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the NEW sketch thread


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so you just sketch at home and post your shit on 12oz for internet daps?

if only cope2 could hear you now.

i find it ironic that most people feel the same way as you, or the other guy who made the "im only painting legal walls this year statement", yet those same people usually are the first to start bitching about how the graffiti scene has gone down the shitter.

"im not going to paint illegally cause some roof i did got buffed after two days"...

writers have been battling the buff for years, this is nothing new.

"writing" graffiti without painting illegally (as it was always intended) is like getting a handjob while you still have your jeans on.

think about it.


this is not a shot at anyones committment, nor their artistic talents...theres some real dope sketches on this thread. i understand people have lives outside of the scene, id just love to see some of these up on a wall where theyre not supposed to be.


this means paint some streets art fags! :lol: :lol:

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sayword, that's a dumbass thing to say. i think plenty of people here bomb, yet don't post it all online because its a stupid thing to do. And this thread is prcisely for people who know their shit (for a large part) and want to show off their work on paper. And if you don't bomb, and still wanna show off your paper work then it better be pretty damn good. simple as that i reckon.


i'm sure some people here rarely paint anything, let alone illegal shit... but fuck it you know?




anyway why am i even jumping into this. fuck it .






here's a skecth i did for a friend, his nickname is teton which means nipple in french...yea he has a real third nipple wierd shit if u ask me.



i want to love this piece so much but the bar ontop of the N makes it look like a K:o

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for real and it just gets buffed anyways, i rremember one of the last times i went on a mish, me and a krew mate did a whole roof, and 2 days later it was gone, just a big ass grey spot, hahaha


This statement is the epitome of vapid.


You've been "sketching" for under 4 years and have this little heart?

Kids like you are the vampires of graffiti.



EDIT* It's not exactly ironic that the people saying "I only draw cuz painting sux" are the ones who's shit clearly belong in the TOY threads.

Here's looking at you (pretty directly) Q666.

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alright al right all of you foos missed the whole topic or poitnt of he conversation, the statement "it just gets buffed anyways".. it does but thats why i was out there 6 nights a week and sometimes in the day time on the highway, i started about 96' but up until four years ago i had gotten hurt and dont really get spots, unless its a once in while drippy or marker tag, but like q666 i have a family, responcibilities, a career and dont feel the need to do it like in the past, none of you foos know the amount of work that me or the other writers have put in, my first burners were inspired by the great dondi RIP, so in end all you foos can eat a dick, big ups to q666 peace

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alright al right all of you foos missed the whole topic or poitnt of he conversation, the statement "it just gets buffed anyways".. it does but thats why i was out there 6 nights a week and sometimes in the day time on the highway, i started about 96' but up until four years ago i had gotten hurt and dont really get spots, unless its a once in while drippy or marker tag, but like q666 i have a family, responcibilities, a career and dont feel the need to do it like in the past, none of you foos know the amount of work that me or the other writers have put in, my first burners were inspired by the great dondi RIP, so in end all you foos can eat a dick, big ups to q666 peace


who hasnt been inspired by dondi in someway. and no ones saying go hit shit thats going to get you busted. i understand that you have alot at stake and shit. everyone does. BUT, that doesnt mean there arent hidden chill spots that people could give a fuck less about that you could easily paint. and it most likely wouldnt get buffed. not wanting to paint just means its not really in your heart.


i personally have alot at risk too. im on probation for numerous bullshit and i still go out and do my thing. im just smart about my shit and watch who i associate myself with. and i seem to be having no problems. as long as your not running your mouth in the streets about being hot shit and not being a complete fucking idiot when you go paint (like hitting daytime spots off the highway like an idiot.) then you should very rarely have run ins with the boys in blue.


to everyone who is stuck on paper get some cans and actually paint. its not graffiti if it never touches a wall.


to everyone who actually is gettin down and puttin in work. keep it up. stay true.

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i'm with you on those words G.


i'm the one who comented on your statement mr.ilovehaters, but i wasn't bitching at ya, just making a point for anybody who shared your opinion and yes everybody can understand people having a life, and not bombing. but not painting a legal piece, with just 3 or 4 colours from time to time or even once a month?...unthinkable.

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I don't agree.. Look at the sketches above, not one of the note sketches have the same structure. You always pretty much do the same, however..


I'd just like to see some different shit, I'm sure you're able to, so why don't you do it?



btw years, care for an exchange?

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