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Canvas Thread

Harpo Marx

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me and a friend used spray paint to create a desert background for an art project. It turned out ok but because we needed ventelation we did it out doors and around dark we noticed lots of little white spots were showing up so we shined a flashlight down and noticed there were was at least 100 moths stuck to the paint. IT WAS A BITCH TO PICK THEM OFF. And the canvas started to get really heavy after a few thin layers of paint

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yo people i need some help info i just sprayed a background on a canvas how do peeps start thier peice? do you start with a pencil sketch then paint over it? or just go paint it???

i tried a pencil sketch and the pencil didnt show up. what the fuck do i do?????

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thanx ntfhdub for the info

and stunt double and destruction you two fags can go fuck yourself i dont do canvasas i only bomb like real writers should i just happen to come across a cheap ass canvas and thought way not.

toy sucka's sitting on computers allday so eat it bitch's.

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