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Canvas Thread

Harpo Marx

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I hate this thread now. Seriously, people need to work alot harder. If you are trying to do something other than graffiti lettering, throw the paint markers away and learn how to use a brush. Seriously. It not as hard as it sounds, and it will improve the way your painting looks 200 fold.

Stop it with the over spray. These things are al just little touches to enhance an already strong design and if you don't have a strong design, good idea, and or great execution skills, then just forget the whole thing and take a basic painting course. You will thank me later if you do, but I know most of you will just roll your eyes ans say, ""my friend sweat me when I do shit like that so I'm going to keep going on this bullshit road".


There are some exceptions. The good graffiti canvasses for one. Just, Rike, Zone....nd things of that nature, because they have the right context and are using well thought out mechanics, and I did see a few decent canvasses, but most of you guys are making careers of mediocre bullshit.

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finally got this back.

This for example, has promise. The trees are fresh. If there wasnt graffiti behind it, and instead just atmosphere painted in similar colors and shapes, it would detract less from the actuall trees. The letters back there compete far too much with the images in the foreground. However, this is better than 90% of the shit in this thread.

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Are you fucking kidding me with this?


Seriously people, get over the semi cute, semi simple over played character that is a rehash of every single simple character before it. You aren't TWIST, FELON, Flying Fortress, ANDRE or any of those guys. If you aren't going to add anything to the "simple little dude" thing, then knock it off and go take some figure drawing classes. They will help you. Seriously. It will make your simople stuff 10 times better instantly.

This thing look like ome 6th grader fumbled across wooster collctive's site and felt like drawing his version of it two week later when he forgot how most of that played un-thoughtfull shit looked.



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This for example, has promise. The trees are fresh. If there wasnt graffiti behind it, and instead just atmosphere painted in similar colors and shapes, it would detract less from the actuall trees. The letters back there compete far too much with the images in the foreground.





Well opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one.


Its a message board. Calm down.

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Are you fucking kidding me with this?


Seriously people, get over the semi cute, semi simple over played character that is a rehash of every single simple character before it. You aren't TWIST, FELON, Flying Fortress, ANDRE or any of those guys. If you aren't going to add anything to the "simple little dude" thing, then knock it off and go take some figure drawing classes. They will help you. Seriously. It will make your simople stuff 10 times better instantly.

This thing look like ome 6th grader fumbled across wooster collctive's site and felt like drawing his version of it two week later when he forgot how most of that played un-thoughtfull shit looked.




2nd that..

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KOH shares his work in thread as well ... its not like he is in here spouting off with nothing to back it up. Anyone too worried about his opinions needs to empty their diapers and work harder as he, along with plenty of others have said along the way.


I need to share some recent work, hope to hear some harsh opinions. I will try to post up tomorrow.

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Are you fucking kidding me with this?


Seriously people, get over the semi cute, semi simple over played character that is a rehash of every single simple character before it. You aren't TWIST, FELON, Flying Fortress, ANDRE or any of those guys. If you aren't going to add anything to the "simple little dude" thing, then knock it off and go take some figure drawing classes. They will help you. Seriously. It will make your simople stuff 10 times better instantly.

This thing look like ome 6th grader fumbled across wooster collctive's site and felt like drawing his version of it two week later when he forgot how most of that played un-thoughtfull shit looked.




i only read the first part but i wouldnt bring twist in as an example his shit was raw not just a little cartoon char.

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i only read the first part but i wouldnt bring twist in as an example his shit was raw not just a little cartoon char.


If you were around when Twist was first getting his shine on, it was more cutesy characters and screws than he does now. I believe it's very relevant to the situation in another situation because he has consistantly developed his work so as not to make it stagnant. Now some of you may not agree with that and might think he gets played here and there, but he is always working to get better and do newer shit.


That is the world of difference between doing some fucking retarded simple little dude, and really doing something.


And opinions are like assholes. Yes, everyone has them, however if i were you I'd listen to the opinions of people who have been working their respective asses off and developing, honing, and exibiting their art for more than ten years across the country.

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dope..hella fresh..


What country are you from that this is dope and hella fresh?

The letter forms are terrible, the reaper is badly drawn. The two parts don't complement each other in the slightest. It's a crap canvass. Kepp Working. Find the grindstone and shove your fucking nose against it.

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KOH....I totally respect what your saying and I can see what your saying with some of the art in here, but this is not just a thread for the experienced. Can you please post some of your work? I would really like to see what you're working with. No disrespect. Thanks.

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