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New Battle Shiznits:



Throwie Battle:


word- "EQUATE"

due- Tuesday Night




Piece Battle:


word- "MODULE"

due- Thursday Night




and once again, for all the newcomers-


if you dont like those words or u dont feel like doing the """ main """ battles,

go ahead and pick another word or challenge someone to a 1 on 1 or whatever.


i watch the thread a lot so i will keep track of whats going on and post stuff up for voting.



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I'm pretty sure that story is fabricated.


A dog would have slobbered all over it and the paper wouldn't look like it was balled up then torn or ripped around the edges...And I think dog slobber would probably cause the ink to run a little...Maybe her dog had a dry mouth when he chewed the paper, I mean that could happen. :rolleyes:


That's what common sense told me anyway, want me to introduce yall some time? :lol:

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His letters were better than every one elses in my opinion....I like yours and Q's too...But your R was almost non-existent, I really had to look for it, plus I wasn't feeling your connections. The fill was dope and I like your handstyle but that's not what I was voting on....Q's was good but I didn't like his S, so he didn't get the vote.


Hope that clears things up for you.

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yea i freestyle all my sh*t. never fuck wit pencil even though i think my sh*t will be better with the help of a pencil. but my opinion i thought his letters were weak and the only thing that made it look good was the character but this is a graff battle not a drawing one. and plus i like creativity and kats that can come up with there own style not something already invented.(old school new york type sh*t). graff comes in different ways and its up to you to create ur own style..props to Q, keepin secrets and thanks for clearing my thoughts mouth of war! stay up!! creativity is our talent!!!

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maybe you should fuks wit a pencil if you want niggas to vote for you...i jus do it to do it...who cares who wins a internet battle...as if it affects my life..if it really means something to you jsut come harder no need to complain

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did i say im the best. no u toy.. u cant read either. go back 2 skool. toy ass was on the toy battle thread yesterday and now thinks he can do it here with his joked ass piece. let me teach u somethin newbie, dont steal other peoples letters!!!u got my respect for that.. ur so creative i love that sh*t.. faggot stop talkin shit and pm me with ur whining.. this thread dont need this drama...i swear ur one of those KIDS that start writing and a month later they think their the shit..u make me laugh:lol: :lol: :lol:

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I'm sorry-hold up. Didn't we just go through something very similar to this current argument with Optick? From a third person standpoint, no one needs to be telling anyone to go back to school if their words aren't even all spelled correctly-or even spelled out for that matter. So someone likes, and sticks to, an Old School style. Big deal, right? There are no rules that say that all writers have to have their own style. I still don't understand why everyone gets all pissy about not getting voted for. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion-unless you live in Cuba. For the record, stating that you know that someone was on a toy thread would also mean that you were on the toy thread, too. I'm pretty sure a lot of us check out the toy thread from time to time. I think it's entertaining, honestly. For real though, everyone just needs to chill.

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can someone tell me why ur voting for cuze? what makes u choose him??:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


your R is fucking retarted, your other letters are like uhhhhhhhhhhh i dont know, funny looking and your 3d is shit.

your handstyles are nice though.

cuze's are more legible and more on the simpler side which i ten to like more.

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