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my two cents would be to bracket... and take notes like whoah when youre learning to bracket... i usually take one image set to where the light meter tells me things are all perfect... then another image at one f-stop higher, and another image at one f stop smaller... youll have three images to pick the best of... the light meter only reads the bright light in an image like the one you took above...

i take it you want more detail or depth in the shadows??? bracketing would probably help you in a situation like that... yea its more pictures and less overall difference in images per roll of film.. but after doing a few rolls like that youll learn a lot..


you can also bracket using the shutter speed.. but i usually do it as stated above..


get one of those little notepads and write down the settings you used for which number image you took... (unless youre using a digi like whoah)



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Thanks a lot, I'll need to do some research to figure out what you're talking about but I appreciate it. This is the first camera I've ever owned. I bought a Nikon FM10 on ebay about 6 months ago and didn't really start taking pictures until recently, so my knowledge on this subject is nil. Now I have some key words to look up.

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sorry man "f-stop" is the lil ring thing you can turn on the lense and the "shutter speed" is this


(hopefully the link will stay)


if you cant buy a basic book on photography research stuff at barnes and nobel when you have time... i do it a lot.. one photo book can teach you sooooo much..


aim : mcchriskills

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Originally posted by Æ°

I need advice


What should I have done to make this turn out right? Or what should I do in similar lighting situations in the future? I just figured out how to use the light meter, although not completely by the looks of it.

First off, i actually liked how you lit that photo so that the branches and such are really dark but if you're looking to make those have more light and detail what you would want to do in that situation is set the light meter so it is a little high. Because the camera is looking into the bright light it just reads that and by having the light meter a little higher it shouldn't over expose the shot, but should just make the brights even brighter and it should help bring some light/detail to the dark parts.


Bracketing is also a really good idea to get a feel for different situations and how you should light them. I still bracket shots every once in awhile if i really like that shot and i think it would turn out if i did it multiple ways. That way you get to see the shot with different lighting as opposed to just getting the roll developed and thinking, fuck, i should've had that a tad bit darker, it would've looked a ton better.

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...attention polaroid project crew...


the package has left me and is on its way

to steve austin... i insured the package like

i was supposed to.. i even asked the lady

(who was very nice) if there was some way

it could be shipped without being exposed

to too much heat... she said no that it would

only be in transit for like 2 days and it should

be fine..


im sorry i took so damn long.. i know i suck..

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jackpot today with garage sales and a thrift shop.

i got a 104 land camera.

kodak brownie holiday flash.. a little camera bag.

3 awesome records

a turntable, techniq with direct drive for 5 bucks

and my friend grabbed 2 joycams for 10 bucks

and some other random shit..

here's bush invading your living room.


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