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Northwest Superthread II(without crappy flicks)


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..it just needs to become more intelligent. Seattle is an anomoly in that its graffiti hasn't evolved like the graffiti of cities similar in size. there are several reasons, or excuses, for this, but the fact remains: it's not any better!


to encounter great graffiti in Seattle you have to find it. you have to look for it. in that heyday we all remember graffiti found you.



Bro...........for the sake of conversation........how much energy out of your life do you actually put into thinking about Seattle and the graffiti here? I mean.........hours out of the day? You can give me a ten year average per diem if you like.


You spend a lot of time talking about it and debating peoples views on some horribly toy bullshit at times. Why? No one cares. Since........whoever you are........you've been around for a minute.........I'd figure that you'd grow out of giving a flying fuck about putting insight and thought into articulating your newest theory on what's wrong with Seattle as a scene! Bottom line..........it sucks. The vets are done. The California writers had fun and went home. The train yards suck on average. Plenty of writers that ARE older and still around are fucking loser junky lames. I mean really.........it simply is what it is.

Hypothesis over. Move on. Fuck the future. You're not doing them any good by mysteriously/halfway educating them over the internet. You're making it easy for young kids to FRONT on what they didn't see and what they don't know. It needs to be like it used to be. Someone older than you schooled you in person and took you under their wing. Not clickityclackclacking on a keyboard to 12oz your way outta toy level douchebaggery!


I'm just saying.........give it a rest bro. You've done your thing. Stop pontificating SO GODDAMN HARD on such a fucking retarded subject. :o You're hurting my brain. Set up a class with these kids if that's what you're trying to do. No offense but sweet jesus you're killing me here!



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Why is it necessary to put someone down like that Asiq?


I know your work and have been looking at graffiti in this town since I was a kid.


It is a simple fact of life that many who have put in work in this town are not an inspiration in terms of who they became or what they did with their life.


I have been checking out this website for the past 10 or so years and from what I can tell the graffiti that talks to me is not even from this country, that being said there are 1466 pages devoted to the northwest scene and if someone wants to posit an opinion along with a bunch of photos I do not see any problem .

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I liked seeing GOSA stuff years ago.


I'm not trying to shove opinions on anyone. I'm just saying......."It is what it is."


Too much overanalyzing shit will drive a man insane!


Ever try to figure a woman out? "Are you mad? no? Ok then......would you say that you're kinda like half mad and maybe half sad with a side of "grumpy" thrown in?"


Who the fuck cares? She's being a bitch! A bitch is a bitch is a bitch.

If it sucks here..........then it sucks here! PotatO......PAtato........

Same shit.........different toilet bowl!!!!

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Why is it necessary to put someone down like that Asiq?


I know your work and have been looking at graffiti in this town since I was a kid.


It is a simple fact of life that many who have put in work in this town are not an inspiration in terms of who they became or what they did with their life.


I have been checking out this website for the past 10 or so years and from what I can tell the graffiti that talks to me is not even from this country, that being said there are 1466 pages devoted to the northwest scene and if someone wants to posit an opinion along with a bunch of photos I do not see any problem .


I'm not putting anyone down. I just said to please spare us the "Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handy...........and post some pictures. Graffiti is fun to me. Putting that much thought into something isn't. Not everything..........just shit as mindless as going out and writing graffiti.


That's great that you know my graffiti. I'm just another dude like everyone else and I TOO have been looking at graffiti since I was a wee tot! My point is that too much psycho-analyzation of such stupid shit is redundant.


If you're not a piece of shit washed up writer/loser........then let it be water off a ducks back homey. If the shoe don't fit..........then don't try to put it on.


This site is good, yes. I'm not knocking dudes opinion. I'm just saying that there's a difference between beating a dead horse and overstating how NOT DOPE Seattle is anymore..........and having a full on Aztec sacrificial ceremony with warpaint and outfits to throw the figurative carcas of the Seattle scene to the Graffiti Gods on a fucking forum. Come on homey...........go and read his posts!!!! It's all I fucking hear outta the guy.

If I want some serious shit to read on the internet.........I'll go to CNN and read about the fucking recession not the NW SuperThreadVol298!!!

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sooo many words. I didn't realize I was so controversial.


let's be fair, how long have you lived in Seattle?


I'm all about pictures, bro. or are you basing your opinion of me on the last 2 or 3 posts you've read. by the way, how many pictures have you posted? or do you save that for metal heads?

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There is nothing wrong with a little bit of nostalgia. In many threads on this website I have noticed a yearning for a time before the internet when toys did not have any tutorials to figuring out handstylses and so forth.


The simple fact of the matter is that when Mr. Disco talks about impact it is a reference to a time when bombing was not only a matter of style but also one of performance art. I can not remember the time or date of the interview or even which writer was being questioned but the amaze throw up on the crane was some next level shit at the time.


I do not think that it is a matter of skill but hold the idea that things have changed in a very simple way.


Fuck a couple days back Mr. Disco posted a photo of Bruno 2ZC that had been hacked. I remember reading about Bruno in the Seattle Times in the early 90's.

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Bro...........for the sake of conversation........how much energy out of your life do you actually put into thinking about Seattle and the graffiti here? I mean.........hours out of the day? You can give me a ten year average per diem if you like.


You spend a lot of time talking about it and debating peoples views on some horribly toy bullshit at times. Why? No one cares. Since........whoever you are........you've been around for a minute.........I'd figure that you'd grow out of giving a flying fuck about putting insight and thought into articulating your newest theory on what's wrong with Seattle as a scene! Bottom line..........it sucks. The vets are done. The California writers had fun and went home. The train yards suck on average. Plenty of writers that ARE older and still around are fucking loser junky lames. I mean really.........it simply is what it is.

Hypothesis over. Move on. Fuck the future. You're not doing them any good by mysteriously/halfway educating them over the internet. You're making it easy for young kids to FRONT on what they didn't see and what they don't know. It needs to be like it used to be. Someone older than you schooled you in person and took you under their wing. Not clickityclackclacking on a keyboard to 12oz your way outta toy level douchebaggery!


I'm just saying.........give it a rest bro. You've done your thing. Stop pontificating SO GODDAMN HARD on such a fucking retarded subject. :o You're hurting my brain. Set up a class with these kids if that's what you're trying to do. No offense but sweet jesus you're killing me here!




thats lame. bryso do ur thing that shit was hot in the 90's younger cats need 2 know and im sure the older cats like 2 be refreshed who cares if tits went back to where they came from .the fact is that hot shit still happens on occasion and kyt dtc thca btm 3A dvs hbf nok and other crews still put work in in the NW dont hate or be bitter on whare u come from if u didnt care u wouldnt be scopin flicks on 12oz

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ajar is a toy

i dont know about the rest of em

just saying the work in there needs work. like WHOA


hatin on ajar is old news who cares if he fucked up who cares if his style isnt what u want it 2 be and who cares if his ego is 2 big i can name 100 motha fuckas who have the same problems ajar is ok in my book

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