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  1. hey thanks for the helpvMainter, but i am not using it at school i am using it at home, i just can't access my school email, basically anything where i have to login it won't let me. I have been trying to figure it out but i can't if anyone knows of anything else to do please let me know!! thanks
  2. I can not get onto my school email or Gmail, or sign in on ebay with firefox or internet explorer. With firefox it says "the connection was refused when attempting to contact ...." and with internet explorer it just says the page cannot be displayed. If anyone has any idea how to help me with this i really would appreciate it.
  3. oneeightyone those are dope let me know about buying or trading for your work
  4. i have a question i asked in the dvd dubbing thread but think i will get a better response here, what is a good dvd burning program, and can anyone hook me up with a free copy of it, thanks for the help
  5. i just got one of the zig baby biggie glue pens and i can't get the top off how do i do it?
  6. there needs to be more pictures in here, everybody likes looking at different markers
  7. ways all dope! hit up the email if you're down for a trade
  8. AMAZING CLAY!!!!! what kind of camera do you have?
  9. so dope hecz, i wish i had a book like that
  10. definately dope! paid hit up my email if you're down to trade
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