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Thanks for the info on the Pearl Izumi booties. I own the Typhoon ones but when it's raining... water gets through. I bought these things called "Stormsocks" from a ski shop in hopes to keep my feet dry. Well, they do but my sweat doesn't escape. So I'm thinking about making them in to a base layer for my booties. That should keep my shoes and my feet dry. We'll see though.


Hesh... have you seen the new Velonews? The De Rosa in there is sweet! So is the Pinarillo Prince. Well, for ten grand it should be nice anyway. A Colnago with full Campy for only $1400? What's wrong with it...

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willy, don't think the thought hasn't crossed my mind. we'll see what the heser comes up w/.

joker, the colnago is about as mint as could be. the guy got it at cost (he does own the shop). hes just nice and not trying to make a buck off of somebody. maybe i can get that surgery where they cut an inch out my leg bones to make me shorter......

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right?you think you have trouble buying bikes,i usually buy the largest bike a manufacturer makes and most of the time its still a lil small,if its not to short in the legs its to cramped in in my torso/arms.i can usually get a decent fit with some adjustments to the bike but it is a bummer sometimes.and clothes,cycling clothes,forget it.



no i wont get that can of beans off of the top shelf!

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I’m glad to hear you finally ordered those tools, Hesh. If your bike turns out to be wrecked, you’ve got the perfect excuse to buy a new frame.


As for the height thing, I’m six foot nothing, so I don’t have too many problems finding bikes and clothes that fit well. I was watching this show on the Discovery channel this weekend about giants (tall people, not the bike company). Those guys have it bad. They showed pictures of this one guy that was like 8’11” or something. His shoe size was something like a 40. That’s about as long as my arm!

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bump...the time has come to get a helmet....sigh... bicycling is some hollywood money forreal. THE LAW's valuable brains need to be protected. city streets is no joke, especially now that it's dark out.

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sorry im just trilled about cyclocross








That's me in reston va.. i killed it i won the junior race and then did the B race afterwards and got 10th out of 50 riders. then last weekend i won juniors and got 3rd in the B race. sorry to brag but look for me at nationals im going to place well

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you know cinamon,thats just not how i picture cyclocross in my head,its a nice photo,but when i think of cyclocross i think...hell..frozen over and wet,with mud.i hate being cold,people here are geeked on cyclocross right now,but it doesnt get cold here,so it kinda confuses me in the head.i know it doesnt have to be cold and wet,but thats the stereotype i carry around with me of cyclocross.i did build a sweet bianci cross bike a few days ago,and it was super fun,turned really fast.i want one pretty bad!and also,way to go cinamon,crush those ninny's.i work with a semi pro mtn bike racer for trek,and whenever he goes to race i always say the same thing to him in support,well two things actually.so ill say them to you also,first..kill them all and let G.O.D. sort em out...second..i wish you success,i'd wish you luck but luck is for the unlucky.



oh yeah..get that helmet THE LAW...and keep it rubber side down.




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oh man. first of all, where's dlush?

secondly... damn cintoastcrunch. you go man....

it's just about sorted out with this bike. i'm geeked.

surly steamroller frame. phil woods, single side fixed, duraace track crankset... selle saddle. i basically threw down money wise. hot damn. do vittorias come in yellow? i think think somebody said that before but i can't find them anywhere.... i want some yellow tires man. i need them in fact.

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Oh hell yeah Cinnamon!! Nice flicks and all my best to you for the nationals! Reston, VA. hunh? That's where I started writing 16 years ago...


On the bike... I've been training very little this fall so far. Team rides started last weekend and I missed the first day. I made Sundays ride but had to head back home after 85 miles. My legs were aching after staying seated in all the hills we were doing. And after five hours in the saddle, and having not ridden very much... I was wiped out. I think I finally recoverd today. I'm thinking it's time for a energy drink whilst on the bike. Water isn't cutting it. I may have asked this question before, but what's in your water bottle for sustained energy?

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Joker, I think this was discussed a page or two back, but I like Cytomax (it’s very sweet) or watered-down Gatorade (it doesn’t really do much as far as recovery, but it tastes good). I know that Hesh likes the Red Bull.


TEARZ, I think Devilush is a moderator on HiFi now. The new bike sounds RAD.

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i just do the water. i couldn't imagine having redbull in the bottle. aside from being carbonated, that shit throws my heart rate through the roof.

speaking of my heart, did i mention to you fuys that about a month ago i was at the doctor for some routine checkup, and he told me i have a heart murmer (*sp). he wanted me to go get a chest echo, but i haven't done that yet. ever since he told me my mind has been fucked, like if i ride hard and start breathing heavy i get light headed and i get that "scared" feeling in my chest/throat. you know that pressure feeling. and to top it off i had stabbing pains in my right arm all day yesterday. i love how i've psyched myself into thinking im dieing...

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joker,im tellin ya,its all about revenge in the water bottle.try some and you wont be sorry!hesh,i have a minor heart murmor also,everyonce in a while my heart starts to pump like double time,its hard to explain,but its very fast and the beats are very quick.i become somewhat light headed and feel very fatigued durring it.it only last a couple minutes and its happened long enough that when it does happen i kinda just try to focus in on my heart and calm it down.it doesnt happen often but its a bother when it does.i dont sweat it,i dont believe its gonna hurt me and with it only happening very rarely,i dont think about it much.the first time i can remember it happening as an early teen i was freaked out though.

and hey.where is devilush???



stonecutters...lets roll

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oh man o man. i love this thread. it just keeps blossoming. bless you hesh for starting this baby, and i'd like to give a shout to all of my stonecutters out there.

i can't contain my excitement about the new bike, so i'm not gonna say anything i'm just gonna have pics up in a week or so.

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damn law, you sure tey're puncture flats coming throught the tire? ive had tuffy's for a whie now. not a puncture yet.....


bastrad w/ the new bike..grrrrrrrrr

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