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The Photography Thread


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Originally posted by suburbian bum

THose pictures of India are amazing. Thanks



Hey ESE, i have one of those land camera's too that I picked up at a garage sale. Can you still buy film for them? How well do they work?


the smaller one I was able to get film for (Its called "time-zero" film, and has sx-70 on the box if that helps you find it) but look as if the camera I got is damaged. I only get one corner of the film to develop, the rest is just brown. the larger fold up polaroid I think needs the peel apart type of film pack. I have my doubts about getting any film for it soon, but I havent researched it yet so dont count it out.

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Originally posted by MrChupacabra

Whats the word on the status of the pass around?


THIS IS THE WEEK! MARK MY WORDS! IT WILL BE MAILED OR I WILL BURST INTO FLAMES. Pilau Hands has it next, I'm going to email him the second after I finish this post to get his address.

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Guest imported_Tesseract

I have the exact same SX-70, i remember finding a gazillion of sites that helped me realised just how dope and fetish this camera is for lots of people...anyway, the film is that 'time-zero' ese mentioned. If you care for Polaroid photo Transfers, the sx-70/time zero film..is the best combo to do it.


I should post some flicks,

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CENTER ****CENTER FUCKER!·· 12oz Online Photo Scavenger Hunt ··


On 10.28.03 I'll be creating a thread that emulates 26 Things, an online photographic scavenger hunt. You can check out over 500 entries here.


Instead of 26, we here at 12oz will be posting 7 photos each (1 for each category) [hey, it's a start. If this proves popular, we can up the ante on a future occasion]. The categories that Kilo and I have agreed upon are as follows:

  1. non-artisic graffiti - [self-explanatory]
  2. perveract - [candid girlie shot]
  3. authority - [rules and regulations, authority figures or restrictions]
  4. play - [games, fun, laughter, what people do to relax]
  5. light - [natural or artificial, bright or dim, unique lighting]
  6. footwear - [what do feet wear? what goes on feet]
  7. funk - [once again, self-explanatory]


I know all of the categories won't prove popular with some, but let's go with these to start off. They're easy to work with and provide a mixture of what to take pictures of.


Rules and Regulations - [these are taken straight from the 26 Things site]

  • Film or digital (or both!) is fine.
  • New or old photographs are accepted - although most people have found it more challenging and fun to go out and take 26 new photographs for the project especially.
  • Basic editing (cropping etc.) is allowed. Your items are supposed to be photographs, not digital manipulations so don't go nuts in Photoshop.
  • Present your photos in any way you please that means you, coders!.



I'm posting this to give y'all a week's heads-up, as I hope a lot of people enter photos. The more people that do, the more fun it'll be. Show this post to those on 12oz you think might be interested in participating. And remember, on 10.28.03 I'll be creating that thread.

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Guest chicken bone




These are really good. Great use of composition and color on all of them. The serendipity of the 2nd photo is fantastic, especially against the backdrop of the 'walk' signal. The 1st and 3rd photo have a surreal vibe to them... Again, great use of color. Memory and emotion.


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that is so weird in all the photos i have ever seen or even taken i have never seen one with the same subject (taken in the same spot by two different ppl) that guy looks like the same one. its neat to see two photos of the same subject from two different angles

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