mounting. works well.


going to find trails this weekend. can't wait, will be first real riding on the new bike. i've had it for 2 weeks but have been fucking nuts busy... hopefully just get in a simple 10 mile and call it a day. its been a while since i've been on a bike so hopefully my crotch is up for 10...

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Damn... I'm without internet for a few days and Swedish is on the war path. I like it.


Going some time next week to put together the fixed gear training machine. Looking at the On*One cross frame and fork with horizontal drop outs but it's a little pricey. I might have to go with the IRO Jamie Roy... but it's quickly becoming the new Bianchi Pista in these parts.


Rubbish... you check out the Healthnet Crit on Friday night down in the north park blocks? Shit was hectic. In the cat 3 race I had team mates finish 6th and 7th after a pedal clip in the final corner dropped them back several places. I thought they were going down for sure but they manage to keep upright and finish top ten. In the Pro race I had a team mate finish 16th. Talking to him afterward he was telling me that he was behind Evan Elkin from Jittery Joes on the final lap and then when Evan hit the gas he was left gasping for air doing everything in his power to hang on to any wheel he could find. he said the Pro crit race was a whole different beast form the local cat 1/2 races. It was an interesting race to watch. So fucking fast too.


Been taking it easy lately and riding maybe three days a week. Not thinking much about riding till October when I get back into serious training. At least I've got my weight way down compared to this time last year which should get me into a good racing weight come March. Like any of you care.

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