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hey ima put all of u stupid asses straight


the nycmop is fucken down.

you guys say only 15 year old kids/losers and toys buy them huh?


do me a favor. go 2 the nycmop.com website and look for the dasher tagg


now go 2 http://www.montana-paint.com/frameset.html


click on WRITERTEAM, then look for a guy by the name DASH. click on his name and look at his pictures.

thats the same dash that bought the nyc mop... so you guys are saying that dash is a toy? DASH? a writer sponsored by montana, one of the most recognized, most respected and well known paint by writers all over the world.


fucken dick heads, get ur information straight before u start hating on that guys' product.

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i live in u.k and have no idea what half of these ingredients are , can some1 give me a recipe. I have access to grog, nero ,break fluid , paint thinner , spraypaint , linseed oil,



and would iodine help my ink stain?


I'm not going to call you a toy for asking cos i hate it when people strat to call people toys without a decent reason.


I also live in the UK, and had the same probelm. The guy above has said the good things but they're hard to get hold of. Mix inferno or corio, they are the toughest stainers. Put in a tad of nail polish remover, literally a few drops. Then add in a couple of drops of iodine. Add in about 5 drop of gentian violet. mix it all up. shake it around, make sure everythings together. Finally add in leather dye, from shoe shops (not clarks, more like shoe repair/ cobblers). mix that in. brilliant for train insides, the beige/ off white plastic they use for the inside is excellent for things to stain it :)


Tried and tested, it works!! ;)

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I'm not going to call you a toy for asking cos i hate it when people strat to call people toys without a decent reason.


I also live in the UK, and had the same probelm. The guy above has said the good things but they're hard to get hold of. Mix inferno or corio, they are the toughest stainers. Put in a tad of nail polish remover, literally a few drops. Then add in a couple of drops of iodine. Add in about 5 drop of gentian violet. mix it all up. shake it around, make sure everythings together. Finally add in leather dye, from shoe shops (not clarks, more like shoe repair/ cobblers). mix that in. brilliant for train insides, the beige/ off white plastic they use for the inside is excellent for things to stain it :)


Tried and tested, it works!! ;)


cheers for that , how much would gentian violet cost and also leather dye?

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so who actually has bought the NYC mop? i plan to buy one. but can some1 PM about it. and like how long it took to recieve the marker?


i had an nyc mop they are good but not worth the money , the nib is a bit too big a shoe polisher is ideal if you want the same effect. and also the lids on the nyc mops crack meaning messy pockets..

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Where to buy gentian violet and what is it, tried to find it on the net and couldn't even get what it was used for normally?! let alone where to buy it.

help me out.




on wikipedia it says somthin about it bein used in medical shit for athletes foot i think. its in liquid form in a pharmacy from what ive heard. so i tihnk youll have to boil it and with the crystals thats left put them in your marker

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not sure if this belongs here or in the paint mixing thread, but the paint mixing thread only has stuff on spray paint.

ive searched and couldnt find anything on it.

what can i add to a solvent based paint to make it stain more, and to put it in a mop???

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im trying to make some very drippy paint to use in mops, but here is my problem...i am using behr house paint i alot of thinner like 2/3 thinner 1/3 paint but the paint doesnt seem to be thin enough...is it the paint? will rusto work better?


use rusto.oil based shit for sure though

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not sure if this belongs here or in the paint mixing thread, but the paint mixing thread only has stuff on spray paint.

ive searched and couldnt find anything on it.

what can i add to a solvent based paint to make it stain more, and to put it in a mop???


help please???

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