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rubbish heap

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Just wondering.....why?


If you can talk about brake fluid why not the other thing...I will keep it on the down low...But, it is not like we are teaching each other how to kill someone....this is science ....it all is.

People are still going to use the stuff if we talk about it here or not...it is just better to have someone that has experience with it, to talk about how to use it, so that way it is used the right way. Otherwise, if a person has no idea what he is getting into, then he might get himself hurt.


I remember I asked a buddy of mine why he taught a kid how to shoot heroin. My buddy said the kid already had a habit by snorting heroin and if someone does not teach him how to use a needle. He is going to try to use one anyway.

So, being he is already going to use a needle regardless if he is shown or not. You might as well show him...that way he does it right and does not kill himself...Like shoot an air bubble in his vain, that will go to his brain...or put too much heroin in.

Same difference...No?


Kids are still going to use it anyway and because they have no idea what they are doing. They are at a risk of really hurting themselves...blinding themselves, burning themselves or an explosion can happen.

All because we kept our mouths shut.


I am sure anyone will agree on what I said.


But, I don't want to cause any problems on this board. So, I won't bring it up again.


Knowledge is power though.


In closing....to anyone that is thinking of trying it...Please don't. It will only make alot of problems for yourself...You might think you know what you are doing. But, you really don't know.

Especially if you are under 18 years of age...if your that young. You are still new at this.

Just stick with the kinds of inks I have been talking about and don't risk your life for a graffiti tag...it is not worth it....nothing is worth getting blind over or worse.

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Re: cheers for the reply


Originally posted by gush

omen two obviously you know your shit down to a T and i dont want ot waste your time but do you know if that marsh or garvey shit is avaliable in australia and also if i'm going to use leather dye do i dilute it into anythin or is it safe to use by itself???

cheers for ya time...


You are not wasting my time....I enjoy helping out the younger generation of writers. I was on an other forum and I had a lot to share. Everything I say you can bank on. I have no reason to lie. I was no all city king But, I am an old school New York City writer than know and bombed with famous writers. I was more of an inside writer than did just a few pieces on a few cars.

Being I had so much to say and most had not one thing to add when it came to graffiti. They went out of their way to call me a phony, they even called me a fag...How childish is that?

This is all because I took my time and wrote about the people I knew the things I know and I gave out very helpful hints on how to tag or bomb. I started getting tag teamed by a bunch of toys that only bombed the back of their local gas station in the hills where they live. It was at that point I decided to never come back to that forum ever again.


I have never told a lie about a dam thing...I am too old to play games. People can take what I have to say for anything it is worth.

It seems we don't have a bunch of child like toys on this forum. We have people that want to learn a thing or too about graffiti from a person who has been doing this 25 years. Omen is not what I used to tag. I am using Omen simply as a user name. When used my real name, some dudes said they never heard of me or they said I was not who I said I was.

It makes sense because I was writing well before most of these writers were born and most did not come from NYC.

A lot of them were ganging up on me...because they were the ones that were nobodies. They are the ones that nobody has ever heard of.

They are the ones that never wrote on a subway...or rode on a subway for that matter. They spent more time analyzing my posts than anything else.

I never bragged about anything I did...I only spoke the truth and I guess that was too much for them to handle. That forum had alot of members and I can safely say not one of them has been heard of by anyone in the real graff world, I never heard of one single person on that forum and they had the nerve to diss me? They were all toys and did not want to learn a fucking thing.


This forum has a bunch of mature people that want to exchange thoughts and ideas without calling each other fags.

I was told to come here by someone who respected me and I have not had any problems since.


Back to your question...They do not sell Garvey in stores. It is only sold in one place and that is from the garvey corporation in the US or maybe you will get lucky and find a container on ebay. I sell it because I get it by the case (pint containers of blue and violet) and I jack the price up on it so it almost pays for my own ink. People are willing to pay more for it because I hand it right to them. I sell a pint for 24 dollars and that is a fair price...they are not paying for shipping or they don't have to wait for it. They come to my house and give me the 24 bucks and I give them a pint of the best ink in the world. Nobody loses and everyone is happy....The only problem is I don't ship.


Your best bet is to get marsh and garvey off the net...ask your mother to charge it and give her the money. Also, don't do anything to it. Just use it as it comes. Doing things to it will just fuck it up.

As for leather dye just use it the way it comes...don't mess with the original components. If you can't get your hands on marsh or garvey. Use griffin, you can get that where they sell shoe products.

If you can't get any ink or dye...Just use spray paint


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keep in mind that he does live in australia and they have different brands down there.


as for the etch thing, i think it's combination of the fact that it heats up spots quicker due to the fact that it costs a lot more to replace a window than to buff a wall, that it's a felony as opposed to a misdemeanor to do even one etch tag in alot of areas, and the fact that it's dangerous and can fuck you up if you spill it anywhere on your skin.

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I guess you are right. Being I live in The Big Apple, a misdemeanor stays a misdemeanor, unless the damage exceeds $1,200. Then if the damage exceeds $1,200 it "could" be a felony arrest. Only to be pled back down to a misdemeanor .

The reason for this is because when we are dealing with a city of 10 million people. They don't have the bed space in their jails for low level crime.


But, if you go to rural states and counties I can see where it can become a big deal...a graff tag might even make the headlines in the news paper in some areas.

I sometimes forget that graff is world wide now. When I started it, it was mainly a NYC thing. It was unheard of anyplace outside of the city. Sure, you had people using spray paint in small towns with people writing Jimmy loves Patty or AC/DC rules. But, that is a far as it went. Then a few masters from NYC went to LA and other places around the states and the world. Movies were made, books were made about NY graffiti and nowadays you can find it on a farm in Idaho or even in Russia or China.


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Guest sneak

rubbish, ive got something to kick p.12 off with...

recently i went through a stage of fucking around. i ended up with a shoe scuff mop type container with a mixture of punch leather dye and some black fiebins (i picked that up in NYC for a joke). thing is, with a combination of 2 BLACK inks in there you wouldnt expect it to come out BLUE!


it could be the remnants of the blue shit in the original container, but surely after a few days constant use the black would come through...?

also, maybe its the dyes reacting together but when a noticable stain comes out its very pale and stars to bubble on the surface before fading within seconds....


any ideas?

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Guest sneak

yeh hovie, its really thin. i dont know why this is. both dyes seem to be relatively thick. i mean when i put the same mix into a pen it ended up clogging it in a way. now almost nothing comes out of the pen and if it does then its watery as fuck....

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Yeah kinda figured you weren't in the city because of the horse stuff.


EDIT: Anyone know anything about this stuff? All from www.monstercolors.com -


Ink Additive - Powder Form - Says nothing about whats in it, except they claim it will make your ink alot stronger.



Power Stain - Supposedly "unbuffable" stainer - Permanent on all surfaces - Again nothing about whats in it.



They have some cool stuff on the site check it out, I have yet to email the guy to see if they ship to the us :(

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Guest sneak
Originally posted by rubbish heap

sneak, the problem is probably that they didn't mix together right, or had some sort of reaction.


by the way, the nib was virgin was it not?


the nib in the mop was virgin, the pen wasnt.

life moves on, just get some purple corio, chuck it in a mop and off you go...

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Originally posted by chumbawumba

Yeah kinda figured you weren't in the city because of the horse stuff.


EDIT: Anyone know anything about this stuff? All from www.monstercolors.com -


Ink Additive - Powder Form - Says nothing about whats in it, except they claim it will make your ink alot stronger.



Power Stain - Supposedly "unbuffable" stainer - Permanent on all surfaces - Again nothing about whats in it.



They have some cool stuff on the site check it out, I have yet to email the guy to see if they ship to the us :(


Yeah, I've seen those before - just a small example of some of the great shit they have in Europe aside from their superior paints... Those "additives" are likely mixtures of methylene blue, gentian violet and who knows what else. I have no idea how the PowerStain is but I'd love to use it - only thing is , I'm almost positive they won't ship here - if they do , let me know.

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the grass is always greener on the other side, it seems :)


I'm from Sweden, and i've been drooling over some of the shit you've posted in this thread (garvey, marsh and fiebings - never seen that shit ard here). On the other hand you don't seem to have as high standards in markers as we do. I use Artline poster-markers for all my needs and i must say they're great. i personally wouldn't be cuaght dead using a pilot, considering the time and effort needed to refill those.


It would really be a great experience testing what you guys use. And i'd love to share my own experiences of how we do it in Sweden. :)

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time and effort? you unscrew the cap and pour some ink in. easypeasy. not to discredit what you say though, i personally dont dig pilots much. i prefer the zig glue pens and the facepaint markers. i jock the drips.

i also dont get how you folks can afford to drop so much cash on supplies. i can barely afford to rack griffin (and racking is free!). maybe im just some broke ass city kid. but shit....

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Originally posted by ziddax

the grass is always greener on the other side, it seems :)


I'm from Sweden, and i've been drooling over some of the shit you've posted in this thread (garvey, marsh and fiebings - never seen that shit ard here). On the other hand you don't seem to have as high standards in markers as we do. I use Artline poster-markers for all my needs and i must say they're great. i personally wouldn't be cuaght dead using a pilot, considering the time and effort needed to refill those.


It would really be a great experience testing what you guys use. And i'd love to share my own experiences of how we do it in Sweden. :)


Down for a trade of supplies? I would like to see how the stuff is down there, can you get Corio?

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Originally posted by ziddax

to get satisfying results with a pilot you have to let it "drip off". i'm too lazy for that ;)

Personally, i've never spent a cent (or a krona) for markers or ink. But If you have the cash, why not?

yeah. you do have to do the drip...its kinda fun, though. either way pilots aint for me.

i have absolutely no problem with people spending money on supplies. im just a broke ass kid and so are most of the kids i write with. except for some of them but they get taxed for their supplies anyway. it also sucks not wanting to pay for paint but having all the stores in the city be hip to graff heads. makes it even harder when you dont have the car to drive out to the 'burbs...

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Sure we could do some tradin'.


I don't get corio, 'cus it can't be racked. simple as that. Only sold in graffiti stores in Sweden.


I get alkej instead. it's pretty ok, drips as a motherfucker and is quite ok. Comes in bottles of one liter though, which makes it kinda hard to rack from time to time....


Sweden has some pretty strong enviromental-laws so all nice additives and even my favorite ink was outlawed in the mid 90. However you can still order it from germany or the UK. Never tried that though....

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Re: gentian violet


Originally posted by TeezerPHM

will the liquid version of gentian violet you get in pharmacies be good enough to make you ink stain more? also where could you find the powder form or where to find bigger bottles of the stuff?:confused:


Don't use the liquid type, all it will do is water down your ink. I guess you can't get the powder Gentian Violets in drug stores like I previously thought, after calling damn near every one in my smut town. I'm pretty sure the main place you can find it is at a science / chemistry store. Look in your phonebook for one...


And make sure you get the powder :crazy:

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Originally posted by chumbawumba

What store did you pick your additives up in?


I've been hunting for them like mad, first from pharmacies and than from the internet. It seems like there isn't any store on the internet that sells it that accepts money orders.


I'm looking into some local science type stores now but they're currently out of stock of the shit i want.

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