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dlush: i told you happy bday right? im sure i did????anyways, if i didn't, happy belated.


tearz:you can also buy the shorter bmx stack bolts for the chainring. that way it wont look ghetto on the inside..haha:crazy: but if you go w/ the shorter bolts you might need to play w/ your spacing to get your chainline straight, not fun...

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Originally posted by HESHIANDET


tearz:you can also buy the shorter bmx stack bolts for the chainring. that way it wont look ghetto on the inside..haha:crazy: but if you go w/ the shorter bolts you might need to play w/ your spacing to get your chainline straight, not fun...


yeah i got lucky with mine.i did use the bmx bolts to secure it all,but my chainline was off just a lil bit so throwing the chainring to the inside of the crankarm worked great for me.basically its were the 2nd chainring would normally go,seeing as the largest and the middle chain rings share the same bolt on holes.were the small ring would go is empty.ive heard of people having alot of trouble getting a good chainline though.good luck tearz.

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i actually am not in the process of converting right now, i was just wondering how people had done it. it's a few months away. i have a "victim" bike that is going to be converted, and i also have an extra campagnolo chorus 9 speed crankset and was wondering how people took different routes to converting the actual crankset- spacing and chain ring issues were especially key.

as for right now, i'm working on trying to get this dura ace track crankset to work with this fucking fucked up bottom bracket/s... there are clearance/chainline problems and i will need to use a road or possibly even mountain bike bottom bracket. i'm basically just experimenting with different shit right now and i'm frustrated. i guess my actual problem right now is bottom bracket compatibility. whatever. blah.

thank you for the help and encouragement. i need it.

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tearz if you have the opportunity,try to get a splined bottom bracket,i dont know if that dura ace crack set is splined or what.i guess if its not it defetes the idea,but in the future,splined bottom brackets/crank sets, are the stiffest and strongest.good luck with your project!



and a quick bump from page dos.

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i was in washington DC for thanksgiving and my dad and I drove to baltimore to chech out the cyclocross national course. it's no different then anyother course i have done. they haven't set up the acual course because they don't want people to have an advatage by training on there. there are some nasty stairs we'll have to run up. If anyone live in Baltimore or close to it, it's worth the drive to come see the A race at 2:30 on sunday the 16th i believe. if anyone is interested in going hit up my email and i'll send you directions and times. the park is right in the middle of baltimore. i saw some good graff too. but anyways i took all of last week off because mentally i was getting burned out. i rode today in the poring rain on dirt roads and just got fuckin muddy and wet it felt so good. It hasn't rained in VA for a good month or so. the rain is needed. Only 3 more weeks of my first semester to be over of college and the cyclocross nationals. don't know which is more important to study for. later

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that comercial is quite cool indeedy...

bike drama: the ol girl broke a toe clip. nice campy one at that. it snapped where it comes into the rivet on the top..grrrrr

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In order to bump our precious baby up from the depths of Hell, I’d like to tell you guys a story. Last night I was riding to a local music venue/bar with my brother. We were going to see International Noise Conspiracy and The Hives. On the way there, we have to cross over a pedestrian bridge and go down a ramp at the end. This was the first time I had ever gone this way, but my brother said it was faster. Well, fast it was. On the way down the ramp, at the far side of the bridge, I was trying to maintain my speed so I didn’t crash at the bottom of the ramp. It turns out that this ramp has a little switchback thing going on, and as it was dark, I didn’t notice until it was too late. I hit the rail. Had I been going any faster, I probably would have launched over it into the lake, but thankfully I was spared that embarrassment. The moral of the story is … there is none. I just thought you guys would get a kick out of my antics. Hehehe.



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My brother's chain is all rusted, because he rode home in the rain and just left his bike outside. Last night on the way to the bar, all I heard was "squeak-squeak squeak-squeak." Between that and his flashing red light (I thought I was gonna have an epileptic fit like that lady in The Andromeda Strain) I'm suprised I didn't just throw myself off the bridge.

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Bad News


aw guys here it comes. i have some bad news about the stonecutter ride. it looks like i can't make it happen. i mean you guys can definitely make it happen, but i just won't be able to go with you guys and enjoy the fun on the stonecutties. it looks like i have discovered that i have classes on the preferred dates. and the only dates that are open for me are : april 12-23 and july 9-20. soooooo, you guys are still welcome to stay here at the dates that i have listed before. i just wont be able to come. but i can still cook breakfast and what not, so that is a plus. so just let me know on some input.

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Sorry to hear that, Devilush. As it turns out, I won't be able to make to original May dates either, as I'm getting married that weekend. If everybody is down, a reschedule to July would be prime for me, especially since my birthday is during those dates.


On a side note, I pretty much only get on this site while I'm at work. This morning, I got an e-mail from my boss that said I need to disable my Instant Messenger and cut back my internet usage. What a bunch of fucking jerks. So I may not be around as much, but if you want to get in contact with me, just hit my e-mail: whyihatetexas@hotmail.com

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Congrats Alkaline!!


hey guy!! congratulations!! woooow the big commitment. good luck to you and the mrs. july sounds so good to me also. so please, can we make it at that?

fuck that job that you have alkaline. but you know, it is inevitable with all the usage. they catch on eventually. my job didn't catch on, cuz i'm slick like that (j/k).;) anyways, anymore input???

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congrats alkaline!so listen guys/gal,im down for july,but on july 21st my lil sister gets married also and i have to fly back to detroit for a few.so we need to really get down to it and figure it out,other than that im flexable.DEVILUSH>>i MUST send you the money for shortcuts!!!!!im soo lazey.ill try tommorrow.i suck at mail.

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cinnamon, see the movie Breaking Away (1979).


Yeah, Devilush, this job is starting to suck pretty hard. They pay me real good, but it's becoming apparent that the money is not worth it anymore (not just because of the internet thing ... there's more that I don't want to talk about). I move to Houston at the begining of May, and I can't wait.

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that bike seems preety cool. i dunno though, for what it probbaly cost's yu could build the same thing (single speed hybrid mountain/road look) a lot cheaper...

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1. You don't need disc brakes for an urban assault bike.

2. I'm not a fan of Cannondale. I never have been. They design their bikes too much like motorcycles.

3. Novara (the bicycle company that is owned and manufactured by REI) makes a very similar bike called the Buzz that costs less, and looks almost identical.

4. It's your decision. If you like the Cannondale and are comfortable spending the money, then go for it. Don't buy something that "looks cool" if it's not comfortable to ride.

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Its an Inspector Gadget bike. Look at all those gadgets. Disc brakes, shock? Who needs that shit in a city? Simplicity is key. But that is just my opinion. I ride a track bike so my ride is as simple as it gets, the only gadget I have is a fender because its raining now, but as soon as it stops that fucker goes on the shelf.

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