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the NEW sketch thread


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Tune in next week for more ridiculous beef on 12 Oz... all stupid beef... all the time!


Actually, I agree. MiOne... no hate man. It's just not up to standard. I've been in your shoes and it's humbling but you need more practice.


Please go to the toy gallery. I think your concepts are on point and you can definitely draw but you're trying extensions and whatnot that do not work.


Your handies need help, and that's coming from someone who sucks at handies. In the past, I've had to go back to the lab, sit down and just

practice for hours on end before I made any progression, and when I say "hours on end" I mean for months. You've got all this loopy stuff

flying off the ends of your letters and it's not working towards the overall feel of your letters. Then there's no flow. It's like each letter is there

on its own. A piece should be cohesive. All the letters should feel right together.


Again, I say none of this out of hate or jealousy. It's just polite advice. You can take it or leave it. I think if you stay here, you're going to

be stuck with much harsher criticism then anything you've gotten thus far. You also run the risk of people anti-propping you until you get banned.



For all the talk just so you can see the level I was at last year:




And here's where I am this year:






INDICA: NICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... please post some finished shiznit.


SEV: Always on point.


well thank you for your advice....i will post back in a few months....thanks again for the pointers.


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Shit this just won't die...


Okay... look, on graff forums there will always be people better then you are, there will always be people worse then you, there will always be toys who think they are the man, there will always be cats working beyond their skill level, there will always be cats in it for the long haul with no skills or weak game, there will always be some good cats and there will always be someone you see getting props that you feel doesn't deserve it.


We can be cool about it or we can be dicks and assholes.


I just wonder why being an asshole is the direct route most people take. On the internet and graff galleries in general. And no... I'm not calling anyone specific out. Just everyone chill and post sketches in the sketch gallery for fuck's sake. Give your crit and be constructive. Hating on people is tired.


Art is subjective and better or worse, graff is an artform. There's competition but there's also artsy fartsiness and with both comes ego.


I feel ultimately the way to handle it is to be honest but nice. Beef is stupid, especially internet beef.


Don't get worked up about it, be humble and do your thing.


That's just my attitude and my two hundred cents.


Now excuse me... I gotta go do my thing, even if it sucks. Especially if it sucks.

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I can't believe any of you people would discount mi one cause his stuff is more simplistic. No where in this thread does it say the shit you post needs to be a particular way. His simple no overlapping shit on the last page is tougher than most the shit I see posted here. MPC alone has enough clout to have its members post in here. I hate all this crap about it doesn't fit this criteria so it doesn't belong here. Too be honest you want people like him and other old school heads postin in here so you can modify what kind of crap you are pumping out. I would rather stare at an old subway photo anyday that may have fuzzy lines and drips here and there then stare at some super polished msk stuff. Not saying that I don't respect where graff is going but you gotta respect where it came from. Shit to be honest I would rather have more flicks in here then anything. Same goes for pesk. He has certain things on lock and other things that need to be polished. So instead of talking all this shit provide constructive crits and not just I can burn you blah blah blah. Same goes for what he said about shit. Look at the MI one again. His letters are clean as fuck and they all make sense good spacing good flow all of the above. This is the internet talking shit and beefin on here makes you look like a child, be a man and stand up and maybe something constructive next time. Shit Mi one might even be the new school of mpc still either way his shit is simple but not weak in the least. saying his shit is weak is like saying blade is weak cause his shit was kinda sloppy and his letters didn't make a lot of sense to people. I hate this fucking future generations who are all ready to comment on shit and talk shit to people who probably have been pushing this culture longer than they have. Its a fucking sketch thread for you to get ideas out and put shit down maybe get some comments back that help you. telling people to go to the toy thread when you post up your fucking crap is stupid there are maybe 5 people that post in here that really have their blackbooks on some other level shit. Most of you can't put shit down that comes close to it. I am not naming names, but fuck I miss when these threads were full of people like hecs, this one, newkon, even dorkstar. i have been on this site for a long time changed my screen name only three times. Up until these last two years or so this shit helped people and put people onto shit and allowed them to grow as writers. Now its I don't like your shit look at my crap. I guess I should stop getting fade and readin this shit cause it makes me think that most of you bitches think the world of yourselves and can't see any value in anything that your puny brains didn't come up with. Back to the pipe and the herbs. I apologize in advance for anyone who reads this and starts getting all pissy like a bitch if you feel better about it talk shit to me and call me all sorts of shit cause to me this is the internet and i don't give a fuck.


Wow very well put and thank you for your kind words. i will say there are a few old school writters that i speak to all the time and they all told me that 12oz writters new school just dont see what we see. but i can take it on the jaw and in time bounch back. but i will never change just being old school writter that lived the life many wish they could have.

thanks everyone for the advice and the help

MI:ONE M.P.CREW For life



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empty can, you toy fuck, get the fuck out of here. mIONE is fucking garbage and needs to visit the toy thread, just like your shit. leave it to a fucking toy like empty can to talk like he knows shit but doesn't know anything. you don't even paint cause you'll get grounded if mommy catches you. you have no idea what good graff is, you don't paint, you're a fucking groupie. get the fuck out of here, and stop talking about this 'culture' like you're anywhere near a part of it.

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look dude, no offense to you or anything, but nobody on here is about to lie to you and tell you your shit's good when it's not. don't get all mad cause i told you that you don't belong here because you've more than likely started 'graff' within a month ago.


go figure your shit out, then get back at me.

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For real though eazy e/run dmc/other 80's rappers don't have flo like some of the newer heads on the mic but people don't hate on their shit because it's a little outdated.zannigen no beef but I've never seen any of your work. 15 min quickie white shot a load all over the whole thing on my last line. a2ffab6b.jpg

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like you said bro its the fucking internet why is he going to say hes someone he isnt thats fucking faggot ass bullshit! You should learn some respect for the people that paved the way and helped to make graffiti the way it is today. With out them the styles we have wouldnt be created because there would be no inspiration. Mione has been doing his thing for a long ass time and your probably some punk ass kid sitting behind a computer screen with his macho pants on. When you put in the years you deserve the respect weather your putting up mind blowing shit or not your putting in work and taking chances.

@mione you should keep posting up fuck what these haters have to say its great to see your graff

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mione has solid simple styles...ask anywhere...a solid simple burns shitty wildstyles....rocking simps is no indication of toy status at all.. even better dudes humble and seems to be taking all this bs talk gracefully...some of yall are seriously on a 12oz witchhunt.. and once again i bet yall would tell someone like Blade to go to the toy thread...


@decyphr how do u blend crayola markers like that...the effect is ill.

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Zennegen bitch please you know nothing about me and I sure as fuck don't live with my moms. Too be honest I am probably about 10 years your senior so I think you should not take the few things I have ever posted on here as a reflection of anything I have done. The giant retarded rant I had was pretty much directed at people like you. Fucking on the internet actin like you know shit about anyone on here. Punk ass little bitches trying to pull peoples cards over the internet just sad. I bet you have never had to fight for shit in your life. Now comes the typical "you don't know me" blah blah blah "I would fucking beat your ass" blah blah blah... Internet punks make me laugh. To everyone else contributing keep on keepin on...


Now zenne if you truly are a worth while decent individual and writer then I might be wrong about you. However from the things you have written I doubt you are that person. If I turn out to be wrong I would gladly discuss any aspect of this shit we all seem to care so much about. You should be able to tell by MI one style alone that he has been around the bend and back. Not many now-a-days have the balls to flex something that simplistic with all you guys going around talking shit cause it doesn't overlap or have a 3d. Shit writing that last part makes me crack up. Kids today think unless your shit looks like sofles, askew, or revok would do it then it isn't good enough. Not that any of those cats put out bad shit in the least, but I think you know what I am talking about if you are older than 20. I would take a felon character, mber freight, or TCI end to end anyday over some crazy out of control technical piece anyday. On top of that I would kill 1000 babies to have grown up in the heyday of it all in NYC. Back when you had to carry a weapon on you just to get back home from school without a hassle.

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On top of that I would kill 1000 babies to have grown up in the heyday of it all in NYC. Back when you had to carry a weapon on you just to get back home from school without a hassle.


wow, someones from the suburbs. youll be surprised to know that shit like this happens all over the place so dont be wishing that you had to go through this cause alot of people would kill to be in your shoes

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Shut the fuck up about the oldschool already!

Do you new jack fools know theres supposed to be letters under those crazy extensions and blobs you call pieces... YES LETTERS, I could look at some letters all day.


If i cant read it ,, most likely i wont like it.


Some fancy letters i call graff for the chitter.

















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