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my pen ink i made drips but not like it should it spreads apart (if u dont kno what i mean let me kno ill post a pic) can i add ne thing to make it not spread and drip normally


and if it didn't spread it stillsunk into the surface.

next time we make it we need less alcohol more ink.


does nayone know household chemicals to add to ink

to make it stain a little harder???

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are yall homies or somethng? "we"?


all i can tell you is leather dye, not the kiwi shit.


yea "we" are....anyways feibings(think it is spelled like that)

i checked it out cause i heard it was the best leather dye

but none of them are close anyone know where to get it at.

feibings or just leather dye???

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mate, experiment with it, man some people would be fucked without the internet to hold their hands.




If your question consists of:


I have [productX]. Is it any good?


You really shouldn't be asking.

You should be testing it.

The ability to try this shit out and test it is

an amazing freedom that you should forget.

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just go to any ol shoe repair shop and they sould have various brands of leather dyes i know angelous is pretty decent.

i know they sell them there, but i rack, and i cant be racking from some tiny ass store like that.

but i might just have to buy some...

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well arnt you cool.

thats why i get all the girls attention at our ice cream social!:cool: :lol:


i was bummin the other day and was walking to the train station. i see a lil brown thing on the ground with holes in it with flies all around. then i looked up...


WALNUTS! i found a fucking walnut tree. BUNCHES OF THEM! so im getting started on spoiling them for ink.

rogue had a suggestion for adding shit to it, but besides an alchohol based ink as a preservative.


you have any suggestions?

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thats why i get all the girls attention at our ice cream social!:cool: :lol:


i was bummin the other day and was walking to the train station. i see a lil brown thing on the ground with holes in it with flies all around...QUOTE]


a turd with bullet wounds? AHHAHAHAHA!!!!!:lol:









...no but seriously waht do u mean by spoiling walnuts?to make ink?...

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