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New Hampshire (yes we paint here)....


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  • 2 weeks later...
over recent travelers i noticed some graff in Portsmouth. mostly west end of town. and pretty whack stuff really. I took shitty cell piece flix of it, and will post when i get aroundtuit. My question is, who is painting?! PHS's finest?! if WTR is a crew of writers, please tighten up your game. whilst still a toy in my metropolitan vicinity, you can King me on the seacoast. Today. wait for the flicks!


i saw that when i rolled through ports a month or so back dude that write mtr or minator or something,crushed Portsmouth but he sucks so bad, it looks like someone with downs syndrome painted it, saw some cool stuff by edi or something like that.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Sorry about neglecting to resize the Esko photo above, I knew I'd make at least one mistake somewhere.


The next few photos are of stuff from a group of people that came to Portsmouth, NH to do 'street art' as part of a museum exhibition. I don't know who most of them are but some of the stuff is kind of cool. I do know 'herakut' is akut and hera, a male/female team (from Germany I think). I would've like to see more letters, I've seen some Hera & Akut pieceson the internet that are pretty groovy if I do say so myself.


I labled one I didn't like 'streetartfaggotry.jpg', and I'd like to take a moment to apologize for that. Somebody obviously put a lot of work into it and just because I don't like it doesn't mean I need to hate. But anywayz, let us get back to the program;







Detail shot of above stencil-piece, pretty fine work IMO...









I think this is a dude named Case, not sure, but I do like it.








Herakut. I think thats Akut, the dude in the painting, they used that day's New York Times for him to hold which I thought was also groovalicious.



unknown. Again my apologies for the hateful image title...




three photographic end notes;



Best coffee in town. Try the 'Dancing Goats', delectable.



"Travel the Astral plane in a maroon Honda..!?"



One of the only O.Gs in New Hampshire (I know 'New Hampshire' and OG in the same sentence seems more than a tad-bit oxymoronic, but trust me, dude is the realous)




until next time, peace & love

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those freights remind me of of pen (not even a diss)


The only graffiti in nashua is the overpass at exit seven, which you cant see as you are driving too fast. The rest is garbage, i have lived there all my life. Perso seems to have som skills though

i feel you..im also and avid nashua local

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