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jewish... there's trackbikesource.com which is aight. i've never bought anything there and it doesn't seem like anything to get to geeked about but worth checking out nonetheless.

yuck. it all depends man... on style of bike you're looking for. you're really just gonna hafta get sized for any bike that you buy. go to your LBS and get sized on a couple of different bikes in the style that you're looking for and then you'll have an idea. but it can change drastically from bike to bike depending on geometry...

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Originally posted by yuck fou

i have a question about bike sizing. i'm about 5ft 4 or 5 in, and was wondering if someone could give me the frame size i need. i'm thinking about getting a bike for transportation but am clueless about what size frame i need.


go to your local bike shop they should know what to do and if they don't then don't buy a bike there. see all bikes are sized differently so each bike will fit differently but if you go to a bike shop you will get a general idea of your frame size. mountain bikes are sized in inches and road bikes are sized in centa-meters

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size counts


Originally posted by yuck fou

i have a question about bike sizing. i'm about 5ft 4 or 5 in, and was wondering if someone could give me the frame size i need. i'm thinking about getting a bike for transportation but am clueless about what size frame i need.


well a quesstimate would prolly be a 52. but different companies make their bikes differently, and measure the bike by either center to center or center to top.

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Originally posted by alkaline

Bump. It was a shitty weekend. It rained. I think I want to get one of those spin trainer things, so I don't sit on my ass all day when it rain (cause that's exactly what I did). I need coffee.


shoot im with that, the rainy season is in full swing and im already bummed on it. i thought california was supposed to ba all fun in the sun.nobody ever told me about the rain.

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Listen to whinning bitches about your rain! Shit... come to Portland. You'll love the rain in SF after visiting here. I haven't rode very much for the past two weeks because not only does it pour out here, but it's also dark by 4pm lately. Training on the back roads of Portland during rush hour in the dark is not fun. The indoor trainer has been in full swing but isn't the same kind of ride at all. Better than nothing.


On a seperate note, I bought a new bag today. It's by a company called Chrome. I fuckin' love it!! Big, bomb proof and the fastner is an added kitsche-cool factor thrown in for looks. Padded shoulder strap built in already... I'm set. It's been a long time since I've had a new bag. My Timbuck is kinda getting thin in some areas. I think I've had it for about six years... still a good bag though.


Cinnamon... Did you race yet in Baltimore?

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fuck that...the rain doesnt bother me at all. i fucking was standing at the bus stop yesterday, and this car was speeding past me and wet my brown pants. which is all good because it's just water. and last week, i was standing at market and a busy intersection when i went to go cross the street and low and behold, the puddle decides to be slippery. so there i go feet first and *bam*...i hit the floor with my north face bag hittin the puddle. this man helped me up...but he really wanted to call the ambulance just in case if my dome got fucked with. sorry, i know this doesnt pertain to bikes. but i really cant complain about the rain. i kinda like it. just rememer: its just water, it'll dry off.


**too bad for the people that have to work in it...<ahem> my boyfriend.

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joker... i really like the chrome bags a lot and have heard great things about them. my girl was prettty set on getting me one for christmas, so we'll see. pictures of the new whip are coming soon. people get ready...

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ortliebs are where it is at for bags. i think years of wearing a shoulder bag has made me lopsided. it is time for a full on backpack. who cares about your ticket times. it is all about the ergonomics. and the only shoulder bag that comes close to that is a PAC designs and even then there is still a lot of pressure on one shoulder. remember in elementary school when it was cool as shit to wear bugle boys and vaurnet t shirts with bass shoes and your jansport hanging off of one shoulder and moms and teachers would say you should wear it on both shoulders... i think i have decided to take that into my head and wear a backpack from now on.


woman dont start talking about liking the rain it is nice where you live. tell me you like it after eight hours of sleet and cold when you forgot your rain gear because the shit heads at weatherbug cannot play God. i would like the rain too if i could wear shorts all winter.


hesh... we might actually be moving to philly again... argh i wish shit would work itself out.

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Originally posted by boxcarwilly

andrecht to fakie on your skull.


Hahahahaha! I actually wasn't complaining about the rain. I would ride when it rains, but I'm kind of scared to (since I'm not so good at stopping). I think if I lived in suburbia (or if my brother would fix my other bike after he fucked it up), it wouldn't be a problem. Whatever. On the topic of bags, I like my Timbuk2, but I know exactly what you're talking about, Willy. I was gonna get a PAC Designs bag, but I might end up with a standard backpack (my shoulders have been sore a lot lately). What companies make good backpacks for cycling? I've never really looked into that before. Time to do some research.

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Originally posted by Devilush

fuck that...the rain doesnt bother me at all. .



lucky you....come somewhere where it's cold. where it doesn't dry, it freezes and you're wet for the rest of the day.

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actually boxcar and the law..


i really do like the rain. and trust me, i know the shit that you guys are going through. its not like i lived here in sf all my life. phhhhhuuuuleeeessseeeee. i lived in chicago all my life. so i know how it is to fall in a puddle of dirty snow that was starting to melt. or to get frostbitten because it is like below zero and walking home from school all soaking wet in the freezing cold because some car wasnt careful enough not to hit me with some water:D. i know how it is. here in sf i am quite spoiled, i do admit. but i can say that i love the rain with some other experiences.

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messenger backpacks


Okay … Anybody use a R.E.Load™ bag? They have a backpack, but I don’t know anything about the quality of their product.


R.E.Load Backpack


Chrome has a backpack, although it doesn’t look very functional. Maybe it would be worth trying it out if I could find a shop that carries it around here.


Chrome Backbone


Most of the other backpacks that I’m seeing look like garbage bags with straps. So drop the knowledge if you’ve got it please.

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RE load = local philly company. all handmade, very high quality, super stylee. most people here rock their bags. i stand behind their product 150%, good shit. i only know one guy here who has thir back pack. he owns an indy and he had them make the thing three times as big. no lie- its the biggest fucking thing ive ever seen. its silly.

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jobe, i'd be bout the ortlieb, but the shit just isn't that pretty; especially with that new logo on the back...when it didn't have that big nasty "messenger bag" on the back and just had the smaller more refined ortlieb logo it was fine... but i dunno. i go back and forth on them...

reload bags are hype. my girl has one, a custom job and the thing cannot, in fact, be beaten, even with a bat. :)

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the ortlieb's look funny because they're designed after dry bags. kayakers use dry bags. basically you can submerge the bag under water and everything will be dry. don't front...

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they're dope... don't get me wrong.... but. you know....

i followed jewish's second link, and i saw some of those pollution eliminating masks. anyone ever used one of those before? i've seen a couple of dudes rocking them before but i don't know anything about them. they look kind of cool in a real techy way i suppose.

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